Freddie's Fun Place

Freddie's Fun Place The lighter side of pet ownership, health and all the fun stuff! Join us for a Fred-tastic fun time.

Today's DOGgust special feature is full of drama, mystery, revenge, and a special friendship. Grimm's Fairy Tales are fa...

Today's DOGgust special feature is full of drama, mystery, revenge, and a special friendship.

Grimm's Fairy Tales are famous for being very DARK and often frightening. The infamous Grimm tale "the Dog and the Sparrow" is such a story. It starts as a tale of want, friendship and caring for others... but ends up as a story of revenge and murder.

In a synopsis view of the story, an unfortunate dog was living with a master who mistreated him and always let him go hungry. One day the dog had enough, broke ties with this master and headed out on his own to find food. Along the way he meets a sparrow who befriends the ragged and hungry dog. The bird promises that if the dog follows him to a nearby town, he would assure the dog was well fed. To his word, the bird manages to gather steak and bread to feed the famished dog. After eating, they retreat to the outskirts of town, the dog laid down in the road to rest his mind and full belly. The bird watched over the dog and saw a horse drawn cart carrying a heavy load driving down the path towards where the dog was sleeping. The bird flew to the driver of the cart and attempted to get him to stop... the driver became angry with the bird, ignored the birds request to stop, and eventually ran over the dog, killing him.

THIS is where the story takes a very dark turn! The bird was "a bit" upset in losing his new friend... so he set out on rampage of revenge that is akin to a plot of a Quentin Tarantino movie. In the end, the bird has a hand in the demise of three horses, destruction of the cart drivers' home and belongings, and eventually the accidental homicide of the driver at the hands of his angry wife. In the end, the bird did avenge the death of his friend. Nice bedtime story for children!!!

Use this link to visit the web home and read the full "The Dog and the Sparrow" fairy tale.

Photo by Cynthia Enuton

Oreo is back with another CATerday Fun Fact... who says Dogs have all the fun!Did you know that a small town in Alaska e...

Oreo is back with another CATerday Fun Fact... who says Dogs have all the fun!

Did you know that a small town in Alaska elected a cat as it's mayor? In 1997 the town of Talkeetna, Alaska named a cat named Stubbs it's Honorary Mayor. Stubbs was a longtime resident who lived at the local general store. His term in office lasted 20 years until he died in 2017. He “worked” out of his office in the general store, greeting his constitutes and keeping the towns mouse population at a minimum. Reportedly, Stubbs drank water spiked with catnip out of a wineglass to relax after a long day at the office. After Stubbs’ unfortunate death, the title of Honorary Mayor was turned over to a brother-sister cat duo named Aurora and Denali.

Only ONE WEEK left in this years DOGgust celebration! Be sure to stop by the Fun Place each day for Dog-tacular stories,...

Only ONE WEEK left in this years DOGgust celebration! Be sure to stop by the Fun Place each day for Dog-tacular stories, advice, "Did You Know" shockers, and Fun Facts...

Did you know that Dogster created a 2024 list of the MOST Pet Friendly States in our Nation? We looked through the list for you, and here are the top 5 by rank...

1) Florida tops the list with a grand total of 32,841 dog-friendly rentals and hotels available, there is no shortage of places to stay. You can keep your fur buddy active and engaged at the states 8,313 activities, dog parks, and dog-friendly eateries

2) California comes in a distant second with 24,443 dog-friendly accommodations. The left coast offers a lot of options, including top to bottom ocean access, dog friendly beaches, and lots of pet recreational spots open to canines and a handful more dog-friendly events

3) Texas ranks third on the list, but things are bigger in Texas... including 20,848 different accommodations to host you and your pup. You'll also find over 6,057 dog-friendly parks, restaurants, and activities to enjoy. Your dog is never alone in the Lone Star State

