Woof'NTails Grooming

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Woof'NTails Grooming Family-owned and operated. Fast, friendly, and guaranteed. We are by appointment only, and on a one-on-one basis with our clients. Grooming Prices Vary

Please fill out our client intake form here: https://form.moego.pet/go/form?formId=5411871a7d194d958de146d8de5a8fca


Hello everyone. A ton of you will have questions, but with my nursing residency program I had no idea it’ll be a 5 day a week commitment I have to commute and stay in a hotel it’s so far for training. So as of this month, my doors will be closed. Maybe in February I can revisit opening back up, but I know a lot of you will find new groomers by then. It’s impossible for me to message every single person back as well. So hopefully everyone sees this post and gets answers. 🙏🏻. I wish you all a Merry Christmas. This breaks my heart as much as it does for you guys.

The work phone was canceled to conserve funds since it’s taking a toll on my family facially from the residency. You all can reach me on here or text my personal cell for questions.

But I love you all. And it was a wonderful 3 years taking care of all of you. You made it all so enjoyable. I am considering on grooming at my parents house with the trailer as well vs being full mobile. So that’s also an option.


Hey everyone! Just a reminder, I’ve been in orientation for my new job, I’m only checking the working phone 1x a week. 😁


Hello everyone! Sorry it’s been hard getting back to everyone this week since my husband isn’t helping anymore since he’s in nursing school now, and I had to study for my NCLEX all week.

Butttt I passed my NCLEX I took yesterday ❤️


Hello everyone! I just finished nursing school this week! Yay!

So PLEASE book your appointments. It’s easier to move it than predict who will be on it. And I’m trying to plan for my NCLEX. And plan my days for my new job as well so I can remain doing this 1 day a week.

And thank you to everyone who has been so patient with my school schedule and how hectic it’s been! I’m very grateful and you guys are the reason I’m going to continue doing this 1 day a week. It will be a set day of the week every week moving forward when I start my new job since I’ll have a continuous set schedule.

I WILL be taking time off this month to spend with my family, so please book now so I can plan ahead with that too. I’m in dire need of a vacation to make up for all of those hours of crying from school 😂.


Hello everyone! On Monday we will likely be canceling our route and moving it to the following Monday due to tip risk of winds. And it’s absolutely miserable to try to bring dogs back inside to their owners when completely dried and groomed!


Hey everyone! This is a friendly reminder we are closed on weekends unless we decided to work a random Saturday. And this Quarter I have school on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. So PLEASE be patient as we try to get back to everyone. It may be a few days, but I PROMISE we will get back to you. Which means please plan your appointments in advance and not wait last minute. And with my husband working nights now Friday-Sunday and needing to sleep Thursday and Monday it’s been really hard to find time for us to respond to people. But we will respond! I promise!

I’m in my last two Quarters of nursing school. They are EXTREMELY hard. I graduate in 4 months. YES I will still be doing this. But please bare with me as I’m in a very hard spot with school for the next 4 months until I graduate. It’ll be another 6 months after that until I work as a nurse since we are trying for a baby and I want to raise a baby for some time before starting to work as a nurse. Even then, I will be still doing this ONE DAY A WEEK.

I hope this answers everyone’s questions! I love you all, and thank you for your patience as I’m on this rough and long journey! But we arr almost through the hard parts so just bare with me!

Happy Easter everyone! A friendly reminder we are closed and won’t be answering any text messages. Today we celebrate th...

Happy Easter everyone! A friendly reminder we are closed and won’t be answering any text messages.

Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. And by doing so, we are family oriented and family focused.

Hello everyone! I’m in Germany for the week, my husband will do the best he can to get back to you, since he’s home. We ...

Hello everyone! I’m in Germany for the week, my husband will do the best he can to get back to you, since he’s home. We are closed for the week!

Here’s a pic of my best friend and I, that I came to visit!


Hello everyone! I have my next school schedule out! Please send a message to book your next appointment. Remember I’m only working 2 day a week, sometimes 3, so make sure you book as soon as possible. And if you haven’t heard from us in a while regarding an appointment, send us a message!

We will get back to you. Just give us a few days. With my husband back to working he’s not at home watching the work phone. And with me in school 3 days a week it gets tough! So just be patient!

Thank you!

I brought my eldest (he’s 6) to work with me today. He was a big helper and loved the doggies ❤️. I didn’t get to take p...

I brought my eldest (he’s 6) to work with me today. He was a big helper and loved the doggies ❤️. I didn’t get to take pictures of him with everyone but here’s some from today.

