I have lots of experience caring for Pets, through an Agency , Kennel Work and independent including foster cats and kittens, feral cats, rabbits and dogs including dog walking whatever time length preferred and or car rides to release energy , calm them down stimulation out of the house or just plain fun . I can stay in your home, or visit daily if that’s preferred , also have a part-time jobs t
hat are split which allows me down time to avoid you’re Pet being alone too long . If needed , allowed to have pets in my home and have a nice yard but must be crated at night and friendly with cats . I also have some experience with handling medications intravenously or using a pill shooter if needed and happy to bathe and or transport to grooming appointments or doggie daycare . If you’re looking for a reliable companion in Concord , Acton , Littleton , Harvard , Boxborough, Lancaster , Clinton , Bolton , Sudbury , Hudson , Marlborough and Maynard for you’re furry loved one feel free to contact me with provided contact information. If you’re further away then those those towns and want overnight Pet Care , try me it could potentially work if I have advance notice with my jobs .