It's fairly common knowledge that Xylitol is toxic for dogs, but did you know birch sugar is the same thing? Peanut butter is a popular item for dogs that commonly contains this ingredient, but there are more. A link to the full article is below, but here is a piece from an article by Colorado State University about Xylitol and Birch Sugar:
"A common ingredient in sugar-free products like chewing gum and breath mints is safe for human consumption but toxic to dogs. Labeled as “xylitol” within the ingredients list for most products, the same plant-derived substance can also be identified as “birch sugar” or “birch sap” in others, an important distinction for pet owners to make when screening a product to determine if it is safe for pets.
“This is tricky for us as pet owners, because if we know ‘xylitol’ but not ‘birch sugar,’ we won’t be looking for it,” said Dr. Camille Torres-Henderson, a veterinary nutritionist at Colorado State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital. “And just one product is enough to make a dog sick.”
While xylitol is particularly poisonous to dogs, it can also cause adverse effects in cats and ferrets, so it’s best to keep any products containing xylitol out of reach of all pets. If your pet is notorious for getting into spaces where you store these products – for example, if you keep sugarless gum in your backpack or purse – be sure to make them inaccessible.
“Dogs are more susceptible because they have more sweet receptors in their tastebuds, so they’re generally more interested in products containing xylitol,” Torres-Henderson said. “Even though cats can’t taste sweet as well as dogs can, they’re still at risk.”
“Sugar free” is suspect
Commonly used as a sugar substitute, xylitol is a sweetener found in products like:
Chewing gum
Ice cream
Dietary supplements (like chewable or gummy vitamins)
Sugar-free desserts
Breath mints
Peanut butter"