4) North Carolina offers13,717 excellent vacation rentals and 1,297 dog-friendly hotels. However, the real Tarheel treat is the dog-friendly places and activities you'll find in the state. North Carolina has 2,863 restaurants and cafes open to canines

5) New York may not seem like a typical vacation destination for you and your dog... but, surprisingly, the Empire State has 13,633 dog-friendly hotels and rentals to choose from, so there’s no shortage of places to stay. From Niagira Falls to the Baseball Hall of Fame, over to NYC... New York is the place to be with your dog. Consider the 754 dog parks, eateries, and activities to enjoy, as well and if you happen to wander into New York City, you and your dog can hang out in Central Park, which is 100% Dog Friendly!

Click here to look at the full ranking of Pet Friendly States... where did your home state land?

The weekend is upon us! What plans do you have with your favorite fur friends? If you are stumped on what to do with you...

The weekend is upon us! What plans do you have with your favorite fur friends? If you are stumped on what to do with your doggy chum, our friends at put together a list of fun stuff custom made for you and your best bud! Here are a few of our favorites...

- Give your Dog a Massage: If it's a hot summer day, waste the time away by giving your fur kids a spa day, starting with a massage. It’s soothing for dogs who are prone to anxiety, a great way to improve circulation, it provides a boost the immune system, and helps with digestion

- Teach Your Dog the “Cup Game”: It's a dog version of the old Shell Game, and your puppy wins every time! All you need are three cups and some dog treats. Let your dog watch while you place a treat under one of the cups and encourage him to sniff it out. Once they regularly can find the cup with the treat, up the complexity and shuffle the cups. Make sure you give them the treat as a reward when they do uncover it

- Look for an Indoor Place to Take a Walk: Some cities have created Indoor Dog Parks that allow you to "beat the heat on your dogs 4 feet". If that isn't an option, a stroll through a Pet Store, finding a Pet Friendly bar or restaurant will do the trick. Dogs who love the water could be walked on a dog friendly beach and then take a dip in the big pool

- Have a treat hunt in your backyard: Much like an Easter Egg hunt for your human kids, take some time to stage hidden treats in "not so hard" to find locations all over your yard. Once your set, show Rover where a few treats are hidden, after a short while they will catch on and roam the yard looking for more hidden treasure

To see the complete list of 44 Day Off activates with your dog, use this link...

What do dogs think? Did you ever wonder what goes on in their heads? Do they have an inner monologue of barks and whines...

What do dogs think? Did you ever wonder what goes on in their heads? Do they have an inner monologue of barks and whines, or do they hear their human parents voice in their head?

This week's Dog Blog breaks down the inner workings of a dog's mind and explains just how it might operate. The facts may take you by surprise in this quick 4-to-5-minute read. Find out what ...

It's DOGgust at Freddie's Fun Place... and you thought YOUR life has gone to the dogs. Imagine a town with the same Mayo...

It's DOGgust at Freddie's Fun Place... and you thought YOUR life has gone to the dogs. Imagine a town with the same Mayor for 13 years, and it was a DOG!

Bosco Ramos was elected to be the Mayor of Sunol, California in 1981 by defeating two opponents. Bosco was a Black Labrador and Rottweiler mix, his opponents were humans. Bosco served continuously from 1981 till his death, while still in office, in from 1981 to 1994. Bosco was known as a dapper dresser, wearing his "everyday bandana" to the office each day.

At a local Sunol bar, two men were animated as they argued over the two candidates in the race. Bosco’s original owner, Brad Leber, entered the fray, arguing that his dog could beat either man. What was meant to be a joke turned serious, as Bosco campaigned as the "Re-pup-lican" candidate.

Leber was able to build a groundswell of support in the small town, going from person to person and attempting to sway their minds and capture their votes. Bosco was a runaway winner, even though he was not listed on the ballot. The vast majority were fine with having him as mayor and listed him as a "write in" candidate.

