Sasszkats Cattery. Silver gene BSH cats/kittens

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Sasszkats Cattery. Silver gene BSH cats/kittens I Show/Breed Silver Shaded, Chinchilla, and Color Point British Shorthair/Longhair Cats and Kittens. They all love to be cuddled and spoiled :)

My goal is to breed for exceptional Health, Looks, Personalities, and to fit into any family dynamics. My Cattery is based in Northern California. I am a very small home based Cattery. I started the cattery after I retired, I just wanted to Show a Cat as a pass time and have the love and companionship of a beautiful cat. The British Shorthair has always been a favorite of mine since I was a child.

When I went looking for my Show Cat I was actually looking for a Male Blue in color. Upon seeing the Silver Shaded and Chinchilla I fell in love and decided that was the cat that I wanted as my constant loving companion. During the search though, I feel in love with more than one kitten and that is how I ended up with a pair of Show/Breeder cats. They are the love of my life and the kittens are just added bonus’s. So all the Kittens are raised as if they are part of the family … under foot with ample amount of attention and love from the day they are born. The Cattery is registered with both TICA and CFA

Here is another Litter of kittens that was born this fall now living with their new families.  This is litter CC and the...

Here is another Litter of kittens that was born this fall now living with their new families. This is litter CC and the parents are Schnocki and Jasmine. They were born on Sept 5th 2024. There is 3 Black Silver Shaded males.

Clyde now called Button ... He lives with his family in Baltimore MD. He was a present for the families one son ... the son is the one that named him :). Here is what his new mom had to say " He's doing amazing! Such a little precious guy! He is eating well and purrs with all the snuggles! So Cute and even more than I imagined!! Both Preston and Button are exhausted after crazy holidays. But right after Button had dinner he always joins Preston as he finishes his!

Cosmo now named Mochi ... he now lives with his new mom in New York. Here is what she had to say about him : "Mochi has been a abolute spoiled sweetheart. He's become very talkative and follows me around like a little shadow constantly wanting attention or to simple be around me. He loves to hide under me a lot especially when I have a long coat on, I become his makeshift cave to hide and play in. He has a very sweet and fun personality, the whole family has fallen head over heals at his cute antics."

Cooper now named Sir Walter Barnaby ... he now lives with his new family in Oregon. He actually was adopted with a kitten from my spring litter named Fuzzy. Here is what their new mom had to say: " They are both doing so good!!! Just yesterday they met our dog with no fence between them for the 1st time and they all did well. Fuzzy aka Princess Delilah fuzzy pants has really came out of her shell, I am so happy for her! Cooper is now Sir Walter Barnaby, and he is the most handsome kitten I have ever seen! Both are so sweet and gentle."

Thank you to all the families for sharing such wonderful photos and giving them all such wonderful caring homes.

So since I have never had any kittens born in Feburary, so no birthday announcement I figured I would do some posts of t...

So since I have never had any kittens born in Feburary, so no birthday announcement I figured I would do some posts of the Fall kittens in their new homes :). I have received many wonderful photos of the little ones adjusting to their new adopted families.

So First will be Litter BB ... Born on August 14th 2024 to Schnocki and Star. There was 5 beautiful Seal Silver Chinchilla points, 3 males and 2 females. 3 of them were longhairs.

Buddy ... now known as George Kitten :). his new family are die hard 49er fans and thus the name :). Here is what they said about this little guy : "He continues to bring us so much joy. He is 6 pounds and is still such a sweet guy. I bought him a backpack and am getting him used to it in the house. We will then move on to backyard excursions until he gets used to that, then he can go hiking with us"

Buster: they decided to keep his name. Here is what they had to say about this little man. : "We feel very lucky to have him to become our family member. Everyone loves Buster"

Bubba: They decided to keep his name. Here is what they had to say about this jewel : "Bubba is doing amazing!!! He has really started to grow into his personality and is super sweet, talkative, and chirps to greet us. He is super food motivated. He's willing to do anything for treats. He loves being picked up now, groomed, nails trimmed because he knows we'll give him treats for it :). He's also complete besties with our other cat Yuto. They love each other. Bubba is the biggest goofball, he makes us laugh everyday with his facial expressions/antics and we love him so much"

Bree: they kept her name. Here is what they had to say about her: " She has taken over our bed and we love it. She keeps an eye on me while I am napping. I'm in love and so are the boys. She is amazing"

Bitsy Boo: They kept part of her name :). This is what they said about her: " She is one very loved little kitty. She is so beautiful. She is the BEST gift!!! She is very spoiled and very loved. We are obsessed with her. We had to put down our 15 year old dog and Bitsy has been a life saver for our kids in the grief. She's so sweet and so tiny still."

