Update, majority of the gasket bins have been claimed.
We have officially closed as an LLC/ business as lifes adventure has made this decision a while ago, this is our first official announcement because we tried to make it work but can not see it lasting any longer with the things that took place this year.
For locals who may want plastic small bins, please contact us, there is a marketplace posting of them as well. Will also be going through misc supplies - let us know if you're looking for something, and we may or may not have it. We will also have a few larger bins available too.
We have a few enclosures available. The remaining isopods are temporarily on reserve, but if it fails, we will announce what's left as needed there are a few more than what's seen. If you want the isopods let me know and we can see a timeline.
Located in Brigham City, Utah. We will not be shipping at this time.