Azul Off Leash Heeling
Here is Azul at the end of the training walking through a busy store off leash. He did great ignoring all the people and only once or twice need a verbal reminder to ignore other things within the store. Great Job Azul!
Remy Down Stay
One of the major complaints Remy's owner had was that Remy would go crazy anytime he would see anything outside the windows like birds, squirrels, deer, or anything, it didnt matter. He would bark, pace, run around, and charging the windows. Here Remy is in a "down stay" in an area that he can see lots of birds just outside the window. As you can tell he is not calm and still not in the state of mind we would like him to be in, check out the dogs laying in the sun for what we are looking for, however he is making progress. For dogs like Remy which are high drive working dogs that are wired to work it is going to take time for him to understand in the house, when not working, he needs to relax. Our goals with the programs are to give the dogs as much skills and knowledge of what we want while they are with us then educate the owners so they can continue the progress once they are home.
Windsor Ignoring Paper
Here is a video that we sped up showing how far Windsor has come. Before any paper items such as Kleenex, paper towel, or toliet paper would have immediately been snatched up before it hit the ground. Here as you can see Windsor has learned not to touch paper products even though he had plenty of opportunity to pick it up. Good Boy Windsor!
Oakley Place with Guests Coming In
One of the most common complaints we at Prodigy Pups from clients, and probably other dog trainers as well, hear is that their dog is jumping on guest when they come over. With the holidays we had plenty of opportunity to practice with the dogs. The "place" command is one of things we teach dogs and this is one of many ways how we use it. In this case the place cot is away from the door which allows more room for guest to come in, take off their coats and shoes, and not have the dog in the way or jumping up to say "hi". Oakley did a great job of staying where she needed to be while everyone was coming in and getting settled.
Luna Come
Luna is about 6 months and lives on a number of acres and needed a solid recall off leash, even with distractions like wildlife. This is towards the end of her stay with us but as you can see Luna is doing great on coming when called and now is able to have off leash freedom.
Rio Come
One of the major concerns from Rio's owners was to be able to have a solid recall off leash with Rio. Rio knew the command but like many dogs as soon as there were any distractions the ears turned off. In this video Rio is working in a new wide open area with lots to see and do as well as another dog just off camera. As you can see she is doing great!
Murphy Reading Time
Murphy was previously in for the puppy board and train program and now came back for more work with higher level obedience as well as some specific goals the owner had for Murphy. Murphy's owner one day wants Murphy to be a therapy dog for a reading program for kids. Therefore one of the things we worked on with Murphy was laying next to kids as they were reading books. Murphy still being a puppy had to learn that laying next to the kids was not an invitation to start playing but instead was to be used as quiet time.
Bunker at Made in MN
Bunker like most boxers loves everyone but had the bad habit of jumping up to say "Hi", using his big body to rub up against you, and because of his size just being a little too pushy in his greetings of people, espeically kids or older adults. Here Bunker is working on being gentle at greeting an older lady who came up to visit him at the Made in MN event. Having him on the place bed in the down position helped ground him so he could learn that he was still going to get the attention he wanted but now in a more appropriate way.
Bernie Desensitizing to Gentle Leader
One of the goals for the owner was to be able to walk Bernie with a gentle leader and not have her scratch or bother it. Here Laine is working with Bernie on getting her used to putting her nose in it as well as walking around with it on. Through practice and over time Bernie will not only readily put it on but be looking forward to her daily walks after it is on.
Using the Doorbell for Potty Breaks
Here is a quick video of Tuk Tuk using the doorbell to let us know he had to go outside and potty. Both dogs were having accidents in the house and at times the owner didn't know who was doing what. So with a schedule and routine, close supervision, and teaching the dogs to ring a doorbell we were successfull at solving one of the problems the owners were having at home. Tuk Tuk learned very quickly how the doorbell worked while Raya never fully would use it. Raya did start signally her owners in other ways once she got home that she too had to go outside to potty partially by following Tuk Tuk's lead.
If you are in need of help with basic obedience and manners for your own dog please contact us at [email protected] or call at 320-316-3787.
Raya Off Leash Recall
Here is Raya towards the end of her stay working on off leash recalls. Raya loved being outside and playing however coming back in was sometimes a game of "catch me if you can" especially if there were large distractions around. The owner states that both dogs are doing well and now come when called.
Murphy Cart Confidence Building
Here is Murphy working on her cart confidence building at a local Fleet and Farm store. We try to make these adventures fun for the puppies as well as help them gain confidence while out in public. Murphy is a little bit higher drive than Thor and is super smart and only wants to work on her terms many times. Thus with a dog like Murphy we need to make these exercises funner than anything else around her which is why Laine needs to be so animated compared to Manda in the last video. Sometimes we need to up our game to get the pups in the game. 😉