If I could go back in time and apologize to all of the horses I’ve harmed through ignorance, I would.
I would tell them that I truly did love them but my love was misguided. I had been taught to love them in the wrong way, in a way that hurt them.
I would tell them that I wish I could have given them more freedom. To have allowed for them to live a life of more abundance, one of a stability and consistency they could only dream of.
I would tell them how I would protect their right to friendships with other horses and do my darnedest to preserve the beautiful relationships they build.
I would show them how I’ve changed. How I’m not so quick to grab a harsher bit or a training gadget to get the instant gratification I so desired, at their expense. How I’ve embraced more lightness and softness.
I would tell them how much better I could listen to them now and how deeply regretful I am for ignoring their voice for so long.
I would tell them how sorry I am, how I’m reminded of the hurt I caused them any time I see a horse in active distress. Any time I see a horse living a shell of a life, confined to a stall with no other stimulation.
I would tell them how that brings me right back to all of the times I had caused them the same pain, while insisting it was for their best interest and that they loved their life.
But, I can’t do any of that.
So, instead, I do what I can now for the horses I have and I speak.
I speak and I speak, even if yelling into the abyss, in hopes that some people will hear me and make positive changes for their horses earlier than what I was able to.
I dedicate a huge portion of my time to thinking about where improvement is needed and vocalizing my belief in the potential for change.
I try, one spark at a time, to ignite an inferno of change, one that may eventually burn down a structure of belief that serves neither horse nor human.
I can’t go back and undo the hurt I caused, but hopefully, I can reduce harm in the present and work towards creating a better world alongside all of the others fighting the same fight.
If I could go back in time and reunite with the horses I’ve hurt, I would thank them for tolerating me and not bringing me harm, despite the harm I brought them.
I would express my eternal gratitude for their kindness and forgiveness
We could all learn a thing or two from horses.
They forgive us time and time again, even when we may not deserve it.
Their gentility and softness is something we should all aspire to have.
So, thank you to the horses I wronged.
I will spend my entire life trying to do better by them and hopefully one day, I can earn the forgiveness they gave so freely even though I didn’t deserve it.