Lenox, working on her muffin tin enrichment game! She crushed it!
I love getting updates from my clients! Hey Aimee! Happy new years!! I wanted to give you some updates on Oliver. You’ll be shocked!!Oliver came with me on a workcation to California!!! He did a 5.5 hour plane ride and was a total champ in the airport and on the plane!!THEN, he went around San Fransisco and Big Sur with us. OFF leash at some beaches!!!!!! He did tons of hiking and very little barking!!- Oliver’s MomObviously I always had treats and followed all of your guidance, but idk what was different, he was behaving on a whole new level!I’ve never seen him bark so little in his whole life. He saw lots of dogs, sniffed out of curiosity, and moved on! #Ahdogtraining#NJDogtraining #Puppytraining#Dogtrainer #cutedogs #aimeethedogtrainer #bergencountydogtraining #positivereinforcementtraining #rescuedogtraining
Calling Fendi to come, away from attempting to play with Charlie! Great job! #Ahdogtraining#NJDogtraining #Dogtrainer #cutedogs #aimeethedogtrainer #bergencountydogtraining #positivereinforcementtraining #rescuedogtraining#doggiebootcamp#doggiesocial#daytraining
Great job today, Fendi! She did awesome in Home Depot today! #Ahdogtraining#NJDogtraining #Dogtrainer #cutedogs #aimeethedogtrainer #bergencountydogtraining #positivereinforcementtraining #rescuedogtraining#doggiebootcamp#daytraining
She did awesome when we sat at a bench and watched people walk by! I praised her for watching people calmly, and then once she checks in with me I mark with a yes and treat. This task is so important!
Working on changing directions with Fendi. This teaches her to pay attention to you, and saying ‘let’s go’ gives her a heads up that she needs to stay close and follow you. Toss a great tool to have for reactive dogs to create space quickly from their triggers. #Ahdogtraining#NJDogtraining #Dogtrainer #cutedogs #aimeethedogtrainer #bergencountydogtraining #positivereinforcementtraining
Dad and Gordo practicing! Good job!
Teddy update!
Love getting updates from my clients! Teddy was never a fan of ‘strangers’ in his home….to the point he thought he was supposed to eat them….or so it looked!
‘Just wanted to give you a teddy update we were floored today. My mom’s friend just flew in for the week this am. She has visited before and he would always go after her. He barked once at her we distracted him and then he was completely fine! We are still keeping an eye on him and if we see him fixate on her we redirect. This afternoon he let her give him treats and do some training! And even let her pet him (he wasn’t a fan but didn’t bite and she saw he didn’t like it so she didn’t do it again) but it’s sooo nice letting him roam the house and have him be comfortable around her!’
- Teddy’s Mom
Mom and Ivy practicing leave it! Great job!
Ivy look at me
Mom and Ivy practicing look at me!
Bradley and Dad showing off some still including Center, heel, and impulse control! So fun!#Ahdogtraining#NJDogtraining #Puppytraining#Dogtrainer #cutedogs #aimeethedogtrainer #bergencountydogtraining #positivereinforcementtraining #rescuedogtraining
Cooper and Mom practicing Come! Practice a little bit each day and it all adds up! Practice for the moment, not in the moment! #Ahdogtraining#NJDogtraining #Puppytraining#Dogtrainer #cutedogs #aimeethedogtrainer #bergencountydogtraining #positivereinforcementtraining