Care Animal Clinic Lakeland

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Care Animal Clinic Lakeland At Care Animal Clinic, we provide top-notch care for dogs and cats. Our compassionate team is dedicated to offering personalized care for every pet.

From routine check-ups and surgery to boarding and grooming, we ensure your pet’s health and happiness. Welcome to Care Animal Clinic . Care Animal Clinic offers over 40 years of trained and experienced doctors and staff to give your pet the highest quality care at our state of the art medical and surgical facility. Wellness Focused - Client orientated - Striving for continual improvements to help

pets. Care Animal Clinic offers comprehensive medical and surgical care for dogs and cats of all life stages. We strive to provide complete care for our animal friends. We have put a lot of passion into making sure our procedures are the latest practices that ensure the best results for your Furry Friend. Every furry baby matters to us as if it was our own. Diagnostic based medicine, and a results oriented approach. Over 40 years of experience and a loving ,caring ,knowledgeable staff .Wellness Focused - Client orientated - Striving for continual improvements to help pets.

Ear mites are common in cats. Knowing how your cat can get ear mites and recognizing the signs will help you provide pro...

Ear mites are common in cats. Knowing how your cat can get ear mites and recognizing the signs will help you provide prompt treatment and avoid complications.

The typical signs of ear mite infestations in cats include:
😺Intense itchiness causing non-stop scratching of the ears
😺Head shaking
😺Inflamed outer ear (pinna)
😺Ears held flat against the head
😺Dark, gooey, foul-smelling wax and debris found at the entrance to the ear canal

Because the mites can be seen on other parts of the body, such as the neck, rump, and tail, cats may have signs of itchiness and rash in those locations. Signs can resemble those of a flea bite, food hypersensitivity, or environmental allergies. So, if your cat is suspected of having any of these, get them checked for ear mites as well.

📞 (863) 251-5887

👨🏻‍⚕️ Many times, I am asked how often should I bathe my dog?The answer lies in the coat and lifestyle of the pet. The s...

👨🏻‍⚕️ Many times, I am asked how often should I bathe my dog?
The answer lies in the coat and lifestyle of the pet. The super fluffy, double-coated, armchair residing Pomeranian who has never seen a bramble nor blade of grass has a very dense coat, and in health, is not an oily skinned breed. They might only need to be bathed every now and again just to be perfumed rather than cleansed. The short haired, sleek-coated, gregarious dog park champion, who rolls thrice daily in the dirt is safe to bathe daily. Be sure not to use human products, as they're too drying for the dog, and be sure to keep it out of their eyes.
Prefer to have a professional bathe your dog? We offer bathing and maintenance grooming services. Give us a call at (863) 251-5887 for more information!

If you have a medium or long-haired cat, it’s important to get them comfortable with regular grooming in a slow, positiv...

If you have a medium or long-haired cat, it’s important to get them comfortable with regular grooming in a slow, positive way. Whether you do some of their grooming at home or take your cat to a professional groomer depends on understanding the grooming process and how your cat responds to you. Regardless, there may be times when your cat has a serious mat, and you can’t get into the groomer or veterinarian right away to remove it. In those situations, if you feel comfortable, you can try and remove the mat yourself. Just remember, this can be scary and painful for your cat if you aren’t prepared and careful. There can be instances where you could accidently cut or hurt your cat when trying to remove these mats, so you should rely on trained professionals when possible.

Contact us today if you need help grooming your cats.
📞 (863) 251-5887

🤔My new puppy seems difficult to house train. What can I do?👨🏻‍⚕️Critical to your success in house training a puppy is c...

🤔My new puppy seems difficult to house train. What can I do?
👨🏻‍⚕️Critical to your success in house training a puppy is constant throughout the day and over several months. Puppies can be easily trained if given a schedule for success. This means that they go out at the same times every day of the week. If you like to sleep in on the weekends, then for the next several weeks you must give this up. As your puppy ages, he will be able to hold his urine for a little longer each week, 8 hours at 12 weeks of age. Another area to address is feeding schedules. Offer food at fixed times and expect young puppies to need to go potty 1-45 minutes after eating. When your puppy does use the bathroom outside, then praise them lavishly.

Have another question? Give us a call today at (863) 251-5887 or visit us online to schedule an appointment:

If you’re looking for ways to provide mental and physical enrichment for your cat, leash walks may be an option if you d...