Thank you to all the families of these precious little ones for giving them so much love and such wonderful homes.

Within the next few weeks I will share the other 2 fall litters as well in their new adopted homes.

Time for January Birthday wishies to some very wonderful kittens There are 2 litters that have been born in January in t...

Time for January Birthday wishies to some very wonderful kittens

There are 2 litters that have been born in January in the past 8 years both in 2021:

Ambers Kittens born on 1-27-2021. She had 3 beautiful babies

Bella Mia... She actually has the same birthdate as her Human mom and dad. Here is what they had to say about her : Our little girl, Mia, continues to light up our world ... it's been a joy and privilege to care for her. She has a shy and sweet disposition and is loved by all who meet her.

Tubby ... His dad sent some wonderful photos and this is what he said ... we had to evacuate during the fires but we are all safe now. Tubby hates it when I dress him up :) He is only 9 lbs but looks much bigger. But he has always been a picky eater.

Wade ... No new photos but a thank you for contacting her to wish him a happy Birthday.

Nina's Kittens were born on 1-29-2021. She had 6 beautiful babies (3 were long hairs)

Poggers and Sparky ... Both longhair males .. they live in Hawaii so their family shaves them so they can stay cooler :)

Denali and Yukio ... they live in Nevada with their family They are both doing wonderful and very spoiled

Mushu ... She is a longhair and lives with her mom in LA

Kulfi ... He lives with his family in Irvine Ca.

I just want to say thank you to all the families that sent me photos and to all of them for taking such wonderful care of these precious babies.


I wanted to share this wonderful video that was sent to me by a family that adopted one of the kittens from the Fall litters. They kept it a secret from their kids till the morning after she arrived. This was an early Christmas present for their son and daughter. The daughter has been wanting a white kitten for several years now and the son was just as excited when they opened the box :) Its a very heart warming video that brought tears to my eyes when I first watched it and I thought this would be a wonderful way to bring in the holidays and to wish you all an amazing Christmas and New Year.

Thank you so much for allowing me to share this video with everyone :) and taking such wonderful care of little Bitsy Boo.


Here is another litter of Kittens that were born on Sept 14th to Giselle and Schnocki. There are 2 boys and 3 females ... All British Shorthairs. They are 3 weeks old in this video. This litter has some very interesting colors.

Dove ... Yellow Collar ... She is going to be either a Blue or Black Silver Shaded
Duchess ... light green collar ... She is a chocolate Silver Shaded.
Darla ... White Collar ... She is a very light colored Chocolate Silver Shaded.
Dina ... Brown collar ... He is a Black Silver Lynx Point.
Duke ... Dark Blue Collar ... He is a Seal Silver Chinchilla Point

Its to early to say eye coloring yet ... I do believe all the females will be green eyed ... and the boys most likely Blue.

This is a beautiful litter of kittens and such a wide variety of coloring. I really will love to see how these guys turn out as they get older.


Here is the newest video of Jasmines little boys. They were born on Sept 5th so just turned 4 weeks old and every so cute :) All 3 are Black Silver Shaded and they all will have green eyes
There names are:
Clyde ... Black Collar
Cosmo ... Light Blue Collar
Cooper... No Collar

I am so far behind on Birthday Kittens :)  I am going to start doing all the kittens by month.  So to catch up these are...

I am so far behind on Birthday Kittens :) I am going to start doing all the kittens by month. So to catch up these are all the kittens that were born in the month of August.

