Little Oliver Foundation Inc

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Little Oliver Foundation Inc The Little Oliver Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity organization dedicated to helping animals who have been victims of abuse and neglect.

The Little Oliver Foundation is a charity organization dedicated to helping animals who have been victims of abuse and neglect. It was founded by Taunya Damon in 2016 when she was inspired by her own dog, Oliver, who was a victim of abuse and neglect by his previous owner. Taunya was also inspired by the story of Libre, the Boston Terrier puppy found in the dirt, left to die at a puppy mill until

compassionate people stepped in and saved him. In both cases, the recommendation was euthanasia, but in both cases they were given a second chance and are now thriving, happy pups! It is our mission to aid in the recovery and/or rehabilitation of animals who have been the victim of abuse and/or neglect through donations of supplies, providing relief of medical costs and/or rehabilitation fees, and other means deemed appropriate by the Foundation. No animal should ever suffer through what Oliver and Libre went through, but as long as there are caring people out there that are willing to give these animals a second chance at a happy and healthy life, then we will be there to help them with that journey. Oliver's Story: Oliver was found tied to a bench in the city and left to die. Luckily a good Samaritan found him and brought him into the local emergency animal clinic. When Oliver arrived he was unable to walk and having seizures. His body condition was poor and his hair was thin. The recommendation by the emergency doctors was initially to euthanize, but luckily they made the decision to give him the night on fluids and medication to see if there was any improvement. The prognosis was poor, but Oliver was a fighter and showed small signs of improvement so the doctors continued care. Oliver was hospitalized for a month before he was stable and walking well enough to be adopted out, but unfortunately due to his medical needs and seizures he was not a good adoption candidate. Taunya happened to work at the emergency hospital and fell in love with Oliver. She vowed to raise the money to get all the care and diagnostics needed for Oliver to live a happy, healthy life. After the diagnostics were done it was determined that Oliver had suffered from head trauma, causing fluid build-up on the brain which was the cause of his seizures. He also had a nuclear med procedure and a liver biopsy due to liver issues. Doctors feared he might have a liver shunt, but after the diagnostics it was found that his liver issues were most likely caused by malnutrition and poor care, but these issues have since corrected themselves with proper nutrition and care. Oliver's head injury has healed now and he no longer has to take seizure medication. He also was treated for a demodex overgrowth and skin infection which has since been resolved and he's now growing his hair back in the places where he once had none. Due to the diligent care of the doctors and the unwavering devotion of his new mom, Oliver is a happy, thriving puppy.


Good Evening Pack
At 7:55pm tonight I was guided to the entrance of The Rainbow Bridge.
I haven’t crossed yet because I have been sitting out here thinking about how was going
tell all of you.

First of all the decision was right and I was ready.

I lived the best life and am so happy with what we have done with Juno’s Place, which brings me to my next statement…..
Juno’s Place will always be Juno’s Place and my family will be stepping in and taking on some of my responsibilities… They know the assignment.

So I hope you all stick around to see what happens next..
I hope it’s not a dumpster fire
Anyway… I am sure it will be ok!

Tonight we celebrate my mere fifteenth years here and just remember, I truly appreciate all of you.
You are my pack, my friends and my extended family.
We had good times, sad times, great times, sadder times and some pretty downright amazing times and we did it all together.

I can ask you not to cry
I can tell you that I am ok
I can tell you I will be overseeing things when I can and am allowed.
I can tell you I love you all and always have… I told you with every goodnight post.

I am going to have to get going now
They are throwing a party in my honor at The Bridge tonight.
And I thought it was knew celebrities on earth!!!
You should see the ones up here…
Spike Taylor, Emmitt, Noodle the disabled dachshund, Buddy
Twinki Gurl, Wyatt, Olivers’s Clubhouse, Emma from My GBGV life, Maddison Mission, Snarf, Pixel Blue Eyes, Destiny from Destiny the Pibble, Baxter from Baxter Wag and Roll, Gabe to the Rescue,Glady’s glorious angelbull, Mojo, Dozer, CC Rider, Tucker, Noel the Alaskan Chihuahua, Oogy the former bait dog, Puppy Doe, Piper the one eyed painting bulldog, Dracco, and so many others.
My pack is here to of course…
I can see Axel running in circles and repeating “I too love Juno.”

