Typically this page has not been a place to vent frustrations. However, today is one of those days. Recently we received a yelp review that I did not feel the need to respond to on yelp. I will however address this issue on our page. The claim was made that Dr, Sokhey used scare tactics and performed tests that were not necessary. The review stated that this clinic was NOT recommended for those reasons. I am going to elaborate on that rating.
First of all, when a patient presents to the clinic with a concern of excessive drinking and urination along with lethargy, it is our duty to perform diagnostics to determine the cause. The patient that presented was also a heartworm positive 4 year old dog that was receiving no flea, tick or heartworm prevention.
When our doctor works the case of any patient, he bases the diagnosis on presenting issues and makes a list of possible illnesses - called differentials. As he performs tests, he can either add to or eliminate differentials from that list and may add addtional testing. This is called being thorough NOT scare tactics. He has a moral duty to do what is in the best interest of finding resolution, treatment or supportive care for the patient. PERIOD!
Any client at any time can either refuse treatment or suggestions. We do NOT put a gun to anyone's head or twist people's arms to perform diagnostics. We simply suggest the best course of action and ultimately the patient's owner makes the final decision. We have worked with unlimited funding and those who have no choice but to use the conservative treatment protocol due to financial constraints. We have always had the utmost respect and have never passed judgement in either scenario.
It is extremely unfair to have that yelp review posted stating otherwise. It is hurtful and serves no purpose especially when the diagnostics were refused due to the owner "googling" everything in the room during the appoinment and stating that the tests were unnecessary. But the Dr. complied with what the owner thought was best. For that, the bad review?
We can only do as much as the client allows us to do. We cannot force treatment. WE ARE NOT HERE TO JUDGE - WE ARE HERE FOR OUR CLIENTS & PATIENTS AND WE WILL REMAIN HUMBLE!
Although we can't win everyone's hearts - we do our best and we suggest the best. Without those two factors, we would not be practicing medicine to the level in which we hope to.
Lastly, we understand the economy plays a huge factor in what people are able to afford these days. We have prided ourself in being competitive and constantly compare our pricing to the average in our area. We are proud to say that we do keep most of our pricing lower than the online pharmacies for medication s and strive to get rebates for our clients. The rest of the pricing is determined by the cost that we incur. Veterinary medicine has a very high overhead that the average person is not aware of. Please talk to us personally if you have a situation that we can assist you with. There are options for those that cannot afford treatment.
Thank for reading this. Have a great day!!!