Offgrid Dogtraining LLC

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Offgrid Dogtraining LLC Small in home training for real life. I only take 1 training dog at a time to ensure quality training

🐾Bandit🐾❇️ Bandit joined Offgrid today for a daycare🐾🐕❇️ Was a great day to come because he found a friend in Ruby🩷     ...


❇️ Bandit joined Offgrid today for a daycare🐾🐕
❇️ Was a great day to come because he found a friend in Ruby🩷



❇️ Yesterday, before the rain started Offgrid took our special California guest, Ruby, on a little field trip! 🚗 🌧️
❇️ We stopped by my favorite little coffee shop Nana's Cafe & Coffee Shop for a taste of Midwestern hospitality pup cup! 🐶☕️
❇️ Ruby loved her first pup cup!🍨🍦

Good Info

Good Info

Dewclaws! They are IMPORTANT! Many dog breeders routinely, and without much thought, amputate puppies' front dewclaws when the pups are 3-5 days of age. Why? The thought is to prevent potential injuries, such as tears of the digit, later in life. BUT do you realize that the dewclaw is a FUNCTIONAL, IMPORTANT digit? I am thankful that my own dog's breeder did not amputate Dunkin's front dewclaws. Do you also know that with appropriate exercises, the muscles of the dewclaw can be strengthened to help promote and maintain appropriate function and close apposition of the dewclaw to the side of the paw? Below is an article by a friend and colleague, Dr. Chris Zink, that explains the importance, anatomy, and function of the front dewclaw.

"Do the Dew(claws)?
by Chris Zink, DVM PhD DACVSMR

As a veterinary sports medicine specialist, I work extensively with canine athletes, developing rehabilitation programs for injured dogs or dogs that required surgery due to performance-related injuries. I have seen many dogs, especially field trial/hunt test and agility dogs, that have chronic carpal arthritis, frequently so severe that they must be retired or at least carefully managed for the rest of their careers. I noticed that very few of those dogs had dewclaws and began to wonder whether these appendages might, in fact, protect a dog from injuries. What I learned might surprise you.

The Anatomy of Dewclaws
Miller's Guide to the Anatomy of the Dog, a veterinary anatomy text, has an excellent figure depicting the muscular anatomy of the distal forelimb. There are 2 functional muscles, the extensor pollicis longus et indicis proprius and flexor digitorum profundus, which are attached to the front dewclaw by 4 tendons (references in blog). Each of those muscle/tendon units has a different function in movement. That means that if you cut off the dew claws, you are preventing the muscles that were attached to the dewclaws from functioning.

In contrast, rear limb dewclaws do not have muscle/tendon attachments, so their removal might be appropriate, except in the breeds such as Briards and Beauceron in which they should be retained.

Dewclaws Do Have Functions
If there are muscles and tendons attached to the dewclaws, then they most likely have a function. Broadly speaking, dewclaws have at least two different functions:
1. Grasp the ground when the dog is turning to prevent torque on the forelimb. Each time the front foot lands on the ground, particularly when the dog is cantering or galloping (see Figure 2), the dewclaw is in touch with the ground. If the dog then needs to turn, the dewclaw actively digs into the ground to stabilize the lower leg and prevent torque. In Figure 3 you can clearly see the dewclaw of a Corgi herding a sheep extended, ready to grip the ground. And in the image at the top of this article, you can see the dewclaws of a dog extended, ready to grip the water!

Do the Dew(claws)?

If a dog doesn't have dewclaws, the leg will twist on its axis, creating increased pressure on the carpal bones, as well as the elbow, shoulder and toes. A lifetime of this kind of torque and the result can be carpal arthritis or injuries to and subsequent arthritis in other joints of the forelimb, such as the elbow, shoulder, and toes. Remember, the dog is participating in the activity regardless, so there will be concussive pressures on the leg, and if the dewclaw does not help to stabilize the leg, those pressures will be transmitted to other areas of the leg, especially the joints.