So I leave you all tonight knowing that you loved me and please know that I love you too.
I will be around don’t worry!

I really gotta go my party is waiting….

**** Starts to walk away and turns around for one more glimpse at everyone… Gives little Juno smile … looks back to the bridge and starts running.. Right up and over the bridge she goes …. And slams the door on the other side.”


It seems so obvious doesn't it, "Some Dogs Need Space". Why does your dog need space?

Fab drawing by Doggie Drawings by Lili Chin

Happy Holidays everyone! May it be joyous and filled with and love! ❤️ ~ Oliver

Happy Holidays everyone! May it be joyous and filled with and love! ❤️ ~ Oliver


As everyone prepares to celebrate Mother’s day, we would like to share our list of pet-safe flowers so mom, and her pets, can both enjoy the bouquet!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We got a happy update on Tasha…she has healed well and will be spayed soon so s...

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We got a happy update on Tasha…she has healed well and will be spayed soon so she can find her forever home! Best Christmas present ever! Thank you again for those who donated toward her care!

UPDATE: Tasha underwent surgery to close the horrific wound and so far everything is looking good! We have sent in all t...

UPDATE: Tasha underwent surgery to close the horrific wound and so far everything is looking good! We have sent in all the money raised so far towards Tasha’s medical bill…thank you to everyone who donated so far, we can’t help these pups without you! Tasha is also extremely grateful for everyone who stepped up to help her!

WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTOS!! These photos are not for the faint of heart so please consider this before viewing anything be...

WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTOS!! These photos are not for the faint of heart so please consider this before viewing anything beyond the first photo. Little Oliver Foundation will be sponsoring Tasha to help with the mounting medical bills, so any donation, no matter how small is greatly appreciated. Let's rally together to get Tasha better! Donations can be made here:

This is poor Tasha, who was surrendered to Project Precious Rescue, Inc. after she was brought to the ER with this horrific injury and the owners were unable to pay for her care. The children in the home had put a hair tie around Tasha's neck and the owners apparently did not notice it until the hair tie had almost gone completely through the neck. It is unknown how long the hair tie was there, but due to the extent of the injury and the necrotic tissue that had to be removed, it can be determined that it went untreated for quite some time. Tasha's bills include sedated bandage changes for at least 1 week ($400/day) and when the tissue looks healthy enough she will require surgery to close the wound (estimated cost $2200-$2800).

Thank you to all our supporters...without you we could not sponsor dogs like Tasha to help them get the care that they need! If everyone could please share so we can reach as many people as possible that would be amazing!


As a season of gathering is upon us during which an abundance of rich foods will fill our homes, Board Certified Veterinary Nutritionists® at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University share advice on what you should and should not feed your dogs.

• Rich, fatty foods like turkey skin or meats/vegetables cooked in oil, which can cause vomiting or pancreatitis.
• Meat with bones, fatty meats, and too much meat.
• Chocolate, which can be toxic, causing everything from GI upset and tremors, to seizures and potentially death.
• Xylitol sugar substitute, which is extremely toxic to dogs and can cause severe, very low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and/or severe liver failure and even death.
• Meat with bones, which can cause an obstruction in the intestines.
• Raisins/Grapes, which can cause kidney failure/kidney disease in dogs.
• Garlic and onion, which can cause blood problems.
• Macadamia nuts, which can cause weakness in the back legs, vomiting and diarrhea.

Some dogs have sensitive stomachs and shouldn’t have any sudden changes in food that might result in vomiting or loose stools. If your dog doesn’t have any medical conditions, they can have up to 10% of their daily calories from treats (including some human foods).
• White meat turkey breast (40 calories per ounce).
• Washed vegetables, except garlic and onions.
• Washed baby carrots, cooked and raw (plain, 4-5 calories each).
• Washed green beans, cooked and raw (plain, 2 calories each).
• Sweet potatoes, cooked.
• Apples (chopped and plain, no core, 30 calories in four ounces).
• Pumpkin (plain).
• Banana.
• Oranges.
• Strawberries and blueberries.
• Melon.

