Lina Chero - Animal Communicator and Energy Healer

Lina Chero - Animal Communicator and Energy Healer I love to enhance the loving relationship between humans and their companions through communication! yes, practice makes perfect!

Animal communication is the transference of pictures, feelings and words through telepathy and while we all have the ability to do this and may practice it more than we think, for example observe how babies can tells us their needs without the use of words or how many times have you and a loved one blur out the same words at the same time? It is, like a muscle, something that requires lots of prac

tice in order to make it stronger! Energy Healing is a holistic practice that activates the body's innate ability to heal itself. There are many modalities of Energy healing, the ones I know are EFT - emotional freedom technique better known as tapping. By tapping certain meridian points or energy hot spots we can restore balance from blockages produced by negative experiences. I also know Scalar Wave -

Currently I am in training for basic acupressure as well as animal nutrition and much more...

Comunicación con animales es la transferencia de imágenes, sentimientos y palabras a través de la telepatía y si bien todos tenemos la capacidad de hacer esto y lo practicamos más de lo que pensamos, por ejemplo observe cómo los bebés pueden decirnos sus necesidades sin el uso de palabras o cuántas veces usted y un ser querido han dicho las mismas palabras al mismo tiempo? como cualquier otro músculo, este tambien requiere de mucha práctica para fortalecerlo, es verdad que ¡la práctica hace al maestro! Energia Curativa es una práctica holística que activa la capacidad innata del cuerpo para curarse a sí mismo. Hay muchas modalidades de sanación energética, las que conozco son EFT, técnica de libertad emocional mejor conocida como tapping. Al tocar ciertos puntos meridianos o puntos de energía, podemos restablecer el equilibrio de los bloqueos producidos por experiencias negativas. También conozco la Onda Escalar -

Actualmente estoy entrenando para acupresión básica así como nutrición animal y mucho más ...

You love end of summer events,  don't you?  Stop and visit at   in Warrington for some great fun,  rescues,  cute adopta...

You love end of summer events, don't you? Stop and visit at in Warrington for some great fun, rescues, cute adoptables and good food!

10 Days away and we are ready to go. All we need is YOU. The vendors and Food Trucks need your support. Please click the link(s) below and click going or Interested. It will be a great event.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Summerfest Link
Trivia Link

Nothing better than a sweet companion while you work,  isnt? Their sweet and calming energy supports you all day even wh...

Nothing better than a sweet companion while you work, isnt?
Their sweet and calming energy supports you all day even when they need something from you which is also most likely the break you need too!!
What lovely energy do you enjoy while you work?

No hay nada mejor que tener una compañia relajante y balanceada mientras trabajas, cierto?
La energia de tus animalitos te ayuda a balancearte todo el dia incluso cuando ellos necesitan algo de ti lo que seguramente representa un cambio de ambiente para ti tambien. Ellos lo saben mejor que tu! quien te brinda su energia?

Feliz Cumpleaños to the best companion in my world,  best dad,  best friend, best of everything he sets his mind to do!!...

Feliz Cumpleaños to the best companion in my world, best dad, best friend, best of everything he sets his mind to do!!
I love you! We have so much more to celebrate together!! ❤️🎉🥳

Un feliz cumpleaños al mejor compañero de mi vida, mejor amigo, mejor padre y el mejor en todo lo que se propone!
Te amo!! Tenemos mucho mas que celebrar por mucho tiempo!! ♥️🎉🥳

Beards anyone?   Today is Beard day!  here are some cuter beards than yours!  1.  T**i monkey - Colombia2.  Bearded Empe...

Beards anyone? Today is Beard day! here are some cuter beards than yours!
1. T**i monkey - Colombia
2. Bearded Emperor Tamarin - Brazil /Peru
3. Iguana - Central/South America
4. Highland Cattle - Scotland
5. Bison - North America
6. Most dogs - everywhere

Well kept, beards are cool!! show us yours - whether in animal companion or human!! 😆

Tienes barba? hoy es el dia de la barba aqui te enseño algunos animales que llevan su barba con mucho estilo:

1. El monito T**i - Colombia
2. El monito Emperador Barbudo - Brazil /Peru
3. La Iguana - Central/South America
4. El Ganado de Highland - Escocia
5. El Bisonte - America del Norte
6. La mayoria de los perritos - Todo el mundo

Tienes algun animalito o humano con barbas? 😜

HAPPY NATIONAL DOGGY DAY!! As far as Im concerned, worldwide and universe wide as well!! to all the ones still with us a...

