LD's Kitty Kritter T.N.R & Rescue

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  • LD's Kitty Kritter T.N.R & Rescue

LD's Kitty Kritter T.N.R & Rescue LD’s Kitty Kritters Rescue! A temporary home for homeless and forgotten cats that we rescue! We give food, shelter, medical, & love to all that we take in!

All of our babies are up for adoption and are looking for their everlasting home! We are a rescue that helps to T- trap, N-neuter, R-release homeless and feral cats in order to reduce euthanize. While we will help with relocating cats and kittens at times, we are not able to take them and rehome unless we have fosters and good barns to work with. A good barn qualifies when the barn has true protec

tion from the elements, the weather and possible predators. The owners must feed the cats food and not expect the cats to survive strictly on rodents. While we understand in the perfect world all animals deserve a loving inside home, it is not a perfect world we live in. Many cats do well outside with protection, food
and a caretaker to watch over. Our goal is to help areas to not become overpopulated with cats and kittens. While we do not charge, we do ask for donations to help with food, litter, medical and constant care. We are not a 501C as of yet but hoping to grow with volunteers and work towards this goal! We believe that all animals ( the same as all people) deserve a home! If interested in adopting, please use the link below and fill out the form. https://forms.gle/B7KBZnj8JGUf1shB9

or if you are wishing to donate items here is our Amazon Wishlist


Hello! I’m Sherbert! I am around two years old. I have what’s called allergy eye, where my eye runs all the time. My nice foster that I had when I was kit, took me to the vet and tried all sorts of eye meds, but none of them stopped the running. It doesn’t bother me or cause me to have any problems with my vision/health, it just looks awful. I don’t like anyone cleaning it either. I do great with other cats and dogs. I love attention and I love to play! Don’t really like being picked up though. I just stiffen up and try to push your arms away to be able to jump back down. If you are interested in giving me a home please call the nice people at the shelter at 940-538-6757 or message them on here. Thank you!

Care about helpless, homeless cats in your neighborhood? Ready to make a difference? Why not contact us to be part of th...

Care about helpless, homeless cats in your neighborhood? Ready to make a difference? Why not contact us to be part of the solution and make a difference with the over population of homeless feral and free roaming cats!!
Did you know your neighbors, some of your co workers or friends probably help out a colony of kitties somewhere around town?!
Many caring people help care for the homeless kitties! However, more than feeding them must be the Trapping, Neutering and returning them.
Ready to make a difference and a change in their lives and in your neighborhood?? Please consider volunteering and helping TNR the kitties to make a difference!! Call or text or contact us through here! 940-782-8072

Our poor Fancy is being returned at no fault of her own. She has been living the dream and loving being in a home with a...

Our poor Fancy is being returned at no fault of her own. She has been living the dream and loving being in a home with a family. However, the family that adopted her is having allergy issues and has to return her. She will be available through Miss Fannies Friends. If interested please contact me through messenger or text or apply on Miss Fannies website. Thanks!

We have Some very sweet kitties about 8 months to 2 years in age. Adorable, sweet very lovable all with different storie...

We have Some very sweet kitties about 8 months to 2 years in age. Adorable, sweet very lovable all with different stories of where they came from! Inside kitties, all shots , altered, adoption fee paid! Must find good homes! Not use to dogs or small children!

We also have some great domesticated cats that are adorable but not super people friendly as far as being held or petted. These kitties will make great shop cats and barn cats or backyard cats. They must have weather protection, water, food same as people need! If you are in need of a few kitties for your business or shop please contact us!


Hey everyone! So excited to announce that The Sterling Fork, your local, gourmet scratch freezer meal company, will be at NobiliTea, doing a pop up shop on Saturday, March 23, from 12:30-3PM!
NobiliTea is located at 4111 Southwest Parkway!
I’ll have yummy samples and freezer meals for you to take home! Also, get $2 off any gallon of tea with your purchase from The Sterling Fork! We can’t wait to see you!

Totally beat Christmas present to give to your outside kitties , inside kitties and  anyone you know that may need help ...

Totally beat Christmas present to give to your outside kitties , inside kitties and anyone you know that may need help transporting!