Litter born 8-10-23 to Star and Schnocki

Pickels ... Male... Seal Silver Chinchilla Point... What his family wrote to me "Pickles is doing great and we love him so very much! Thank you so much for an amazing kitty. He is so cute ... he is seriously best friends with our dog and every night he picks a different kid to sleep with. It helps a lot so the kids don't fight over sleeping with him :)"

Avery ... Male ... Black Silver Chinchilla Point longhair... Did not hear from his mom

Phaedra .. Female ... Seal silver Chinchilla Point... went to same home as Avery

Spirit ... Female ... Seal silver Chinchilla Point Longhair ... Is living with my best friend ... What she says about Spirit "She is a very independent girl but is affectionate and loving when she wants to be"

Litter Born 8-28-2020 to Nina and Schnocki

Fergus ... Black Silver Shaded Male ... what his mom says " Fergus is doing well and is ruling the house lol"

Pucci ... Black Silver Chinchilla Point.. What his mom says " THey have a new 3200 sq ft house to roam around in with lots of big sliding glass doors to look out of"

Purronica .. Black Silver Chinchilla Point Longhair... What her mom says "She is big and so sassy too! Always scoffs at me haha"

Talulah ... Black Silver Shaded Longhair ... What her mom says "Talulah still loves her schedule. She likes to do the same thing every day. She is definitely food motivated and that is the one thing she likes to change up periodically. She loves to sit on our laps every once in a while and lots of pets/rubs. Her and Teegan are doing good together. They love to chase each other and play hide and seek. They don't cuddle but I noticed that they like to lay close to each other on the bed. She is a happy baby. We love her so much"

Litter Born on 8-31-2020 to Amber and Schnocki

Amira ... Seal Silver Chinchilla Point ... What her mom says about her "Amira has been so much fun and is like a second mother to all the kids. She has really bonded with daughter and enjoys playing with her."

Bijou... Sable Silver Lynx Point ... What her mom says about her "She is such a sweet little girl and so pretty. Here she is helping me with my moss and sticks. I started making terrariums."

Gismo ... Blue Silver Lynx Point Male .. no photos but mom said he is doing well.

Winston ... Blue Silver Lynx Point ... Mom said he is doing well

Thank you to all the families that shared with me and to all of them for taking such great care of the babies :)😻


Here is another video of Stars kittens that were born on August 14th .. they are now 5 weeks old and starting to scamper all over the place :). This is the stage I love to watch since they get so cute and fluffy as well as show their wonderful little personalities. The two shorthairs are males ... the longhairs are 2 females and 1 male. These little ones will be ready to go to their new homes around Nov 9th :)


Here is a video of Jasmine and Schnocki's babies. They were born on September 5th. They are all males and will look very similar to Mom's coloring.. Black Silver Shaded beauties and will have green eyes. They are only 9 days old in this video so they still are not moving around too much but so so cute :)


Today is another great day to share another video of the new litter of kittens born on August 14th to Star and Schnocki. They are only 3 weeks old but this bunch is already out and about trying to navigate the great big world :). They are so fun to watch at this age.
There are 3 boys (Buster, Buddy, and Bubba) and 2 girls ( Boo and Bree).

Next week I will share the new video of the kittens that were born on September 5th :)


Good day everyone. Today I would like to share the 1st video of the new kittens. They were born on August 14th to Star and Schnocki. There are 3 males and 2 Females.
Their names are Buster, Buddy, Bubba for the males and Boo and Bree for the females ... Since this is litter BB :).

They all look like they will be either Silver Shaded Points or Silver Shaded Chinchilla Points ... They most likely will all have Blue eyes like their mom and dad. I will know more of their colors as they develop over the next 4 to 5 weeks.

I thought today I would share a few photos I took this morning of Schnocki (My King and dad to all my kittens) and his d...

I thought today I would share a few photos I took this morning of Schnocki (My King and dad to all my kittens) and his daughter Zata (the only kitten still left from the spring babies) Schnocki went in yesterday to get his teeth cleaned and they had to pull two of his teeth :(. I think Zata was trying to be a clown to see if her dad would smile ... but nope still has his grumpy expression :).

And since I just had another litter of babies on August 14th I figured I would share a couple of these tiny little cutie pies.