Leber moved out of town, but the town of Sunol loved their mayor so much that they made an arrangement to keep him in town. Even though it was more of an Honorary position, Bosco took his job seriously. He roamed the town daily, making stops in many businesses where he was always greeted with a thunderous ovation. Bosco received worldwide press coverage, with China using him as a symbol of why Democracy was horrible... even a dog could govern in the USA.

Leave it to Freddie to provide a Super DOGgust Special for all of our Senior Dog friends in San Diego, North County, and...

Leave it to Freddie to provide a Super DOGgust Special for all of our Senior Dog friends in San Diego, North County, and Vista. It's a great savings to go along with our signature "Best Care Anywhere" for your favorite fur kids.

If you're looking for change in your pet's everyday wellness care, or in need for help with an unexpected pet health issue, Freddie's Place Animal Hospital offers old-fashioned compassionate care at our always fair "Freddie Friendly" prices. Call 760-Freddie for information, or just stop by Our Place!

DO YOU FREDDIE? Your fur kids wish you did!


Today's "Wise Wednesday" message comes as a special delivery video from the Best Care Anywhere Team at Freddie's Place Animal Hospital.

The end of summer is right around the corner, and in some communities that means the biggest fireworks shows of the year... even larger than the 4th of July. What causes your pets to be so afraid of fireworks and what can you do to assure they don't end up lost and alone when the booms and flashing lights start? The attached video takes you through what to do.

Thanks to the hard working, pet professionals at Freddie's Place. If you're in the Vista or North County area of San Diego and you're looking for everyday wellness or an urgent care solution for your fur kids, give our team a call at 760-Freddie.

Do YOU Freddie? Isn't it time you did?

DOGgust is in the home stretch, but we have a few days left to dazzle you with unique dog facts, "Did You Know" dog know...

DOGgust is in the home stretch, but we have a few days left to dazzle you with unique dog facts, "Did You Know" dog knowledge, and special dog features. Tune is daily to find out what's up in the world of Dogs!

Did You Know...

According to the Guiness Book of World Records, the longest distance a dog has every walked happened in 1979 when a labrador/boxer cross named Jimba turned up at his old home in Pimpinio, Victoria, Australia. His owner, Warren Dumesney, had taken the dog with during a work trip to a farm in Western Australia. Jimba took a "walkabout," that day and never came back.

Assuming the worst, Dumesney figured his dog had become prey to wildlife in the area. To everyone's suprise, Jimab turned up at the front door of his old home 14 months later. During his trek the dog negotiated the almost waterless Nullarbor Plain. Pimpinio, Victoria, Australia and walked at total of 2,000 miles across Australia.

The devotion and love a dog feels for their people is limitless, or at least 2000 miles wide. If only humans could that that quality of loyalty and love.

Photo of Norman by Suzzane Oddy

We are totally lost... which one is Freddie?

We are totally lost... which one is Freddie?

It's a Tongue Out Tuesday @ Freddie's Fun Place. Our Fun Place Gang gives a licking and keeps on ticking! Does your dog ...

It's a Tongue Out Tuesday @ Freddie's Fun Place. Our Fun Place Gang gives a licking and keeps on ticking! Does your dog a T.O.T. Warrior? We'd love to see their tongue out style. Post a photo in the comments and let us know a little about your T.O.T. star!

As we continue with our special month long DOGgust content, we wanted to clear up a misconception.  Most people connect ...

As we continue with our special month long DOGgust content, we wanted to clear up a misconception. Most people connect the phrase "The Dog Days of Summer" to temperatures in summer that are so hot causing dogs to pants uncontrollably.

Did you know that "The Dog Days of Summer" has a totally different meaning than what most people think?

National Geographic indicates that the dog days is actually an ancient Greek & Roman term created by watching the movement of the stars in the sky. It refers to Sirius, the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major. Sirius means “big dog” in Latin and is said to represent one of Orion’s hunting dogs.

