We have a new litter that was born on 10/3 to Ivy and Reggie. Reggie is our Champion boy who has proven himself in the conformation ring as well as out in the field. That boy loves to retrieve and swim and all things bird related. Though given the choice, he'd prefer to just play with his ball- he's a little bit ball obsessed, but in a good way, that it keeps him happy and busy, not in a demanding us to throw it all day long kind of way - he's very good at self entertaining 🙂 I'm not sure I can express what an amazing dog Ivy is. She's gentle and kind, smart and loving. She's in your pocket without being annoying or clinging, just wants to hang out with us. Ivy is sired by an amazing Multi Specialty Show Grand Champion dog from Ohio who is also incredibly sweet and has several legs on his Junior Hunter title. Ivy's mom Bacca is sired by a dog who won the breed at Westminster and was the number 1 labrador in the nation for about 3 years. Bacca is retired from breeding but is currently working as a therapy dog in a Kindergarten/1st Grade school. She loves the littles and they adore her! I am anticipating some pretty amazing babies in this litter. They're already sturdy kids with great heads, and given the parentage, I can't imagine better, sweeter family members. I'm planning to keep at least one of the girls, but she does have some babies available, so please just let me know if you'd like to reserve one. They'll be ready to go home the weekend after Thanksgiving.