Removing cats from an area by killing or relocating them is not only cruel—it’s pointless. Animal control agencies and city governments have blindly perpetuated this futile approach for decades. But scientific research, years of failed attempts, and evidence from animal control personnel prove that catch and kill doesn’t permanently clear an area of cats.

Scientific evidence indicates that removing feral cat populations only opens up the habitat to an influx of new cats, either from neighboring territories or born from survivors. Each time cats are removed, the population will rebound through a natural phenomenon known as the “vacuum effect,” drawing the community into a costly, endless cycle of trapping and killing.

The vacuum effect is a phenomenon scientifically recognized worldwide, across all types of animal species
Well-documented among biologists, the vacuum effect describes what happens when even a portion of an animal population is permanently removed from its home range. Sooner or later, the empty habitat attracts other members of the species from neighboring areas, who move in to take advantage of the same resources that attracted the first group (like shelter and food). Killing or removing the original population does nothing to eliminate these resources; it only creates a “vacuum” that will inevitably draw in other animals living nearby.

Scientific research has observed the vacuum effect across many species—herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. When studying mountain lions, for example, one researcher noted, “When you remove resident lions that have established home ranges you create a void.” He continues, “Other resident lions that have home ranges that may overlap the individual you removed now find that territory empty. This allows them to expand their range, as well as create openings for transient lions to establish a new home range.”

Simply put, when mountain lions are removed from their habitat, other mountain lions move in. This behavior has also been documented in possums, badgers, and raccoons.

A habitat will support a population of a certain size. No matter how many animals are removed, if the resources remain, the population will eventually recover. Any cats remaining after a catch and kill effort will produce more kittens and at a higher survival rate, filling the habitat to capacity. As one study found, “populations greatly reduced by culling are likely to rebound quickly.”Over time, the number of cats in an area where a feral cat colony has been killed or relocated will simply recover and return to its original size.

Removing cats from an area is a futile effort—one that cannot succeed
The only documented “successful” effort to remove a population of cats occurred in a cruel program on uninhabited, sub-Antarctic Marion Island. It took two decades and ruthless methods—methods that are impossible to replicate in areas inhabited by people including poisoning, hunting with guns, and introducing disease—to clear the island of cats. As scientists tried each method, they noted “the recolonization of preferred habitats, cleared of cats, from neighboring suboptimal areas…” In other words, like the mountain lions, whenever they killed cats in the best habitats, the cats next door simply moved in.

The Marion Island example proves the vacuum effect while it also proves the impossibility of permanently clearing an area of an entire target population. Municipalities engaged in any type of catch and kill efforts are fighting a cruel, endless, losing battle against nature that is a gross waste of taxpayer dollars and ends hundreds of lives.

Years of failed catch and kill policies prove this method’s ineffectiveness
Animal control officers all over the country have observed the ineffectiveness of lethal methods firsthand through years of misguided policy.

Joan Brown, President and CEO of the Humane League of Lancaster County (PA), says that her organization made the switch to Trap-Neuter-Return when they started to realize that they were never making any headway with catch and kill.

“I finally went to the board and said, ‘Where in our mission statement does it say euthanize? Because all we’re doing is taking [feral cats] in to euthanize them…we’re not only doing an inhumane thing, we’re actually contributing to the problem, creating a vacuum effect that will just be filled again—and probably at a faster rate than when we started,’” says Brown.

Brown says that they noticed it was a never-ending and growing problem, draining their resources and their morale: “At the very least, we were standing still. That was clear, and it seemed as if we were running forward, but actually moving backward.”

Other animal control and shelter organizations nationwide have also taken a stand after acknowledging the failed results of their catch and kill efforts. Maricopa County, Arizona’s animal control website says, “We have over 20 years of documented proof that traditional ways of dealing with feral cats don’t work. The catch and kill method of population control (trap a cat, bring it to a shelter, ask that the cat be euthanized), has not reduced the number of feral cats. The cat may be gone, but now there is room for another cat to move in…So, catch and kill actually makes the problem worse.” And the Humane Society of Ochocos (Oregon) agrees: “…[W]e know now, that more than 30 years of trapping and killing cats has done nothing to reduce the feral cat population.”