• Make sure to fasten all waste receptacles—dogs can be experts at getting into places/things they aren’t supposed to.
• Talk with visiting family members about what your dogs can and can’t have, especially young children.

If your dog has any medical issues, please talk to your veterinarian about what treats are safe for your dog.

If you suspect your dog has potential toxicity from ingesting a food item of concern, call your veterinarian or ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.

[image shows pictures of leaves and pumpkins]

Recall notice

Recall notice

The latest dog food recall comes from Fromm Family Foods, though it doesn’t have anything to do with the salmonella or aflatoxin that was behind numerous recalls earlier this year. This time …

Thanks to everyone who came out to say hi today at Pet Rock…We appreciate all the support! We got to meet so many great ...

Thanks to everyone who came out to say hi today at Pet Rock…We appreciate all the support! We got to meet so many great dogs and people and we look forward to doing it again next year. It was also great to hang with our friends from Juno's Place, Sweetpea Friends of Rutland Animals, Paws 4 A Cure, Massachusetts Vest-A-Dog and so many other great organizations.

Tomorrow is the big day! Pet Rock Festival goes from 12-5pm and will be tons of fun! Come by and say hi, meet Oliver and...

Tomorrow is the big day! Pet Rock Festival goes from 12-5pm and will be tons of fun! Come by and say hi, meet Oliver and be a part of an amazing festival! Our friends Juno's Place and Sweetpea Friends of Rutland Animals will be there as well, along with many other wonderful organizations! Come join the fun!

UPDATE: unfortunately Nala has been found deceased. Criminal and civil charges will be pursued by the rescue. The monste...

UPDATE: unfortunately Nala has been found deceased. Criminal and civil charges will be pursued by the rescue. The monsters who did this must answer for what they did to this poor girl. To stay updated on this case please follow the rescue page below.

Please share and keep a lookout…someone must know where Nala is. Let’s help this amazing rescue get their dog back.

6:25 Update: we are now offering a 5k reward for the return of Nala safely to us

‼️Missing & Considered In DANGER— Nala—Vernon FL‼️Please read this post entirely

2 weeks ago Nala went onto a trial with a potential adopter family, the Malone’s. Yes, an application, home/vet/background check was completed. This family raised ZERO suspicion both on paper & in person.

We have exhausted all avenues at this point. We have tried everything possible to locate Nala w/ failure. The 2 of us are at a complete loss over the possibility that something has happened to her. This situation has broken us and honestly we don’t know if we will even continue to rescue after this. We’ve done everything RIGHT in rescue the past 7 years but how can u possibly determine somebody’s intentions by an application or a home check?!? The simple answer is U CANT but we still feel personally responsible as shes OUR dog. We rescue to give these well deserving babies a 2nd chance at a wonderful life. If we failed at doing that for Nala the we failed period. Honestly, i didn’t even want to make this post bc i know w/ any Social Media post it involves hundreds of people w hundreds of opinions. We made it for for the sole purpose of trying to find Nala.

The back story is this- They kept in touch w me the 1st & 2nd day. On day 3 when i asked for pictures of Nala i was ignored. I sent multiple texts throughout that day and all went unanswered. On day 4 i received a pic of Nala in the car and her stating they were going to AL to visit her mother. Day 5/6 nothing. On day 7 we sent the closest foster we had to their house. She sent her son outside and told our foster she gave Nala to her brother. We pulled background checks on all family members both in FL & AL. We spoke to several family members that knew nothing about Nala including her brother who Nala was not with. During this second week of investigating- we spoke t her family, neighbors, local vets, AC, microchip company and retained a lawyer. In the meantime i continue to sending threatening text messages for the return of Nala to us. Finally, 2 days ago the husband replies and says Nala ran away on the 2nd day they had her. Nala isn’t a runner. We know she didn’t run away. They live on 10 acres w/ only 1 neighbor. At this point we believe that Nala is still on their property either Alive or deceased.