A wonderful read for an understanding of matting.

A wonderful read for an understanding of matting.

The severely matted pet. Professional groomers see these cases more often than we would like. They can be heartbreaking because we understand the pain and disease that often accompany these cases. Here are a few things to understand about matted coats:

1. Severely matted coats cannot simply be 'brushed out'. Yes, a few matts that are not matted to skin can be brushed out, but sever matting means shaving. There is not an option to 'leave the coat fluffy' because clipper blades must pass under matts not through them. This often means a very short shave.
2. When the coat is severely matted, often referred to as pelted, the coat cannot properly regulate body temperature. Both canines and felines use thermoregulation to keep the body cool or warm depending on the weather. This means the body struggles much harder to maintain normal temperature.
3. Matted coats are almost always accompanied by some type of skin disease. Matting holds excess moisture and bacteria and/or fungus near the skin. As the natural microbiome is decreased, the skin becomes susceptible to infection from these diseases.
4. Matted coats are painful and that's a fact. The extra weight pulls on the skin causing discomfort. When matting is present around legs, ears, or tail, proper movement can become impeded and painful. This is why we term this 'neglectful abuse'. This type of matting does not occur overnight.

If your pet's coat has gotten out of control, contact your professional groomer NOW. The longer you wait, the worse it will be and the more the pet suffers.


Hey everyone!

Friendly remember it’s season and to Prebook your next appointment! This way you’re not waiting weeks or months for your area! Thanks!

Hello everyone!! Many of you have asked me trainer recommendations and here is a company that I have seen work first han...

Hello everyone!! Many of you have asked me trainer recommendations and here is a company that I have seen work first hand with and highly recommend.

Off Leash K9 Training. They are based out of North Port. +1 (941) 726-8813

Here is two of their videos:



Watch Blue Heeler named "Blue" transforms in our two week board and train program from reactive and uncontrollable, to calm and reliable. Witness this 8 mont...


Hello everyone.

I apologize to everyone for the route that had to get canceled today and thank you all for being understanding. I ended up going to the ER and they diagnosed me with acute bronchitis and sinusitis. Because I was having major difficulties breathing and wheezing, they gave me an injection of steroids that opened me right up and started me on antibiotics. I should be good to go for my Friday route. 😁


Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you to everyone who has given us gifts and cards!

My family and I will be on vacation for the remainder of the month and will return on the 3rd. We will do our best to get back to people, if we have service while camping.

Thank you for your understanding!

My girl finished her Championship at UKC this weekend! She won best female and first place all 3 days in 1 or both shows...

My girl finished her Championship at UKC this weekend! She won best female and first place all 3 days in 1 or both shows each day in Fort Myers!


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

As a reminder we are closed today and the rest of the week. We will respond on Monday to everyone! ❤️🐩

Happy Halloween from my family to yours! I went as my husband, and the kids went as marvel characters.

Happy Halloween from my family to yours! I went as my husband, and the kids went as marvel characters.

Hello everyone! I have a client who is rehoming her dog Lily! She is 4. Very sweet. Great with other dogs and kids. This...

Hello everyone! I have a client who is rehoming her dog Lily! She is 4. Very sweet. Great with other dogs and kids. This is her below, freshly groomed by me. ❤️ She is a mini Australian Labradoodle. If you are interested in her, please message me and I’ll share the owners information with you.


Hello everyone! We got power today! Thank god! We will be using our generators for our home to power the trailer while the business generator is in for repair.

We will be contacting everyone to get them on the books moving forward!


Hello everyone!

We are working on trying to get Monday up and going. The dilemma now is, my parents were using the business generator since we are all still WITHOUT power, and it broke. It went to the repair shop today and will likely need a complete replacement (which is under warranty). It's just a matter of when we get it. We are going to try to use 2-3 smaller generators to power the trailer and do a test run on my dogs to see if they can handle it.

Will keep everyone posted! Thank you for your patience!


Hello everyone. In this up coming week we will likely have to reschedule. Because we have no way off our street. The guy at the end of our street has cars and semis parked in the middle of road. And the other end, is trees in the road. On top of 3’ of water still. Compared to 5’ it was two days ago.

We will keep everyone posted. Still don’t have cell service to contact anyone.


Next week clients are likely to be reschedule, it’s still flooded here in the North Port Estates. And my trailer was out in Port Charlotte. It’s perfectly safe! The issue is just getting to it. And with all the roads closed it’s pretty impossible to get to.

So far our exit 182 and 179 is closed. The bridge from PG to PC is closed. Parts of 41 in North Port is closed.