To the Greeks and Romans, the “dog days” occurred around the time Sirius appears to rise alongside the sun, in late July in the Northern Hemisphere. They believed the heat from the two stars combined is what made these days the hottest of the year, a period that could bring fever or even catastrophe. In 2023, Sirius moved into the position beside the sun from July 3rd to August 11th.

Of course, it's likely that during that time span... a lot of dogs panted from the heat!

We contend that 99.9% of all people in an office workplace have "lifted" things from the company.  In an actual study, 7...

We contend that 99.9% of all people in an office workplace have "lifted" things from the company. In an actual study, 75% of people admitted to taking things from the office. Mostly it was pens, paper, paperclips, file folders, and small everyday items. 2% admitted to stealing larger items like copiers, computers, desk phones, and chairs.

DOGgust continues here at the Fun Place. People add a dog to their family for all sorts of reasons, including added prot...

DOGgust continues here at the Fun Place. People add a dog to their family for all sorts of reasons, including added protection and security. But... do dogs really act as a deterrent for criminals? says that the idea of security dogs is part fantasy and part reality. It's strictly dependent on the dog breed, the dog's temperament, the dogs training, and the situation.

A smaller breed dog (think Chihuahua, Pekingese, Jack Russel Terriers) might make enough noise to make a thief think twice about entering your home, but the actual threat they represent is small. A big dog (Doberman, German Shepherd, Bull Dog) is more likely to make a burglar reconsider their decision. The question becomes, would your big dog attack and defend, or lick a burglar's face and guide them to all your good stuff.

Security experts state that even a small dog yapping will make enough noise and pose enough of a potential threat to make a thief think twice about your home as a target. However, a national study states that houses with trained and licensed guard dogs only enjoy a 1.71% lower break in rate than households without.

If combined with security cameras, an alarm system (even just alarm protection stickers), or added security measures on doors and windows, dogs can add another layer of concern for any potential criminals.

We see you galloped over because you herd Freddie's Joke of the Week is a real night Mare. We Mane tane that it's just a...

We see you galloped over because you herd Freddie's Joke of the Week is a real night Mare. We Mane tane that it's just a horse of a different color!

Oreo was going to the veterinarian's office for his yearly checkup, and he was very nervous. Freddie tried his best to calm Oreo down by reasoning with him, "Listen pal... you've been to the doctor a bunch of times... everything always comes out okay." "Not always" Oreo said sadly, "I heard about a dog that swallowed 15 plastic horse figurines and was rushed to the vet. He had to have his stomach pumped and they couldn't get two horses out!" Freddie's eyes grew wide and he started to worry, too. "OH MY! What happened to him? Did they get the other two horses out?" Oreo shook his head, "there's not a lot of news yet. I know they fed him a bail of hay and some fencing." Freddie was shocked, "he ate fencing and hay along with 2 horses?... what's his condtion?" Oreo turned away and muttered, "Stable."

Are you pro Star Bucks, or does the thought make you say Star "Yucks"? What gets your engine running in the morning? As ...

Are you pro Star Bucks, or does the thought make you say Star "Yucks"? What gets your engine running in the morning?

As a side note, coffee is a NO GO for the doggo. An accidental lick or two from a cup of joe isn't going to hurt your fur pal (it might cause a bit of the loose stoolage). However, if your dog eats coffee grounds, goes whole ham on a bag of coffee beans, or swallows a tea bag it could cause serious toxicity.

DOGgust is more than half over... but we still have tons more special Dog Loving content, fun facts, special memes, and ...

DOGgust is more than half over... but we still have tons more special Dog Loving content, fun facts, special memes, and just plain doggone fun. Stop by the Fun Place daily to read our DOGgust posts.

Do your dog's feet smell like Corn Chips? Did you ever wonder why?

Naturally occurring bacteria causes your dog's feet to get that funky "corn chip" smell. Dogs have sweat glands in their paws, and that sweat will mix with the fungus to activate the "corn chip" odor. The scent you smell is basically yeast, bacteria, and sweat making the perfect storm to create "Corn Chip-ageddon".