2. Grip objects. We have all seen dogs using their dewclaws to grip an object such as a ball or bone (Figure 4). I've even seen many photos of agility dogs gripping the teeter for stability (Figure 5). But did you know that the dewclaws' gripping ability can, in fact, save your dog's life? Check out the video "Dewclaws Do Have a Purpose" for "gripping" views of dogs attempting to get out of water onto ice without the help of those ice picks on the inside of their legs. The video also shows dogs using their dewclaws to grip the ice and escape from a potentially fatal situation. I have known several dogs that drowned after falling through ice in the winter. None of them had dewclaws. If they had, perhaps they would have survived and spared their owners the incredible heartache of watching their dogs die unnecessarily.

Arguments for Removing Dewclaws
1. The dewclaws will get injured. This is the most common reason I hear for removing dewclaws. A friend of mine had such a severe dewclaw injury in one of her dogs that she swore she would remove them on all the dogs she bred subsequently.

But the data indicate that dewclaws are not injured very often. A study published in 2018 showed that the dewclaw was the LEAST likely toe to be injured in agility dogs, in which landing and turning from jumps and other obstacles put the toes at risk for injuries. Thus, it makes no sense to remove the dewclaws because of risk of injury. And, of course, no one would consider removing the 5th digits in the front feet, which are by far the most commonly injured toe.

2. Owners forget to trim the dewclaws. Surely this is a matter of education. Do we really want to remove a functioning digit in all dogs, just because some owners need to be reminded that they must remember to trim the dewclaws?

3. Dewclaws make the forelimb look less straight when viewed from the front in conformation. The AKC states: "The breed standard describes the characteristics of the ideal
dog to perform the function for which it was bred." While we could have long discussions about the veracity of this statement, it is interesting to note that there are VERY few breed standards that require dewclaw removal. I know of only one - the Vizsla breed standard.

A Plea
So, here's a plea to retain dogs' dewclaws. They are a functioning digit. They are the toe least likely to be injured. Isn't this enough to convince us not to do the dewclaws?"

🐾 **Unexpected Guest Alert!** 🐾❇️ Although Offgrid is currently closed I couldn’t resist when I received a call yesterda...

🐾 **Unexpected Guest Alert!** 🐾

❇️ Although Offgrid is currently closed I couldn’t resist when I received a call yesterday from a family visiting all the way from California. They needed a place for their beautiful cream-colored Golden Retriever, and since I wasn't in the field, I was able to make it happen! 🌾 🚜

❇️ Meet Ruby, a two-year-old sweetheart who has already won me over with her gentle and loving nature. ❤️🐕

❇️ I'm so happy I was able to help out and glad to have her here..Looking forward to making her stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible! 🐶🏡

Say it louder for those in the back!!🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Say it louder for those in the back!!

If a PRONG COLLAR means the owner could walk their dog everyday, why would you be against it?

If the E COLLAR means the dog will be able to have a better recall, why would you be against it?

If CRATING a dog means it wont destroy the owners house when they're not home, why would you be against it?

If a 2 second CORRECTION could make the difference between a dog swallowing something it's not supposed to and possibly dying, why would you be against it?

We all just want to make a owner and dog's life better. So stop knocking people struggling with their dog for being open to all options.

Keep your options open. It's what's best for the dog. Isn't that what you want?

Many people are ✨shocked✨ to see that my dogs aren’t super dog-friendly. They’re a dog trainer’s dog, how can they be so mean?

“Mean” because they don’t run up to other dogs, mean because they aren’t dying to meet your dog, mean because they don’t tolerate inappropriate behavior..

To me, they’re an example of dogs with healthy boundaries and relationships to others. It seems to be the “norm” for a lot of dog owners to expect other dogs to tolerate all of their own dog’s behavior. If your child was being harassed by another child, would you tell them to tolerate it? Of course not; we would intervene and the same should be happening for our dogs.

Any inappropriate behavior (posturing, face licking, jumping, excessive sniffing), or really any behavior that makes the receiving dog uncomfortable, should be interrupted or punished.

