First one to guess what this is in the video wins a free plush toy for their pet!
“What is canine parvovirus? Why do we vaccinate for it? Will my dog get sick from parvovirus?”
These are some questions we often get in the clinic. Our friends over at All Star Veterinary Clinic did an excellent job outlining parvovirus for us. Check it out below and make sure your dog is vaccinated! If you’re not sure, give us a call at 218-631-5826!
“How To Brush Your Dog’s Teeth”
Brought to you by our very own! Thank you to Alissa, our Receptionist/Assistant, and her dog Cooper for the wonderful demo!
Ear Mite Extravaganza!
All of this ear mite ”gunk” came from an itty bitty kitten. Ear mites are tiny little microscopic parasites that irritate your pets ears. We cannot typically see them with our naked eye. Ear mites can cause infection and excessive itching of the ears. You will often see a “dirt” like debris in the ear of the pet. Ear mites are contagious and can be transferred from pet to pet. We most commonly see them in cats but they can be found in dogs and small puppies too! Ear mites do require medical intervention so if you think your pet may have them, please reach out to us!
Picture of the ear mite under a microscope for reference.
A wonderful resource video from our friends over at Two Rivers Vet.
Practicing these restraint techniques at home helps your pet prepare for a veterinary visit and could help reduce stress while in the clinic!
annnnnd the winner is…..Carol Seibert!!!
Congratulations carol! Please contact us to get your basket! Thank you to all that participated!
Duke enjoyed his treats thoroughly during his exam! What a great catch!
Grapes (or raisins) are a big no no for treats in dogs. They can cause kidney damage and treatment can be difficult. As a safe and healthy alternative to treats, try watermelon or carrots! Cooper and Larry love watermelon while Harley could care less! Try it today with your pet!!
Shaniah caught one of our clinic cats, Delilah, using her computer again.