Written by : Robin Feagan. Feel free to share
A little piece of heaven
I sent you a little piece of heaven today
So you’d know what kind of love I have to give
This little piece of heaven is short legged to remind you your time here is short
This little piece of heaven will have long ears to whisper your secrets to.
This little piece of heaven has eyes that light up any room so you remember that you are the light of my creation.
This little piece of heaven is long stretched because my love for you is just as long
This little piece of heaven has a long tail so you remember that with every wag I am happy because I created you.
This little piece of heaven when you are sad lets you remember there is happiness within.
This little piece of heaven let’s you remember to have fun as you watch them run and play
This little piece of heaven when you cry will kiss your tears away.
This little piece of heaven will keep you warm at night when you are asleep.
This little piece of heaven will lay beside you while you’re sick so you know I am here as well.
This little piece of heaven will let you know you are never really alone.
And someday this little piece of heaven will return to me leaving you sad because without sadness there can be no happiness.
But remember my child this little piece of heaven was created by me with my love specifically for you.
So remember that when you look with love at this little piece of heaven that heaven is real and it’s right here next to you.
~~Love God