Waiting on water refills is one of their favorite errands! #weekend #hteao #errands #sunshine #frenchie #crew #nopersonalspace #thatsok #furbaby #carride #freshair #openwindows #luften
Every single morning, despite the temperature, Penelope demands some front porch sunshine. #shegetsherway #sweetgirl #goodmorning #springisontheway #soon #routine #penelope #thequeen #sunshine #haveagoodday #furbaby #frenchie #thankful
Prime real estate 😂 #sunshine #nap #frenchies #sweet #snuggles #relax #breathe #takeamoment #furbaby #love #haveagoodday
The firemaker human is working from home today, and Ginger couldn’t be happier! #warmandcozy #snuggles #allday #fireplace #stayawhile #ginger #frenchie #furbaby #february #wednesday #mood
Penelope’s take on the Artic air is to have extra snuggles, and we’re onboard! #anythingshewants #firstlove #frenchie #queen #snuggles #tuesday #artic #coldfront #singledigits #texas #browneyedgirl
Happy Valentine’s Day from our cutest snaggletooth, Jasper! 💞 #happyvalentinesday #furbaby #love #frenchie #platinum #thoseearstho #friday #holiday #snuggle
Juniper’s little ear shadow! #goodmorning #haveagoodday #wednesday #juniper #merle #beauty #sweet #furbaby #shadow #sunshine
They are the sweetest sisters, we’re so glad it worked out that they stayed with us! #ginger #sage #sisters #ears #batpig #frenchie #snuggles #tuesday #nopersonalspace #perfect
Professional napping, in all situations. #jasper #nap #naptime #frenchie #platinum #squish #ginger #thursday #thankful #glimmer #littlethings
Our sweet rescue pup, Mabel, continues to be baffled by Jasper‘s strength, lol. #jasper #mabel #sweetpups #play #wednesday #rescuedog #family #furbabies #strong #frenchie #platinum
Ginger’s Zen state. 💞 #breathe #zen #relax #hugs #encouragement #lookforthegood #frenchie #ginger #furbaby
Awwww, our very first post on TikTok in 2020. 💞 #love #community #connection #education #friends #timeflies