Will keep everyone posted!

Once again we don’t have service. I’m using a generator to power the router. And we will be turning it off in 20min to conserve gas since we are running very very low.

Stay safe everyone!

Hello everyone. Our families and their houses have been devastated. Our area is completely flooded. And rising. We had t...

Hello everyone. Our families and their houses have been devastated. Our area is completely flooded. And rising. We had to evacuate to my parents as our house may flood out.

We have no service. We are using a generator to turn on the internet. We will be canceling everyone this whole week. We never got back to those that were suppose to be Saturday. We will not be able to respond to anyone until this is over. And quite frankly I don’t have it in me to sit there and respond to clients, when everything around me is just devastated. I need to help my families and neighbors instead of sit on a phone. Thank you for understanding.

Stay safe. Bless you all.



Hello everyone. We have made the decision to cancel this whole week except the Saturday route, pending on aftermath from the hurricane. This is to conserve gas and because our families need to prep our own homes and be able to help any neighbors, especially the elderly.

If it turns and goes more North West, I will consider opening up the routes, but the trailer cannot safely withstand over 25-30 as it is light and an over turning risk. The safety of the animals and myself is my priority.

I hope everyone stays safe! If you need to flee but cannot bring your animals, DO NOT LEAVE THEM ALONE. Please contact me and I can house them. We are in an elevated zone so we do not have flood risks. If your property is in a flood zone and you are scared, do not hesitate to ask to come here. My home is welcome to all during a natural disaster.


Hello everyone!

We are on hurricane watch. If it does escalate and we have significant winds, we will have to cancel and reschedule routes next week.

We will keep watch and keep everyone posted! It’s also safer for everyone to be concerned about their homes and families and getting everything in order.

Especially if we end up with another gas shortage from everyone scare buying.

When an old boy needs to lay down for grooming, we do it. ❤️ Such a sweet soul! He got plenty of pets and lovings from m...

When an old boy needs to lay down for grooming, we do it. ❤️ Such a sweet soul! He got plenty of pets and lovings from me before leaving! Even brought me his squeaky toy!


Greetings everyone!

It’s that time of the year when the crazies come out. We have another person who decided to bash my business and myself over me being attacked by dogs a year ago that resulted in me shooting them for protection. He is friends with the girl who owned the dogs. And it’s just her trying to slander me further but without direct response so she cannot be directly sued for it. But currently working on it with my lawyer.

His name is Kyle. Please ignore all slander by him. He’s been reported to Facebook and Google and my lawyer has also been notified. He already left me a 1 star review on Google.

This is why people quit owning businesses. Because people come after it. When my business and myself had nothing to do with it. My dog and I were attacked on my property by 2 pit bulls that nearly took the life of my dog and could have taken mine. After being evaluated by Animal Services and the Police Department they ruled it as self defense.

My cracked ribs, bruised pelvis, injured arms and hands all speak to the level of defense. I also have everything on audio and video. I’m just so fed up with this person continually coming around and getting friends to bash me.

So please, I do apologize if you guys come across anything. You all know I love your pets very much.

You know the saying, when it rains it pours. Between my generator, my hospitalization, and now this! But at least things only come in 3s right? 🙃

Thank you everyone! And if you haven’t had a chance, would love a review on Facebook and Google to make up for their slander reviews.


Hey everyone! Thanks for the messages asking how I am! I was discharged Saturday. I had a small bowel obstruction but the GastroGaffin they gave me was able to clear out the blockage so I didn’t need surgery (thank God!). Apparently having 2 C-sections put me at high risk from the adhesions causing my small intestine to kink like a hose. They had me NPO for 24 hours to give me bowel rest to see if it would help since everything was inflamed. And between that and the gaffin, it worked.

Thank you everyone for your patience and compassion! My routes this week will resume as normal!


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 15:00




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Our Story

Family owned and family operated! We are self sufficient and provide our own water and source of power! We have a brand new custom built and designed trailer (a one of a kind!). Appointments are on a one-on-one basis, so we do not accept more clients at a time, so your fur-baby gets all the care and attention it needs! We take special care and extra time with those with medical conditions (must be given notice prior to booking appointment- and in some cases might require an extra fee due to time). We also require an advanced notice to booking aggressive dogs (even bad dogs need grooming!). Aggressive dogs do come with an additional fee (no one likes getting bit!).

Sit back and relax! One less thing to worry about-- having to find time in your busy day to drop off your special fur-baby and pick him/her back up! It’s hard! We come to you and take care of all his or her needs! Grooming Prices Vary