Ear mites are common in cats. Knowing how your cat can get ear mites and recognizing the signs will help you provide prompt treatment and avoid complications.
The typical signs of ear mite infestations in cats include:
😺Intense itchiness causing non-stop scratching of the ears
😺Head shaking
😺Inflamed outer ear (pinna)
😺Ears held flat against the head
😺Dark, gooey, foul-smelling wax and debris found at the entrance to the ear canal
Because the mites can be seen on other parts of the body, such as the neck, rump, and tail, cats may have signs of itchiness and rash in those locations. Signs can resemble those of a flea bite, food hypersensitivity, or environmental allergies. So, if your cat is suspected of having any of these, get them checked for ear mites as well.
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