The National Animal Control Association amended its feral cat policy in 2008 to be more supportive of Trap-Neuter-Return, in part because, as then president Mark Kumpf put it, “[i]t’s recognizing that in some cases, certain jurisdictions and communities are more interested in maintaining a stable cat population than they are in simply bailing the ocean with a thimble.”

He continues: “What we’re saying is the old standard isn’t good enough anymore. As we’ve seen before, there’s no department that I’m aware of that has enough money in their budget to simply practice the old capture and euthanize policy; nature just keeps having more kittens.”

If catch and kill had any long-term effect on cat populations, animal control officers nationwide—and their leadership organizations—would have observed it by now. Instead, they are reading the writing on the wall and switching to the method that works.

Trap-Neuter-Return is the responsible, humane method of care for feral cats
Trap-Neuter-Return stabilizes feral cat populations. The cats are humanely trapped, vaccinated, and neutered, so no more kittens will be born. They are then returned to their original location to live out their lives in their outdoor home. Not only is Trap-Neuter-Return the humane option for feral cats, it also improves cats’ lives by relieving them of the stresses of mating and pregnancy. In the end, unlike catch and kill, TNR works.

It’s time to stop the killing.
Cities and shelters across America have experienced great success with Trap-Neuter-Return—it is now official policy for feral cats in Washington, DC, Baltimore, and Chicago. It’s time to learn from past mistakes and move forward instead of going around in circles—it’s time to stop fighting the endless battle of catch and kill and protect cats’ lives.


All edible and handmade!!

Attention: please like and share so we can move our precious kitties! When we can’t move them, we can’t save others! All...

Attention: please like and share so we can move our precious kitties! When we can’t move them, we can’t save others! All have shots, have been tested and are scheduled to be fixed. Sweet kitties approximately four and five months old, male and female and ready for their new homes! Application is a must good home is a must but at the perfect age for a loving family and their forever home. Won’t you save a sweet baby?? Please contact us or text 940-782-8072 Not spam! Just a single person doing her part to try to save some helpless babies! 💕


On Saturday, September 2nd, JH Precision Sharpening will return to Smith’s Gardentown from 9am to 2pm. Bring your dull cutlery and garden tools for expert sharpening while you browse their wonderful selection of plants and other products to improve your outdoor spaces.


Equine cruelty is JUST as important.

Both of these cases happened within the last few weeks.

It’s important that partnered with Texas Humane Network at the recent sheriff's conference to educate deputies on updated laws and help them understand when they can investigate and take action on cases like this!

🚨 Case #1 -
Investigators located 12 deceased dogs and 24 deceased horses on a property in Collin County. The decay on the horses ranged from completely skeletonized to partially skeletonized with skin and fur, generally indicating the deaths were not recent.

Rachel Sword was arrested and charged with cruelty to non-livestock animals, which is a third-degree felony. She was booked into the Collin County jail and her bond was set at $85,000.

🚨 Case #2 - Two horses, named Goose and Maverick, were finally seized by Gillespie County Sheriff’s deputies earlier this month after found living in “horrific conditions.”

The horses are now in the safe hands of Hill Country SPCA’s Healing Hearts Program, where they can finally begin their healing journey with plenty of space and nourishment!

We are thankful to all of the agencies involved in both cases in Gillespie County and Collin County for taking animal cruelty seriously and taking action!

➡️ Read the full article about the Collin County case here: https://www.fox4news.com/news/collin-county-animal-cruelty-rachel-sword

➡️Updates to come, read the full article about the Gillespie County case here: www.kxan.com/news/local/hill-country/2-horses-living-in-horrific-conditions-taken-in-by-hill-country-shelter/amp/


Hey guys Trixie here. I have been in the shelter since April, I would really like someone to give me a chance and find it in their hearts to give me a home. I am a really good girl and the staff here take very good care of me, but they have hundreds of animals to care for so I don't get a whole lot of attention not like I would if I had a home of my own. Stop by and meet me, I will be super happy to see you. http://www.wichitafallstx.gov/1772/Adoptions

So true

So true

Allow me to explain. There are millions upon millions of cats living in the wild around the world. There just aren’t enough homes for all of them and certainly not enough understanding people knowing the ways of feral cats.

