This little baby was so funny when I was taking his pictures— kicking up his little heels and crouching over—and tumbling!! It was so funny and cute!! I think he didn’t know how to act for the camera!!!
#mainecoon #mainecoons #mainecoonsofig #mainecoonworld #mainecooncattery #mainecoonkittens #mainecoonkittensavailable #mainecoonkitten #mainecoonkittensforsale #mainecoonkittenforesale #mainecoonsforsale #mainecoonforsale #mainecoonsavalailable #mainecoonavailable #mainecoonkittensusa #mainecoonkittensforsaleusa
PUMA the miracle Maine Coon Cat!! She was my breeder. I had 3 different Vets want to “humanely put her down”. I refused and FINALLY found a vet in Austin Tx to operate on her. She had a ruptured uterus, a kitten floating in her abdomen, and another kitten still in the uterus. Thank you to the Emancipet service that finally agreed to operate on our sweet Puma without “humanely putting her to sleep”…Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! That was over 2 years ago!! Puma is spoiled rotten and living with a couple who loves her more than anyone could ever imagine!! I know that God saved Puma for this family. Thank you W..for the updates and thank you for loving this beautiful girl…and thank you to God for saving her (when all the vets wanted to kill her). FYI, You can’t imagine the battle I went through at one vet near my home—they wanted to kill this girl so badly that they are angry with me (to this day) that I refused to allow them to “put her down” right then and there. They wanted it so badly!! Thank you God for giving me the courage and strength to say “No. You can’t kill my cat. Not today.” Believe it or not, it was hard to say that! PUMA YOU ARE LOVED!!! 🥰 .
#mainecoonlovers #mainecooncats #mainecoongram #mainecoonlover #mainecoonlife #mainecooncattery #mainecoonkittens #mainecoonofinstagram #mainecoonbaby #mainecoonkitty #Maine cats #catterymainecoon #mainecoonkittensforinstagram #maine_coons #mainecoonkittenofinstagrm #mainecoonkittenlover #bigtexcoons #texasmainecoon #mainecoonsoftexas #mainecoontexas #maincooncattery #maincooncats #maincooncat #mainecooncatsofinsta #catstagram
MERRY CHRISTMAS from Bigtexcoons!! It’s a Maine Coon Christmas!!🎄 —not available, not for sale—.
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Merry Christmas from Bigtexcoons!! TIGGER is going home to be a Maine Coon Christmas Present—not available—
#mainecoon #mainecoons #mainecoonsofig #mainecoonworld #mainecooncattery #mainecoonkittens #mainecoonkittensavailable #mainecoonkitten #mainecoonkittensforsale #mainecoonkittenforesale #mainecoonsforsale #mainecoonforsale #mainecoonsavalailable #mainecoonavailable #mainecoonkittensusa #mainecoonkittensforsaleusa
SO CUTE!! BigTexCoons wishes you a very Merry Christmas!! We miss you sweet girl!!! __not available ___.
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Maine coon kitten learning how to play with the wand for the 1st time!!! (NOT AVAILABLE) NOT FOR SALE.
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Not available. We LOVE these cutie pies!!
#cutekitten #mainecoonkittens #maincoonsofinstagram #mainecoonsofig #kittenlovers
Love this kitty
#mainecoonkitten #kittensofig #mainecoonlovers #cutekitten #asmr #crunch #kittenlove
A very bite-y kitten, but she is a sweet heart and such a purrer!!
•#mainecoon #mainecoons #mainecoonsofig #mainecoonworld #mainecooncattery #mainecoonkittens #mainecoonkittensavailable #mainecoonkitten #mainecoonkittensforsale #mainecoonkittenforesale #mainecoonsforsale #mainecoonforsale #mainecoonsavalailable #mainecoonavailable #mainecoonkittensusa #mainecoonkittensforsaleusa
Napping after a very exhausting bath 🛁
#cutekitten #mainecoon #mainecoonsofinstagram #mainecoonkittens #bath #catbath
We are going to miss you Vicky! Such a sweet and pretty kitty 💕
#mainecoonkittens #pur #kittenpurrs #kittensofinstagram #funfact #catfunfact #mainecoonkitten #mainecoonsofinstagram
meow meow Winston
#cats #mainecoonsofinstagram #mainecooncats #blacksmokecat #tuxedocat #catedit #coolcat #catcat