Tonight we enjoyed Candlelight Concerts by Fever where the Cap City Quartet played Christmas carols and it was spectacular!!! We took Goat Dads mom for Christmas and we all had a great time!!!
Goat🐐 munchies are the best 🥰 And the only time it's acceptable to chew with your mouth open 🤭 This is the quietest the barn is ALL day. The first 10 minutes after bring in. Mangers are filled prior to them coming in. So they come in and act like they haven't eaten all day 🤣 Sound on for goat munchies 🥰
Goat dad has been down with Covid 🤒😷 We seriously can't catch a break!!!😭 If you're waiting on an order know we're running a little behind and please be patient. I don't like to make things when we're sick. All chores and things are on me so taking up my "making" time anyway. When one of us is down it makes it really hard🥺 We will get orders out and retail locations stocked as soon as possible.
Betty was laying under the hay manger when I let them out so she was covered in hay. Platinum was like ohhh look a table of hay and ate the hay right off her back 🤣
A whole new meaning to "busy bees" 🐝 😎
This never gets old! It feels magical when they all top that hill🐐🥰
Disbudding is the process of removing horn buds before they actually grow horns. It's not a pleasant process as it envolves burning around the base of where the horn would grow basically to the skull. They will scab over and in about 6 weeks or so that "cap" will fall off, hair will grow covering the area and you will not even be able to tell. Most farms do this at home themselves, should be done with in the first 7-10 days and the babies are awake. At this age you can't always feel thw horn bud. A lot of these babies end up with scurs (a incomplete developed horn growth and is generally not connected to the skull) it's more like a figure nail. Not all but I would say about 80% of our herd that was disbudded at a farm before coming to use have scurs. We have a lot of goats that came from a lot of different farms so we have a lot to compare. On our farm we chose to have it done by our vet, we wait till about 2 1/2 weeks, you can feel the horn bud, they are given just a little bit nitrus oxide gas so they are out for the process and they are given their first dose of CD&T at that time as well. We have still had a few scurs maybe 15%. If the process is done correctly even for the ones done at home themselves babies should be bouncing around within a few hours. We had the first 6 babies done this morning and they are bouncing around like nothing happened. You can see them very active in this video just taken and you can see thier burn marks. We realize this is an extra cost but one we personally feel is worth it🥰 We do a lot of care ourselves but we leave this task to the professionals.
What the buzz?!? It's 🐝🐝🐝day!!! We got new bees!!! Our bees all took off last fall when we brought in our last hive🥺 So we are starting new colonies. We'll still have honey because they are not starting from scratch as we preserved the frames over winter that are already pulled (comb is made) so they are just ready to get to work! We'll be installing these bees into their hives tomorrow.
Did anyone order baby goat popcorn 🤣 Fynn and Mables triplets.