This can happen in two ways: we intervene which is the preferred method. If your puppy is face-licking your older dog and your older dog isn’t enjoying it/is trying to get away, etc, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to remove the puppy from the older dog. We should not except any dog to tolerate annoying behavior and we certainly don’t want to raise our puppies to continue this. Or if your male dog is excessively sniffing a female dog to the point she’s uncomfortable, you can interrupt or punish that with a “no,” a nick on the ecollar, separating them, etc. It is your responsibility to manage your own dog and advocate for others.

The other option is to allow the receiving dog to correct the inappropriate dog, but this is rarely efficient and should only happen under very strict circumstances. We never want to allow a dog we don’t know to correct our dog. There’s a good chance they won’t, which will teach tolerance, and there’s an equally good chance they will overcorrect, resulting in injury or fight.

Often a puppy is raised where other dogs are expected to tolerate behavior. One day the puppy runs up to a dog and starts behavior that they’ve rehearsed, the new dog doesn’t tolerate it and corrects the dog/starts a fight...

Read the full article here:

🎓 **Honey Graduated!** 🎓❇️ Today, Honey completed her two-week board and train program, and I couldn’t be more proud of ...

🎓 **Honey Graduated!** 🎓

❇️ Today, Honey completed her two-week board and train program, and I couldn’t be more proud of this smart, soft soul. 📚🐾 🎓
❇️ She was such a joy to train, and I have no doubt she’ll succeed in all the plans her owners have for her. 🏆
❇️ Everywhere we went, people couldn’t help but fall in love with her sweet nature. 💛🐶

❇️ Congrats, Honey! You’re going to do amazing things! 🌟🎉

❇️ With that said please note that Offgrid is currently closed for boarding and board and train services until after harvest. 🌾
❇️ In appreciation of our valued clients and future clients to celebrate Offgrid’s 5-year anniversary, we will announce a special sale next month. 🛍️ 💲
❇️ Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to celebrating this milestone with you! 🎉

❇️ I do have a wait list for board and trains so if you would like to be added to the list just reach out here or by phone.📧💬📞📱

I have plans or I would be there checking this out and seeing about this new to the state sport (it has been around awhi...

I have plans or I would be there checking this out and seeing about this new to the state sport (it has been around awhile it’s just North Dakota is slow at keeping up with other states for dog sports)

First American Kennel Club Fast Coursing Ability Test in North Dakota to be held August 9-11 in Grand Forks
The event will be held by the Grand Forks Dog Training Club. About 400 entries are scheduled for the event.

🐾 **Honey Takes on Town!** 🐾❇️ Field trip  #2 for Honey. We are working on building her confidence during her two-week b...

🐾 **Honey Takes on Town!** 🐾

❇️ Field trip #2 for Honey. We are working on building her confidence during her two-week board and train since she is a little unsure and timid.. 🐾🙌🏻👏🏻
❇️ Today we took a trip to town showing off her "place" skills and staying calm and relaxed on her place bed while I was chilling out on the bench outside drinking my coffee ☕️ 🐶
❇️ Honey also got to enjoy a delicious pup cup from Nana's Cafe & Coffee Shop for her soon to be graduation ☕️🍦
❇️Training isn’t just about learning commands which is sometime a misconception because it is also about building trust and confidence. Way to go, Honey! 🐕✨

❇️ If you haven’t ever been to Nana’s you’re missing out!! She has the BEST coffee and lunches around.. Heard her breakfast are pretty good as well… Plus she has always gave the dogs who come through Offgrid treats and has the BEST customer service around!! ☕️🍴🥪🍦🍨

🐾Honey🐾❇️ Honey has started her second week of her board and train program on Sunday. 🐾🐶 ❇️ This week, Honey will be rei...


❇️ Honey has started her second week of her board and train program on Sunday. 🐾🐶
❇️ This week, Honey will be reinforcing the skills she acquired last week, with additional practice to ensure she becomes fluent with more reps before returning home. 🌟 🐕
❇️ This afternoon we focused on perfecting her "wait" command while capturing some beautiful photos in front of the crops for her parents. 📸💛

🐾Meet Honey 🐾❇️ Honey is our newest Board and Train at Offgrid!🐕📆❇️ She is a stunning 1 1/2 year old  Show Line Golden R...