To stop your dog from being a walking Frito Bandito, be sure you are washing your dog's paws regularly. You can also soak your dog's paws in a solution of Apple Cider Vinegar and water.

It's CATerday at Freddie's Fun Place, powered by Oreo. This week's Cat Fact is really amazing... Did you know that your ...

It's CATerday at Freddie's Fun Place, powered by Oreo. This week's Cat Fact is really amazing... Did you know that your cat doesn't have a sweet tooth?

In 2005, scientists discovered that a cats have a genetic deficiency which deletes the sugar detectors on their taste buds. This means that cats do not possess the "hardware" needed to taste sweets, so they don't have a desire or craving for them.

Humans have at least five kinds of taste buds that detect: sour, bitter, salty, umami (or meatiness) and sweet/fat. Cats are missing one of the taste bud detectors, which makes tasting sweets "different" or even impossible.

So, don't give your cat a break and break them off a piece of your KitKat bar... they won't understand why you would want to eat it.

It's a DOGgust Friday! We are more than halfway through the month and almost to the end of summer. Time is ticking to ge...

It's a DOGgust Friday! We are more than halfway through the month and almost to the end of summer. Time is ticking to get those summertime fun activities with your dog in the books.

Does YOUR DOG play with a Frisbee? According to, these are the breeds most likely to "get some vertical time" with a Frisbee; American Pit Bull Terrier, Australian Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, Border Collie, German Shepherd, German Shorthaired Pointer, Golden Retriever, Jack Russell Terrier, Labrador Retriever, and Standard Poodle. (it makes sense that there are no flat nosed breeds on the list)

Did you know that the idea of a Frisbee can be traced back to 1871, when William Russell Frisbie opened a bakery in Bridgeport Connecticut. The Frisbie Pie Company had great pies that people loved, but an added bonus was when customers would toss the empty pie tins back and forth for fun, giving rise to the game of “Frisbie-ing.” In 1955 Wham-O toy company bought the rights to the "Flying Saucer Disk" and renamed it the “Frisbee” in honor of the original Frisbie Pie Company.

Now get out and throw that disc around the yard with your fur kids, !

Finally Friday! Let's get the weekend started! What's your Pet Friendly plans for this weekend? A paw party by the pool?...

Finally Friday! Let's get the weekend started! What's your Pet Friendly plans for this weekend? A paw party by the pool? Dinner and a movie (like K9, All Dogs Go to Heaven, or Turner & Ho**ch)?
Long walk on the beach with the fur butt you love?

It's DOGgust at Freddie's Fun Place. What's in a name? It's pretty important, as you'll carry it with you every day of y...

It's DOGgust at Freddie's Fun Place. What's in a name? It's pretty important, as you'll carry it with you every day of your life.

Dog names can be trendy, topical, funny, a legacy name, from a movie, from a song, from a book, or from letters tossed out from a game of Scrabble. Everyone has a different method, routine, or process for picking their dog's name. What's yours?

Our friends at the American Kennel Club (AKC) have put together the 10 most popular names for male and female dogs in 2023. Click the link below to peruse their findings.

If you're looking for help naming your dog, there are quite a few "Dog Name Generators" that will give you options based on information you put in about your dog. You can choose Funny, Cute, Historical, Movie, Book, Song, or many more options to help the generator create a perfect name.

We played with a name generator from the Nerdburglers, just for fun. Based on our input, our most favorite names from the lists provided were, "Benedict Cumberbark", "Sir Arthur Canine Doyle", "David Hasselpoop", & "Arf Vadar"...

Whats the most unique dog name you've heard?

Is your dogs diet providing all the nutrients they need? This weeks Dog Blog will give you the knowledge to assure you p...

