Behavior a journey, #doglover #dogbehavior #familydog #rescuedog #DogTrainingTips we’re so proud of these families we’ve had a chance to help along their way…
Happy days! Meet pets and families, some new and old friends we’ve recently been delighted to work with! #animalbehaviorconsultantsofmichigan #rescuedog #doglife #familydog #doglover #dogbehavior
I’m so awed and inspired by the compassion to animals I’ve seen this week. #animalbehaviorconsultantsofmichigan #FamilyDog #doglover #dogbehavior #shelterdog
We recently posted on the benefit of providing your dog a chew after training. Remember, any chew can be dangerous - always use a holder and keep a close eye on your pet! #doglover #animalbehaviorconsultantsofmichigan #dogtrainingtips #familydog #dogbehavior
Wonderful pets and their people we’ve recently met. I love what I do and I am happy to have been able to help! Let us know if we can help you with your dog’s behavior challenge. Find us at #animalbehaviorconsultants #doglife #familydog #doglover #dogbehavior
Hi there it’s Dr Jill! I’m sure you are as busy as I am this summer and when I get ready for the day I like to make a healthy snack for my dogs. Check out this way to combine fresh summer fruits into a great low cal frozen treat for your pet! #DogTrainingTips #familydog #doglover #dogtreats #dogtreatrecipe
Happy summer days to just a few of our wonderful families and their amazing dogs. You’ve come so far in your behavior journey and we’re so proud of you! #rescuedog #familydog #doglover #shelterdog #dogbehavior
Thinking about daycare for your dog? Here are some questions to ask before you decide. #dogtraining #rescuedog #familydog #shelterdog #dogdaycarelife
Check out Miss Kitty here doing great during her training session with Lauren, LVT CPDT. Miss Kitty can be reactive to other dogs on their daily walks. They are working together to improve Miss Kitty's feelings about those pesky other dogs! Contact us to learn more about our training programs.
#dogreactivity #dogbehaviormodification #dogtrainingtips #prettypitty
Implementing Management and Safety is a critical and often overlooked first phase of being able to successfully live with a reactive dog. There is no shame in avoidance of triggers! It is often the very best first step. #rescuedog #familydog #shelterdog #dogbehavior #dogbites #reactivedogs
Homemade dog treats!
Is your dog on a prescription diet and you struggle with treats? Watch me make Chicago's treats out his kibble in silicon molds.
Treats can be made by grinding up kibble adding broth or water and baking for 25-35 minutes or until crispy. Feel free to ask more questions in the comments!
#homemadedogtreats #dogbehavior
#dogtrainingtips #specialdietdogtreats
Happy to have Dr Mel Rockman, a veterinary behaviorist from Australia visiting with us this week. We are finding that pets and their people are remarkably the same the world over. Look forward to having Dr Rockman back again. #familydog #dogbehavior #rescuedog #reactivedogs #doglover