Here is a video of the 2 kittens still at the cattery. On the Aug 18th little Zita will be going to her new home with Kathleen and Bryce in Sacramento Ca. They actually have one of my kittens already that is 5 years old and wanted to add little Zita to their great family .. Thank you :). So that will only leave little Zata still with me at the cattery till she finds her home as well :).

Today I thought I would share with you about the Spring babies this year.  There was 13 kittens born in March and April,...

Today I thought I would share with you about the Spring babies this year. There was 13 kittens born in March and April, out to those 11 have been adopted by wonderful kitty families. 2 Still remain with me at the cattery and still looking for their loving forever homes. Out to the 11 kittens that are at their new homes only 2 stayed in California the rest went all over the US. This is not the norm. In the past the majority stayed in Calif. So I used my kitty nanny a lot this year to fly the kittens to their new homes. He is wonderful and always sends me photos of the kitten and the new families when they pick them up at the airport. Something I need to start doing :). So I thought I would share these wonderful photos of the kittens meeting their new families for the first time. I want to thank all the wonderful families and Robert (my kitty nanny) in taking such great care of these babies.

I also am going to share some recent photos of the two kittens that are still at the cattery. These 2 girls (Zita and Zata) are beautiful Black Silver Shaded British Longhairs, they have gorgeous green eyes. They were born on March 29th and are the sweetest, most affectionate, playful kittens. If I could I would keep them both since they bring so much love and joy to me daily. But since I have all my Queens and Kings that need daily attention I really feel these two deserve more one on one attention. They play with each other all the time and with my young Male who will be the new king of the cattery (he is 17 months old). They run through the house chasing each other all the time ... its so much fun watching them. And when they get tired they both come climb in my lap to nap :).

So please enjoy the photos and this week I will also post a video of the two of them. I am expecting one of my fall litters by the end of Aug and one more in Sept. So these two beauties could use some love before the Fall kittens take over the house :).

Here is another litter of kittens that was born in July.  These two beauties were born on July 16th 2021.  The parents w...

Here is another litter of kittens that was born in July. These two beauties were born on July 16th 2021. The parents were Amber and Schnocki. The male is a Blue Silver Lynx point like his dad named Oscar and The other is a sweet Female Black Silver Shaded Point that looks like her mom :). Both of their adopted families sent me some great photos and wonderful notes on their babies.

Oscar ... He lives in San Gabriel Ca with his mom Elizabeth. This is what she had to say about her baby " Oscar is now 3 years old, Officially an adult. He is still very cute and sweet. He loves to hangout with his brother but once in a while they fight :). He is now more vocal and talks a lot. My mom spoils them a lot and she makes sure they always have enough food." I let her know that the males of this breed actually are not full grown and adults till they are around 5 years old. Also Oscars little brother was adopted last year as a birthday gift for Oscar :).

Missy.. She lives in Los Angles Ca with her mom Jordan. Here is what she had to say about Missy " She has really grown into her features and personality. She can be very chatty! She loves to lay on her back with her belly up too. Definitely the queen bee in our house."

Hi All Just wanted to take time and share July's Birthday kittens for the next few days.  Today is a group of beautiful ...

Hi All Just wanted to take time and share July's Birthday kittens for the next few days. Today is a group of beautiful babies (not so little anymore) that were born on July 4th 2021 to Jasmine and Schnocki. All females and all very sweet loving Black Silver shaded beauties.

Here is what their families had to say about each one of them:

Lucia ... Here parents David and Linda living in Malibu Ca " She is so loving.. to us and her sister (her sister they adopted last year) and our housekeeper and the vet. but she is still leery of anyone else in the house. Thank you again for allowing us to have this wonderful girl in our lives"

Lychee ... She lives with her mom Rachel in Fremont Ca. " I'm so glad I decided to choose Lychee from you. She brings me joy every day. She is so sweet. Her funny little face is so similar to her dads :). Lychee is a pretty independent little girl, she loves pets but doesn't like being held or bothered for too long lol but her favorite to sleep is on my pillow or next to my feet"

Kiwi ... She lives with her parents Quynh and Allen in San Jose Ca. " Time flies so fast! She's a big girl now. Kiwi is doing great. Her daily routine consists of window watching, napping on my desk while I am working and cuddle session in bed when we are ready for sleep. Kiwi is so tiny too, she's 7.4 lbs although she eats like crazy. I still think she's a kitten sometimes"

Lady ... She lives with her mom Kara in Benicia Ca. .. I did not hear from Kara this year on Lady's birthday but she sent me a wonderful photo of Lady at Christmas this year :).