🐾Meet Honey 🐾

❇️ Honey is our newest Board and Train at Offgrid!🐕📆
❇️ She is a stunning 1 1/2 year old Show Line Golden Retriever, and might just be the most beautiful Golden Retriever I've ever seen! 🐶✨
❇️Welcome, Honey! We're excited to have you with us and can't wait to share updates on your progress.📚📖

❇️ Honey will be the last Board and Train until after small grain harvest.. I have a wait list and you want added to it message me here or my phone..☎️📱

🌟Fun Fact🌟

❇️ Honey's owners run a unique business offering pet cremation services called Companion Animal Cremations of North Dakota. They're about to become the only water cremation in the Upper Midwest, expanding their services from traditional cremation. If you ever find yourself in need of these services, they offer the convenience of coming to your location to pick up your beloved pet. I'll make sure to share their business card here for anyone interested. 📌

How was everyone’s weekend? What did you do with your dog over the weekend..(Hopefully some sort of training)        Pos...

How was everyone’s weekend? What did you do with your dog over the weekend..(Hopefully some sort of training)

Post pics in the comments 👇🏻👇🏻

❇️ 1 snuffle mat getting put to good use in its home and another leash heading out to its new home today!🐾🫶👏🏻❇️ The othe...

❇️ 1 snuffle mat getting put to good use in its home and another leash heading out to its new home today!🐾🫶👏🏻
❇️ The other snuffle mat will be heading to its new home in AZ in the next few days!! 👃🐽

🙌🏻 Thank you everyone for your support🩷🫶

🐾Dietrich🐾❇️ Say hello and welcome back to Dietrich ❇️ Dietrich is here for daycare while his dad runs out of town for t...


❇️ Say hello and welcome back to Dietrich
❇️ Dietrich is here for daycare while his dad runs out of town for the day
❇️ He is always a joy to have around but he might be a little sad as he doesn’t have any friends to play with here today.. He loves playing with other dogs but he is stuck with playing with just me🤷🏻‍♀️



🐾Welcome Middy🐾❇️ Middy is a 1.5-year-old Golden/Doodle from Cooperstown! 🏘️❇️ Middy has starting week 2 of training thi...

🐾Welcome Middy🐾

❇️ Middy is a 1.5-year-old Golden/Doodle from Cooperstown! 🏘️
❇️ Middy has starting week 2 of training this week, and we'll be focusing on fine-tuning existing skills and introducing new ones. 📝🐕‍🦺
❇️ One key goal is to help Middy walk calmly past houses with dogs outside.
❇️ Middy is incredibly smart, eager to please, and thrives on learning. 📚✨

📣We appreciate your patience as we've been working on improving our time management to provide more frequent updates. Stay tuned for daily or every-other-day updates about life and training at Offgrid. 🚀🌲



❇️ Formal introduction tomorrow but the little here for boarding (regulars) And Middy the golden/doodle for a 2wk Board&Train

🌟Happy 4th Of July🌟❇️ Not all dogs handle fireworks so do your best to keep them safe!! ✳️ Get medication from your loca...

🌟Happy 4th Of July🌟

❇️ Not all dogs handle fireworks so do your best to keep them safe!!

✳️ Get medication from your local vet
✳️ If you can’t get meds in time Benadryl is an option just make sure to use correct dose for your dogs weight
✳️ Turn on Music T.V. Fans ect
✳️ Use a Thundershirt
✳️ Keep them in a crate with things to help them stay occupied and feel safe
✳️ Get Soft Ears (a wrap specifically for noise for their ears)

❇️ Some dogs can be fine but as they age they can all of a sudden become fearful and have noise phobias.. Not all dogs can be conditioned to this especially if it has come with age.. So as an Owner it is our job to be proactive and try our best to help our dogs through this holiday!

📣Offgrids head Trainer is out of the country for a training seminar.. 🇨🇦❇️ I will catch up on emails and messages as soo...

📣Offgrids head Trainer is out of the country for a training seminar.. 🇨🇦

❇️ I will catch up on emails and messages as soon as I have some downtime!

