Sharing... Itty bitty cutie available for adoption.
Meet Hotsy Totsy PC, a dog available for adoption
You looking for a doggo that is small enough to pick up one handed and hold in the crutch of your arm pit? Do you wear deodorant? It’s not mandatory, just asking to make conversation. But switching to a pepperoni scent instead of ocean breeze or roses would be nice.
I’m a female, 1-2 year old, less than 10 pound, pint sized gal, probably Chihuahua for the dainty physique and Rat Terrier for the tuxedo coat. A great size to pack into a gym bag and take everywhere with you, be sure to leave your sneakers in there, your feet smell, honestly, aroma therapy.
I came from a Texas border shelter where I was on the e-list. I had on a pink color so you think someone woulda claimed me, but nope!
I get along with the dogs at the rescue house, but honestly, I am a people pooch and sometimes I find the highest perch to steer clear from all the freaky fidos so I can have a break from the chaos.
I really want a person to carry me around and tell me I’m a pretty good girl. Oops, punctuation matters. I am pretty and good, not “pretty good” meaning mediocre.
If you want a cute, small, sweetie pie of a dog, please pick me. Up. Pick me up!
Hotsy Totsy PC- spayed female, Rat Terrier/Chihuahua mix, white/black, 1-2 years, less than 10 lbs, good with dogs, good with kids, not cat tested, sweet, smart
Goliad, Texas, but can be transported out of state