Thank you all for taking such great care of these gorgeous Girls and thank you for sharing some really great photos as well :).

Last Spring Litter ... Parents are Star and Schnocki these little ones were born on April 12th 2024.  There is 2 Males a...

Last Spring Litter ... Parents are Star and Schnocki these little ones were born on April 12th 2024. There is 2 Males and 3 Females. All are Silver Chinchilla Points and will have blue eyes. One of the females is a Longhair.

Angel: She is a Black Silver Chinchilla and will have blue eyes. She is a very Outgoing, super smart, loves to play but also cuddles when she gets tired. She was the first out of the birthing box and within just a few days she pulled off her collar and no matter what I did she kept pulling it off :). She is heading to Colorado to be with her new family.

April: She is a black silver Chinchilla Point and will have blue eyes. She is a very low key calm kitten. She likes to watch before joining in with siblings. She will be a very mellow loving girl. (She actually might be a he... even the vet was not certain, so we will wait till last shots and see if easier to tell what gender) She is heading to Arizona to be with her new forever mom.

Alisha: She is a black Silver Chinchilla Point Longhair. She is a Super Affectionate, loves attention but prefers playing :). Very independent little girl and is a true charmer. When you look into her big blue eyes you just melt.

Andy: He is a Black Silver Chinchilla Point with big round blue eyes. He is a very loving, outgoing but easy going mellow guy. Loves to be petted and play when awake. He is the biggest kitten of this litter. He is heading to Ohio to be with his new forever Parents.

Apollo: He is a Black Silver Chinchilla Point with beautiful blue eyes. He is very entertaining to watch he loves to be like the leader of the pack and off on many adventures but when its time for sleep he gladly jumps in your lap for affection as he drifts off to sleep. He has a very feisty side to him. He is the smallest of the litter but has the biggest personality.

Another Spring Litter .. The parents to this beautiful group is Giselle and Schnocki they were born on March 29th 2024. ...

Another Spring Litter .. The parents to this beautiful group is Giselle and Schnocki they were born on March 29th 2024. There are 5 kittens. This litter is a very mixed variety of colors as well as hair length: 3 longhairs and 2 shorthair brits. Colors are 2 Black Silver Shaded, 2 Seal Silver Chinchilla points and 1 Sable Silver Shaded.

Zata: She is a Black Silver Shaded Longhair Brit. She will have green eyes. She is the most outgoing of this litter, loves to play and explore when awake, she loves to be petted and belly rubbed. When she is playing she bounces sideways :). Very cute round face. Very affectionate

Zita: She is a Black Silver Shaded Longhair Brit. she will have green eyes. A lot like her sister overall accept she has a bit darker coloring on her face.. They are like little twins in personality and even in looks. She is not as adventurous as her sister … she is the first to come me to sit in my lap. Loves to be cuddled and makes little cooing sounds.

Zina: She is a Sable Silver Shaded Shorthair, she will have green eyes. She is the most independent of this litter, very curious but much more mellow than the others. She checks everything out before moving forward. She has a very calm demeanor and does not scare easy even with loud noises. Once in your lap she will fall sound asleep while being petted. She is going to be a gorgeous little girl. She will be heading off to PA to be her forever Parents.

Zeke: He is a Seal Silver Chinchilla Point Shorthair. This little man is a charmer .. He has bright blue eyes that he keeps wide open :). He is outgoing but will come running to get pets and his belly rubbed. If a toy is insight though he goes running to play. He loves to be picked up and cuddled. He seems to always wins the hearts of anyone visiting. He will be heading off to Nevada to be with new forever Dad

Zanders: He is a Seal Silver Chinchilla Point Longhair. He will have stunning blue eyes. He is a Little lover :). He loves to explore and is outgoing and wants to check everything out but actually puts all that aside if your giving him attention. Very sweet cute little guy. He will be heading off to San Jose, Ca to be with his forever Dad.



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