Is your dogs diet providing all the nutrients they need? This weeks Dog Blog will give you the knowledge to assure you pick the right food, and introduces you to food supplements and how they could be beneficial to your dogs overall health. It's a 5 minute read that could open your eyes to you dogs bad eating habits. Find out what

Did you know that approximately  780 million people (or 10% of the world's population) is left handed? Join our Fun Plac...

Did you know that approximately 780 million people (or 10% of the world's population) is left handed? Join our Fun Place Gang in wishing all of the "lefties" a fun Special Day!

Join us for DOGgust all month long, a celebration of all things DOG! Could your dog make the cut as a K-9 Police Officer...

Join us for DOGgust all month long, a celebration of all things DOG!

Could your dog make the cut as a K-9 Police Officer? A lot goes into the selection, training, matching with a partner, and deployment of police dog. Here are just a few Fun Facts about this important profession...

- Only certain breeds are considered for the job. German shepherds, Belgian Malinois, Labrador Retrievers, Dutch shepherds and bloodhounds are specifically bred and trained for this purpose
A dog must be physically strong, extremely intelligent, and these breeds have the DNA to be loyal and great problem solvers

- Police dogs are expensive to acquire, and many police budgets do not include acquisition of K9 officers, so the agency holds fund raisers and donation drives to cover the cost of purchase, training, K9 equipment, transportation for the dog, and ongoing housing and care

- Most of the police dog force in the US are actually imported from breeders in Europe

- Some police dogs are "target trained" for one specific duty, others have more general training to work in several different areas of police work.

- Some general categories designated for police dogs are Detection, Tracking & Apprehension, Search & Rescue, Public Relations and Community Engagement

- A K-9 Officer is a full-fledged member of the police force and is signed to be part of a tandem with a human partner. The pair live together, work together, which helps build the bond a real partnership needs.

- Retirement age for police dogs varies, but most are relieved of their duties by age 10. At the time of retirement, the dog will most likely live out his life with this human partner.

A different kind of detective is coming this fall to Fun Place TV...Thomas Sullivan Magnum IV is an ex-Navy Lieutenant, ...

A different kind of detective is coming this fall to Fun Place TV...

Thomas Sullivan Magnum IV is an ex-Navy Lieutenant, and a Special Ops Therapy Dog who resigned his commission at age 13 because he never got to be 3. On the beautiful San Diego Beaches, Magnum is a Private Investigator who enjoys life, his buddies, his family, a good cheese puff, long runs by the ocean, a daily afternoon nap and he works just hard enough to keep it real.

Welp... looks like someone just landed on the "Naughty List."  At least he has 5 months to work his way back up.        ...

Welp... looks like someone just landed on the "Naughty List." At least he has 5 months to work his way back up.

We've flipped the script on 2024 and changed the month of August to DOGgust. We will feature all things DOG, all month l...

We've flipped the script on 2024 and changed the month of August to DOGgust. We will feature all things DOG, all month long here at Freddie's Fun Place.

This story is hot off the press from our friends at

Meet Yolanda, a service dog from Philadelphia, who proved her love and loyalty by saving her owner’s life in back-to-back years and from two different dangers!

In 2014, Yolanda’s owner Maria, who is visually impaired, fell and became unconscious while home alone. Yolanda had completed class as a service dog, and saved Maria with that training. As unbelievable as it may seem, Yolanda was able to call 911 on a special phone, alerting medical workers who were able to revive Maria.

As if that wasn't amazing enough... the following year, Maria woke up to the smell of smoke. She called out to Yolanda using the command “danger,” and her special fur buddy again called 911 again! Thanks to the dynamic duo's quick action, and the help of local fire and rescue, they both escaped with just minor injuries thanks to Yolanda’s heroics.

Hero not only come in all size, shapes, colors, and backgrounds... with Dog heroes like Yolanda on patrol, Heroes also come in different species!

Image Credit By: Red Paw Emergency Relief Team – All rights reserved to the copyright owners


2395 S. Melrose Drive
Vista, CA


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