Part 1 - Dancer's story
Today seems like a great day to tell you about a good friend of mine. I don't often refer to client horses as good friends. We are buddies, or pals, or I'm coach or teacher. But, with Dancer, I think I am actually good friends.
I was first introduced to him in the indoor arena with a few wild child moments. Our second encounter included sparks flying and an honest concern for his handler on the ground as he impersonated a literal terrified obstinant kite. When his owner approached me for help I was not at all sure. Upon meeting him, his energy was completely off.
Lets pause here so I can explain that. Much of what I do with horses is really intuitive. I have learned to trust that when a horse just doesn't feel right, much like people putting off bad vibe, I should trust it. Even though I can't right away put my finger on why, ever horse I have had this feeling with has come back with a legitimate reason why.
So I started my work with Dancer on the ground and trying to peace together his story and find/understand where this weird energy was coming from. Fast forward a bit and the short story is, Dancer charged me a few times. Now my friend is no small dude. He is a tank, thick and strong and confident. He is an old show horse. Been there, done that type. One that understands the rules and also has been around the block enough to know their body. So I paused for a hot min and really thought about how far down this rabit hole I wanted to go and how equipped I was to a) manage, train, and keep my self safe and b) be respectful of the time and money being put into the horse and actually produce a result.
This time lead to a very candid conversation with his owner. I informed her that he was exhibiting dangerous behavior, we may need a cowboy, but also something was very wrong! I told her we needed to pivot and she immediately jumped onboard with my new pivot plan. Huge huge shout of to his mom!! She barely knew me, didn't know my training style, my business, or myself very well. I was still new to R&R and new to her. I came to her explaining that her wonder AA horse was no longer that, and that I personally felt we needed additional help. No owner wants to hear that.
We called my amazing vet Sara Perkins, who meticulously examined him looking for any cause. We called the wonderful Dr. Julie Page who upon her first exam almost got a chunk taken out of her. Another cadid converation later and we had a treatment plan.
Meds, chiro, chinese herbs, massage, cbd, reiki, saddle fit, bit check, xrays, and a month off.
When he came back to me I told his mom, "if we are going to do this, we have to do it my way." Which was ground work, loose in the round pen. She said, "i dont wanna know" because I think that style of training was unfamiliar, seemed out of control, and felt scary. She essentially said do what you need to.
My ground work in the round pen is actually designed to be a fun game, promote work ethic, give the horse space to make choices, and allow me to stay away and set boundaries. Its designed to be perfect release of pressure. It allows me to watch their body language and be meticulous about the pressure used. It is not designed to be cruel or to chase the horse into submission. Dancer isn't dumb. He failed day one. Day two, he said work was hard ill appease you. And so we continued. Until the day he played along and everything changed. That day he participated and actually had a conversation with me.
He then got excited to see me
He then let me on his back
He then told me I was safe up there
He then told me he wanted to do a little more
He then told me he needed a play day
He then told me he needed a day to do work with space cause he didnt wanna play and he was grumpy and not feeling like making good choices
He then told me he looked forward to rides
He then started working with his mom
He started working with his moms daughter
He started asking to work harder and was game for more direct conversation
He started looking for me, following me
And it continued
Until the other day when he came to his moms call for him in turnout and then he came to me the same the next day, almost trotting.
Pic of Dancer snuggles ❤️