Horses are athletes and it’s important to maintain good musculoskeletal health. Any muscle that is not working for the horse, is working against the horse... actively. Muscles contract and release. Whereas contraction is a generated process, release is not. When muscles tighten and cannot achieve full release, they remain tight and shortened, or contracted. This puts strain on the surrounding areas. Tight shoulders pass their inability to release to the digital flexors and tendons of the fore leg. This creates a dangerous scenario for the lower limbs. Tight muscles lead to spasm (knots) which leads to tears in the fibers. Here's where you start to see short choppy strides, refusals, and resistance in the horse, because it hurts- Most often, one pain killer or another is prescribed and administered to alleviate soreness. But this just addresses the symptom (pain), not the real issue (muscle fiber adherence that results in spasm), not to mention the inevitable side effects and loss of efficacy over time. If the underlying issue, the spasm, is not treated and eliminated, the horse will compensate by passing the problem to other muscle groups. By covering up minor problems, we end up creating major ones. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy can release tension, relieve stiffness and soreness, and reduce pain. The videos that I post of horses licking, chewing, and yawning are all indications that they are releasing said tension. Magna Wave has the ability to pe*****te 16 inches to access those deep muscles. Message me to find out more
732 423 7600
🗓️ Variety of price or package options for routine sessions.