When I see your pleas of “Oh don’t release him back.”, “Why don’t you just find him a home?” or expressing your concern of how inhumane this entire situation is, all I can do is shake my head.

I love that you’re concerned, but with these kinds of statements, they tell me you have never volunteered at a shelter or rescue. Once exposed to the ugly truth and overwhelming situation of not just kittens flowing into shelters, but the need for fosters, medical treatment and supplies is just the tip of the iceberg, perhaps it will open your eyes a bit.

As I mentioned, there just aren’t enough homes. The majority of kittens in shelters come from feral colonies. We need to stop the uncontrollable breeding! TNR does this!

TNR helps cats from breeding, and the prevention of numerous cancers and many other medical issues. Far too many mothers die during the birthing process. Far too many kittens are born with birth defects from an unhealthy environment and/or inbreeding.

Four month old kittens getting pregnant, with the possibility of giving birth every three months. That is no way to live. So we do the best we can, which is providing neutering and vaccinations.

Within a few weeks you will see the improvement of their over all physical being and their attitude.

As far as returning them, they are being returned to THEIR home, unless deemed unsafe. There are countless volunteers out every day caring for and monitoring colonies, while also providing TNR.

With 1.4 million cats euthanized annually, what are you doing to help this situation?

Learn. Educate. Volunteer.


The kitchen has tons of inspiration from the garden. The creativity on the plate is beautiful!

Had a friend send me this ! So true. Sadly! Get those cats fixed! Yours or not! PETS Clinic IS LOW COST for  ALL SPAY  a...

Had a friend send me this ! So true. Sadly! Get those cats fixed! Yours or not! PETS Clinic IS LOW COST for ALL SPAY and NEUTERS!


Introducing the stunning Sunset Joy Lily!

🌅🌺 We're absolutely thrilled to have this beauty blooming in our greenhouse and just had to share it with you all. The colors are absolutely breathtaking, with vibrant shades of orange and yellow blending seamlessly together.

This Lily is a true joy to behold and its bloom is an ode to the beauty of nature. It's a perfect addition to any garden or indoor space, adding a pop of color and vibrancy to any environment.

We can't wait to see what other surprises our greenhouse has in store for us, but for now, we'll bask in the glory of this Sunset Joy Lily bloom. 🌅🌺

FREE SWEET CATS! Rescue  is full and all have been spayed or neutered, rabies shot!!they are up to date on the boosters....

FREE SWEET CATS! Rescue is full and all have been spayed or neutered, rabies shot!!
they are up to date on the boosters. All litter box trained, very loving but all must find homes. Many will have to go to a shelter if no homes are found. No fees but application is a must. All have great personalities! Contact us today! Wichita Falls area!

Please share!

Please share!

Meet long haired Red Boy! Just wants to be loved and wants a lap to sit in! Loves attention, being petted and a warm pla...

Meet long haired Red Boy! Just wants to be loved and wants a lap to sit in! Loves attention, being petted and a warm place to sleep! Adoption fee is paid and he is ready for his forever home! Let me tell you Red’s history….
Red was left behind at a property. The neighbor said that the owners were not nice to him. We rescued him and gave him to a little old lady. The little lady decided she didn’t want him. instead of calling us back, she took him to Animal Services. Her cat did not like Red. We paid $90 to have him picked up and we took him to the vet and had him checked out! Everything was fine, so he truly is a lucky little boy and all he wants is a forever home ….won’t you consider Big Red?

Please help if you can with a foster for Chance or a 4 ever home! Charming and loving and just a sweet baby. We are in d...

Please help if you can with a foster for Chance or a 4 ever home! Charming and loving and just a sweet baby. We are in desperate need for this baby. His future looks weary if we don’t find a home soon. We are In the Wichita Falls area just contact us amd we will line up a meet and greet!


Love when caring people take the. Time to send updates! Beautiful Charli has found a lovable family and she is finally settling in!❤️I have no doubt she will adjust perfectly to their family❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻

It’s Monday!

It’s Monday!


Michael demonstrates how to prune overgrown Roses in this Let's Grow Minute. 4940 Seymour Hwy., Wichita Falls. (940) 692-7100.






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