If you’re looking for ways to provide mental and physical enrichment for your cat, leash walks may be an option if you do it safely. Even if it’s just a wander around the yard or hanging out on the patio, time outside with the security of a leash and harness allows your cat to use all their senses and expand their world. It’s vital to know how to get your cat comfortable on a harness and lead and, more importantly, determine if your cat would be up for such an adventure. It is also critical to be aware of potential dangers for your cat as they leash walk.

Lots of animals, whether they’re pets, strays, or wild critters, visit your yard. Protect your cat with proper vaccines and parasite prevention if they’re going to be going outside.

Leash training is a great way to allow your cat to explore the outdoors and enrich their lives. If your cat doesn’t feel comfortable wearing a harness and leash, catios are a great outdoor alternative. Whether your cat loves the great outdoors or prefers the luxury of staying inside, enrichment activities always let them live their best lives.

📞 (863) 251-5887

Heartworm preventions are considered basic at-home preventative and maintenance care for dogs whose owners live in state...

Heartworm preventions are considered basic at-home preventative and maintenance care for dogs whose owners live in states where mosquitoes also live. What is occasionally overlooked is that these monthly preventions also serve to prevent intestinal worms.
Imagine this: Doug, lovely pup, goes for a walk and steps in grass, then later he casually grooms paws because he is a fastidious type. His casual grooming leads to the ingestion of microscopic worm eggs. Those worm eggs are tough, resilient, and proliferative and they begin to change into adult forms. This developmental period is where many heartworm preventions act - preventing the adult forms from making an impact of our dogs.
Note: Roundworm eggs can live in soil up to 11 years, Hookworms can be maintained in soil for 3-5 yrs. These are not the only culprits dogs face but definitely are more common.

Contact us today for more information:
📞 (863) 251-5887

If you frequent dog parks, it's important to know that across the United States, 85% of dog parks and 20% of dogs were f...

If you frequent dog parks, it's important to know that across the United States, 85% of dog parks and 20% of dogs were found to have intestinal parasites. You and your dog are at risk of picking up diseases and parasites from the soil, water, and other dogs at dog parks. Such diseases and parasites that could potentially infect your dog at the dog park about include:

🐶Intestinal parasites: examples include hookworms, roundworms and whipworms
🐶Respiratory infections: examples include kennel cough (Bordetella) and canine influenza
🐶Other infectious diseases: Examples include parvovirus

To avoid or decrease the risk of your dog becoming infected, they must be fully vaccinated and current on their heartworm, flea, and tick prevention. Fully vaccinated for a dog park may mean your dog needs additional vaccines beyond the standard ones. Let your veterinarian know that your dog goes to a dog park and they will make sure your dog has vaccines such as Bordetella which causes Kennel Cough.

📞 (863) 251-5887

🤔Hypothetical Question: Does it matter what I feed my pets?👨🏻‍⚕️Advice: Yes, if you consider your dog or cat from three ...

🤔Hypothetical Question: Does it matter what I feed my pets?
👨🏻‍⚕️Advice: Yes, if you consider your dog or cat from three points of view: genetics, environment and nutrition. First consider their individual genetics. You cannot control genetically preprogrammed diseases from appearing- you may detect them early and slow the progression. Next consider that you can control their environment to a degree that in the sense that you provide shelter food and water and hopefully vaccination against deadly diseases. Finally, you can absolutely control what goes into an animal's mouth both in terms of quality and quantity.

Schedule your appointment today:

You may think your cat's whiskers don't serve many purposes, but they're actually finely tuned tools used for a variety ...

You may think your cat's whiskers don't serve many purposes, but they're actually finely tuned tools used for a variety of tasks, like sensing where to bite prey and gauging the width of a passage. You may also think your cat only has whiskers around the mouth. Would you be surprised to find out they have whiskers above their eyes and on their legs, too? Let's learn more about your cat's whiskers.

Your cat has various types of whiskers located in different areas:
😺Muzzle: These include the mystical whiskers on each side of the upper lip and the mandibular whiskers on the chin.
😺Above Each Eye: These are the superciliary whiskers.
😺On the Cheeks: Genal whiskers are toward the back of the cheeks, between the upper lip and eyes.
😺Back of the Front Legs at the Wrist: These hard-to-see whiskers are called carpal whiskers.

