Sherlock’s first liberty lesson today & he caught on so fast! 🖤 He’s been a super trooper working on the hard stuff, rethinking & integrating with how he’s holding & using his body. This week, it became apparent that the quarter was up for only doing that kind of work & I said, “I hear you, thank you for focusing so hard for so long.” I fully recognize not every horse would have been game to dive right into that & stay in that for as long as he did. We can’t hit stop on that work — we really need that work for awhile yet. But we can add in variety & new challenges & continue to help him develop into who he is meant to be! This is a great place for liberty work to be added in. Mental challenges, without too much physical intensity. Excited to teach his owner his new dance moves soon! 💃
An example of why I don’t totally hate freezing my booty off for them (even though I absolutely do hate the cold). Because moments like this remind me what it’s all for: in the wide open pasture, he chose to share a moment of his morning, with me. That’s a kind of warmth the cold can’t touch. ❤️🔥
We can help them to be prepared for life in a human world which involves picking up feet. The obvious reasons: farrier work & picking out their feet. Other reasons: trust building, balance work, stretches, bodywork, learning to yield to pressure, being thoughtful, & the list goes on. I teach them a voice cue, use my energy, intention, touch & wait in case they want to shift their balance as they pick it up. This allows them to have some level of consent & freedom over their body in the question I’m asking of them, or others will ask of them. Be present, be intentional, be patient. It will translate into other aspects of their training as well. ✨
Full-time training goes beyond just riding your horse. Your horse will get hands-on support, met where they’re at each day, a program that can meet their needs not forcing them to fit any particular program. They’ll have access to our team of exceptional professionals such as our nutritionist, farrier, saddle fitter, veterinary team, & bodyworker! Our chore staff is skilled at handling horses of all kinds & knows how important it is to have an eye for details each shift. If you’re ready to listen to your horse, deepen your connection, help them find improved functional movement & posture, more thoughtfulness & curiosity about their job, & overall have a safer, happier, fit equine partner, reach out today for availability. ✨
Grateful for every member of our team that helps each & every horse in training feel their best. If for some reason they’re not feeling their best, our team is packed with incredibly knowledgeable people to lean on & work to get them back to feeling their best! 🫶
Grace has had a few months off of ridden work to work on her physical health & ensure her body is feeling up to training. It’s been paying off with her physically but it has also really invited us to both slow down & connect in the groundwork. Today, I just hopped on after some liberty work & we played with some walk/halt transitions in the roundpen. So fun to feel that depth of trust & connection with each other & realize that the time away from riding the last few months doesn’t mean we’ve regressed in our partnership. If anything, we’re deepening it further. 🫶
Pal is thoughtful but can be quite pushy on the ground when he’s not focused in the work. He’s young & curious but when we had to take a step back in training to let his body do some recovery & rewiring, he got bored & some of our initial month of hard work got a little rusty. I hadn’t done a ton of liberty with him initially but in preparing to get back to saddle prep work next week, I wanted to get him thinking a little bit lighter & more in tune with me without us pulling on each other. This is the beginning of him figuring some of it out. It’s a tool I like to use because not only do they feel like they have a choice & can find the release next to me but neither of us can get in a tug-of-war match either & that soft dance next to me is something I wanted him to find.
Warm, sunny, play day for Grace & Manley today at Indigo Trails Farm ☀️ #adrivingforcehms #adrivingforcehorsemanship #horselessons #groundwork #horsetraining #liberty #humanhorserelationship #relationshipandhorsemanship #compassionatehorsetraining #ponyplaytime #fosterauthenticity #ilovehorses #connection #travelingtrainer #instructor #horses #ponyplayday #learningthroughplay
On my first morning in Florida back in June, I stepped into the round pen for my first lesson. A big gray gelding with a somewhat dopey expression stood at the other end of the lead rope that I was holding onto, waiting for me to organize my mind & body into the exercise Tik had just demonstrated to me. I felt like I had stepped into a foreign country & was speaking a foreign language. I thought that I at least knew how to lead a horse until I stepped into that round pen that day. I spent a lot of time with Cloud in the round pen right off the bat & after many hours spent working together, I started to see a shift in him… perhaps because there was a shift beginning in myself as well. It’s amazing how horses challenge us to think differently & it makes us better in & out of the arena. As the summer went on & as my confidence & comfort in the round pen seemed to grow, the layers started to peel back & I was getting a horse who really started to engage with me. He was playing along with me, a part of the conversation.It soon became an unsaid fact amongst the staff that I would lead him in & out of turnout, more days than not I would groom, tack, & bathe him, if he needed any kind of additional care, I opted to be the one to do most of it, & I would spend undemanding time with him in the stall or sneaking him treats. The gelding that I once coined “boring” (I never think a horse is boring anymore) is far from it. He is goofy, kind, opinionated, sweet, smart, & loves having a human friend. I could tell how he was feeling about what was going on by how he licked my hands, whether or not he came up to me at his stall door, & how he walked to the round pen or his pasture. He taught me the joy, passion, & childlike awe you can experience when you’re fully present & invested time to build a well-rounded relationship with the horse you’re working.He’s the first horse that wasn’t already trained in liberty work that I started doing some liberty work with on my o