🐾 **Gladys** 🐾❇️ We're excited to have Gladys with us for a special one-week modified training program. This shorter pro...

🐾 **Gladys** 🐾

❇️ We're excited to have Gladys with us for a special one-week modified training program. This shorter program might be offered in the future for those not wanting the full program. I'm currently assessing its feasibility to ensure it benefits both the dogs and our training process. Note that it might not be suitable for every dog. 🐕

❇️ Gladys, a Lhasa Apso/Poodle mix from Cooperstown, has a typical small dog attitude with a major case of FOMO and a short attention span. 🐩

❇️ While her Mom and Dad are on vacation, we'll be working on engagement and settling behaviors, as well as teaching her that being small doesn’t mean she can jump all over people. 🐶

📣 I apologize for the recent lack of updates. Although I haven't been consistent here, I do keep the owners informed at least every other day. Even if you don't see everything here, rest assured that the owners are getting regular updates. Since our weekend boarding is closed due to my lake trips or out-of-state/country training, I plan to catch up during my lake days! I'll be posting video clips of past training clients over the next few weeks, so stay tuned. Owners of recent trainees, keep an eye out—I have lots of photos and videos of your dogs learning and having fun! 🩷 🌅




Opening Hours

Monday 07:30 - 18:00
Tuesday 07:30 - 18:00
Wednesday 07:30 - 18:00
Thursday 07:30 - 18:00
Friday 07:30 - 18:00


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My love of dogs and training began at a young age, and as an adult I have decided to pursue my passion of dog training. As a kid I was the neighborhood dog walker and dog-sitter. If you needed to find me, I was always helping out at the local dog grooming/pet store, I was hooked! I have always trained my own dogs and now enjoy helping others be successful with their dogs as well. I have been blessed to gain a few amazing mentors in my life who have shared their knowledge and talent with me. I have taken many classes, both group and private lessons, attended seminars and work shops and travel for regular AKC obedience training as well as other training when i see it offered. . I also have hosted some training days with one of my mentors. To expand my knowledge from there I have taken many online course and continue to do so on a regular. I learned form many, many great trainers in person or through credited online course and through videos and many, many training and behavioral books that i own. My very first AKC title was with Arrow and she got her CGC and from there I really began to grow my professional dog training knowledge. After that I got my competition pup, Wicked in 2014 and started training for specific goals. So far we have earned our Rally Novice Title RN, Scent work SNC Title (Scent Novice Containers) our CGC Title, and Trick Dog in all Novice (TKN), Intermediate (TKI), and Advance (TKA) . We have 1 leg in our Rally Advance with a score of 92/100 and 2 legs in our Preferred Novice with a score of 192/200 and our last leg was 193.5/200 (guess we are consistent) I also have started training in the popular sport of Nosework to keep my dog happy over the long winters. Looking forward to much more in the upcoming years. I am an AKC Evaluator and can prep and test you and your dog for the following

CGC (Canine Good Citizen) AKC Star Puppy GCA (AKC Canine Community) -CGCU (AKC Urban CGC) -Trick Titles (TKN, TKI,TKA and the Performance title)

I am also certified in Pet First Aide and CPR through Pet Tech which requires you to attend an all day class every 2 years and insured by Pet Care

My philosophy is "Reinforcement Builds Behavior" I consider myself a balanced trainer and I will teach your dog with verbal and/or clicker markers, reward with high value whether it be praise treat ( I usually teach with food) or toy until behavior is learned.. Once learned i will then add appropriate pressure to the dog if needed and proof the behavior. I run my training business from my home and therefore I am small and will only take on a small limit of dogs to ensure good quality training and care.. I will not take of aggressive or problematic dog such as crate breakers. I am insured and have taken the CPR and First Aide for pets and to maintain it I attend a course that is a day long study every 2 years. Remember that in order for the dog to continue to be fluent in what it has learned it all must continue at home. After our take home lesson you will have the tools to continue at home to keep the dog fluent with its new found boundaries and your bond will grow even stronger..