What are cat whiskers for, you ask? Cats use their whiskers for many things:
😺Detecting Changes in Air Currents: As air bounces off objects near your cat, their whiskers vibrate.
😺Determining Whether They Can Fit Through an Opening: Your cat's whiskers are as wide as their body. If the whiskers touch the sides of an opening, it's a clue for your cat that they might need to find a different route.
😺Communication: Your cat can adjust the position of their whiskers in relation to how they're feeling. For example, a relaxed cat's whiskers are slightly curved with some distance between each one. Stressed cats may press their whiskers back against their face. A cat in pain or discomfort may straighten and shift their whiskers forward with less distance between each one. Your veterinarian may use the position of your cat's whiskers to help diagnose pain.
😺Protecting Their Face: Because the whiskers are so sensitive, they act as an alarm if anything is approaching your cat's face.
😺Fine-Tuning Their Hunting Skills: Cats can't see well within about one foot of their faces. The movement of prey against their whiskers helps them determine how to grab onto the prey and where to land an effective kill bite.
😺Orientation: Cats can determine which way is up by the way gravity pulls on certain whiskers.
😺Navigation: Cats can see well in low light. But they don't see well in heavy darkness. They use those sensitive whiskers to help them get around in the dark.

📞 (863) 251-5887

🤔Hypothetical Question: I have a one-and-a-half-year dog that is vomiting and has diarrhea. Can I wait until next week t...

🤔Hypothetical Question: I have a one-and-a-half-year dog that is vomiting and has diarrhea. Can I wait until next week to bring her in?

👨🏻‍⚕️Advice: No. In general, if your pet is not feeling well and is vomiting or has diarrhea, she should see a veterinarian. Vomiting and diarrhea are associated with a host of problems and the combination is collectively called gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis can be a result of something as simple as dietary indiscretion or cause serious fluid losses and electrolyte imbalances – dehydration. If prolonged, it can lead to shock, which will ultimately involve the entire cardiovascular system and if untreated will result in the death of your pet.

📞 (863) 251-5887

Acne can affect people of all ages, but did you know that cats can have acne, too? Cats sometimes get a condition known ...

Acne can affect people of all ages, but did you know that cats can have acne, too? Cats sometimes get a condition known as chin acne. It’s helpful to know the signs so you can talk to your veterinarian right away if you suspect your cat may have it.

The typical presentation is little black dots on the chin or around the upper and/or lower lip edges. The black dots are known as comedones or blackheads. Their general appearance is bumpy or crusty and can look like specs of dirt. This is why many think their cat’s chin is just dirty when they actually have chin acne. The skin can be raised and bumpy or appear swollen and red. Additionally, the fur may be missing or thinning.

Your veterinarian may shave the fur on and around the chin acne to make cleaning the area and topical treatment easier. Topical therapies include antiseptics, anti-inflammatory medications, and preparations to treat bacterial and yeast infections if a skin infection in present. Oral and injectable medications may be necessary for more significantly affected cats.

It’s important that any underlying conditions, especially allergies, be treated and managed for the chin acne to heal. It’s important to note that feline acne is usually a chronic disease so additional outbreaks may occur. If your cat has re-occurring chin acne, your veterinarian will develop the most effective treatment plan to help get your cat some relief.

📞 (863) 251-5887

Eyes have a limited reaction pattern to problems or conditions. Luckily many eye issues and diseases can be well defined...

Eyes have a limited reaction pattern to problems or conditions. Luckily many eye issues and diseases can be well defined by simple tests.
There is a battery of tests that define the standard of care for ophthalmic issues. A fluorescein stain, Schirmer tear test, and tonometry can establish a thorough diagnosis and treatment plans.
Each test is an important measure of corneal health, ocular pressure and effective tear film. For any "red' eye" this should be any veterinarians minimum database for diagnostics.
The common eye issues are corneal ulcer/abrasion, keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes), and glaucoma.
Concerned about your dog’s eyes? Give us a call today at (863) 251-5887 or visit us online to schedule an appointment:

Roundworms are one of the most common parasites in dogs. In fact, nearly all puppies in the United States are born infec...

Roundworms are one of the most common parasites in dogs. In fact, nearly all puppies in the United States are born infected with roundworms1. That doesn’t mean roundworms are harmless though. Roundworms can infect dogs of any age, leading to malnutrition if not treated. Dogs infected with roundworm may show signs.