The only thing that matters at this point is bringing Nala home. This is the ONLY purpose of this post. Save your judgments, criticisms & negativity of “what u would have done differently” in ur perfect world for another day bc quite frankly we are already hanging on by a thread

Recall notice!

Recall notice!

Inspections "revealed evidence of significant violations" of regulations to keep pet food safe, officials said.

Keep your companions safe during this heatwave…

Keep your companions safe during this heatwave…

With all the rainfall along the Northeast, mushrooms are thriving…which means we have to be extra vigilant that our dogs...

With all the rainfall along the Northeast, mushrooms are thriving…which means we have to be extra vigilant that our dogs don’t ingest any. If your dog does eat a wild mushroom contact your vet right away.

After the recent rainfall we’ve been having this week, don’t forget to check your lawn for mushrooms!


My favourite point on this infographic is
"It's their walk, not yours"~ Rachel

PSA: Easter is fast approaching which means an increase in people displaying Easter lilies in their homes. It is very im...

PSA: Easter is fast approaching which means an increase in people displaying Easter lilies in their homes. It is very important to remember that if you have cats you should avoid bringing any lilies into your home because they are highly toxic to cats and can cause kidney failure and death. Even licking a bit of the pollen off their fur is toxic. If your cat has been exposed to lilies it is essential that you call your vet right away or bring them to an emergency vet hospital for treatment. Treatment may include (but not limited to) inducing vomiting (if any part of the plant was ingested), bloodwork and aggressive fluid therapy to flush the toxins out.

A few bites of these flowers could be fatal to your feline.


If you are struggling during this pandemic to care for your horses there is now help available.





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Our Story

The Little Oliver Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity organization dedicated to helping animals who have been victims of abuse and neglect. It was founded by Taunya Damon at the end of 2016 when she was inspired by her own dog, Oliver, who was a victim of abuse and neglect by his previous owner. Taunya was also inspired by the story of Libre, the Boston Terrier puppy found in the dirt, left to die at a puppy mill until compassionate people stepped in and saved him. In both cases, the recommendation was euthanasia, but in both cases they were given a second chance and are now thriving, happy pups! It is our mission to aid in the recovery and/or rehabilitation of animals who have been the victim of abuse and/or neglect through donations of supplies, providing relief of medical costs and/or rehabilitation fees, and other means deemed appropriate by the Foundation. No animal should ever suffer through what Oliver and Libre went through, but as long as there are caring people out there that are willing to give these animals a second chance at a happy and healthy life, then we will be there to help them with that journey. Since we are a new organization it will take time for us to grow into the foundation we are hoping to become. Because we are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization, any donations you make to our organization are tax deductible and allow us to help more animals in need. We value and appreciate your support. Oliver's Story: Oliver was found tied to a bench in the city and left to die. Luckily a good Samaritan found him and brought him into the local emergency animal clinic. When Oliver arrived he was unable to walk and having seizures. His body condition was poor and his hair was thin. The recommendation by the emergency doctors was initially to euthanize, but luckily they made the decision to give him the night on fluids and medication to see if there was any improvement. The prognosis was poor, but Oliver was a fighter and showed small signs of improvement so the doctors continued care. Oliver was hospitalized for a month before he was stable and walking well enough to be adopted out, but unfortunately due to his medical needs and seizures he was not a good adoption candidate. Taunya happened to work at the emergency hospital and fell in love with Oliver. She vowed to raise the money to get all the care and diagnostics needed for Oliver to live a happy, healthy life. After the diagnostics were done it was determined that Oliver had suffered from head trauma, causing fluid build-up on the brain which was the cause of his seizures. He also had a nuclear med procedure and a liver biopsy due to liver issues. Doctors feared he might have a liver shunt, but after the diagnostics it was found that his liver issues were most likely caused by malnutrition and poor care, but these issues have since corrected themselves with proper nutrition and care. Oliver's head injury has healed now and he no longer has to take seizure medication. He also was treated for a demodex overgrowth and skin infection which has since been resolved and he's now growing his hair back in the places where he once had none. Due to the diligent care of the doctors and the unwavering devotion of his new mom, Oliver is a happy, thriving puppy.