Symptoms of Roundworms in Dogs
🐶Swelling of the belly
🐶Dull or scruffy hair
🐶Difficulty gaining weight
🐶Stunted growth
🐶Cough from worms passing through the lungs
🐶Possible vomiting or diarrhea, occasionally with worms in it
🐶Dogs can get intestinal blockages due to a large number of worms and severe infections may cause death in young puppies.

Concerned about roundworms in your dog? Contact us today:
📞 (863) 251-5887

Flea season! Well, it never really went away to be clear. Fleas can proliferate and exist in Florida’s climate year roun...

Flea season! Well, it never really went away to be clear. Fleas can proliferate and exist in Florida’s climate year round. The little beasties have an extremely long history, and thus far, the human race has not managed to eradicate them. Current estimates suggest that 33% of all dogs and cats have an intense allergic reaction to one single flea bite. Scooting bottoms, licking about the tail and a**s, gnawing at the groin are reasonable suggestions that flea allergy is at play with your pet. Thankfully there are some decent oral medicines that are made this century to help reduce your pet's exposures.

📞 (863) 251-5887

This holiday season, we’re filled with gratitude for our amazing customers, friends, and community. Thank you for making...

This holiday season, we’re filled with gratitude for our amazing customers, friends, and community. Thank you for making 2024 so special! Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

📞 (863) 251-5887

🤔Why should I have my dog vaccinated every single year?👨🏻‍⚕️The reason dogs and cats are vaccinated every year is to re-...

🤔Why should I have my dog vaccinated every single year?
👨🏻‍⚕️The reason dogs and cats are vaccinated every year is to re-stimulate their immune system to certain diseases. There is evidence that there is immunity from last year, measured as a titer, still circulated in the bloodstream but there is no definite proof that this immunity is still functional. Which simply means protection from specific diseases is not as secure as when we booster. The diseases that our dogs are typically vaccinated against are, in the least, severely debilitating if not deadly. As we have seen with the reoccurrence of smallpox and measles in people, we recognize that certain diseases are able to have outbreaks and pose serious medical problems. As in any vaccination protocol, the decision to give a booster is made with a risk-reward point of view. For example, three-year rabies is for the infrequently exposed pet like the house cat.
Schedule your appointment today:

Looking to spruce up your backyard, but not sure what plants are safe for your dogs? The plants listed below are conside...

Looking to spruce up your backyard, but not sure what plants are safe for your dogs? The plants listed below are considered safe for dogs. This means they are not expected to cause life-threatening issues for your dog.
🐶Black Haw
🐶Coral Bells
🐶Feather Palm
🐶Moss Phlox
If you think your pet has ingested something harmful, contact us right away!
📞 (863) 251-5887

🤔Hypothetical Question: I keep seeing little whitish rice things in my dogs stool. Now my other dog has them too. Do you...

🤔Hypothetical Question: I keep seeing little whitish rice things in my dogs stool. Now my other dog has them too. Do you have any idea what this could be?
👨🏻‍⚕️Advice: You are seeing tapeworm segments. Dogs and cats get tapeworm from eating fleas. Adult tapeworms live attached to the lining of the small intestines and can be 6 or more inches long. The adult worm grows and produces tail segments which contain eggs. Segments are passed in the stool and immature fleas indiscriminately eat the worms eggs. When the flea matures and is swallowed by your pet, its body is digested away - freeing the young worm. From ingestion of the flea to when segments appear in stool in 3 weeks. Control fleas and you can control tapeworms.
Schedule your appointment today.
📞 (863) 251-5887


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Monday 07:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 07:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 07:30 - 12:30
Thursday 07:30 - 17:30
Friday 07:30 - 17:30
Saturday 08:00 - 12:30


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Our Story

Care Animal Clinic offers over 40 years of trained and experienced doctors and staff to give your pet the highest-quality care in our state-of-the-art medical and surgical facility. Care Animal Clinic offers comprehensive medical and surgical care for dogs and cats of all life stages. We strive to provide complete care for our animal friends. We have put a lot of passion into making sure our procedures are the latest practices that ensure the best results for your furry friend. Every furry baby matters to us as if it was our own. Diagnostic based medicine and a results-oriented approach.