As far as Im concerned, worldwide and universe wide as well!! to all the ones still with us and those who are waiting at Rainbow Bridge! we love you, we love you, we love you!!

Show us the sweet doggos in your life!!!


Aunque para mi es dia mundial y universal!! felicidades a todos los perritos contigo y los que te esperan en el cielo!! Los queremos a todos!!
Enseñanos los perritos en tu vida!!!

Have you ever felt like you know even less after visiting you animal companion’s vet than you were before you got there?...

Have you ever felt like you know even less after visiting you animal companion’s vet than you were before you got there? It is beyond frustrating and painful. You think that you are being responsible and doing the right things for your loving animal companion only to find yourself in even more confusion. I had been there more than once and knowing what I know now after those painful experiences I can offer you few helpful tips:

*Always ask for clarification - Understand the diagnosis, make sure the vet explains your animal companion’s condition and the necessary treatments. Ask for a breakdown of the costs involved.
*Get a second opinion - if this opinion did not feel right for you then find another doctor and get their opinion. When my dear Raven, our German shepherd was diagnosed with auto immune disease I was fortunate to find a Vet that was both, conventional and holistic which was very helpful in a successful treatment.
*Do your research - Dr. Google may not be the best answer in your situation but it may serve as a guide to point you to the right sources of information.
*Ask about alternatives - there should always be those - one of the reason I chose to leave Raven’s first vet was because I was not offered any alternatives, it was this or die and that did not feel good for me or for her at all. Having more information, getting a second opinion will definitely open the door to more solutions for your and your companion.
*Ask for prioritization - If multiple treatments are offered, ask your vet to prioritize them, telling you what needs to be done more urgently and what can wait in order to help you manage not only the costs but the stress on your and your companion.
Trust your instincts - Follow your gut feeling, your intuition which is always, always right, remember that your animal companion is counting on you so why not trusting in your own wisdom to make the right decisions for you and them.
And as always, count on your animal communicator to support you in difficult and happy times and getting you answers straight from the horse's mouth!😜

Aren't your animal companions the best doorway to relaxation?  No matter what kind of day, month, year or century you ha...

Aren't your animal companions the best doorway to relaxation?
No matter what kind of day, month, year or century you have had your animal companions will make sure you know how loved you are and what an awesome human you are!

Research has shown that the company of an animal increases healing and the sense of belonging and peacefulness in those who are ill or depressed. Animals are the experts in bringing the best in us with their fun, loving and true personalities. Animals give you the sense of importance that you may think you don't get from anyone else at times - though I'm sure you are as important to anyone else as you are to your animal companion.

Ways to relax with your animal companion include, but not limited to:
Cuddles: who doesn't enjoy those?
Adventures: enjoying a hike, walk, run, trip to the beach, lake or anywhere where you and them are together no matter the place;
Grooming session: You can get so involved in just brushing their fur or massaging them, it is good for the both of you;
Observing: Yes, nothing better than watching them play, sleep of just being their serene selves to increase your relaxation.

What are your favorite ways to relax with your fury companions?

Fall is coming...are you ready?  Its been a while since I talked about my favorite products for animals and humans from ...

Fall is coming...are you ready? Its been a while since I talked about my favorite products for animals and humans from Dynamite Specialty which I used for years with my dogs and to what I attribute their long lives too. Raven, our dear German Shepherd diagnosed with auto immune disease at 6yrs old lived to be 12 yrs old with a very well controlled disease and Elijah our English Setter/Beagle mix lived to be 15 years young.

Here is very good information from Dynamite for the ponies in our lives as fall approaches:

Something to keep in mind as fall approaches...


Fall is hard on horses, with barometric pressure drops, hot days, cold nights, changes in pasture, and more.

Fall go-to Dynamite products are Dyna Pro, Free Choice Minerals (1:1, 2:1, Izmine, and NTM Salt) in addition to their daily foundation supplement (which is either Dynamite, Dynamite Plus or TNT).

Low-pressure systems affect polarity through electromagnetic changes and cause the body to become more positively charged, which throws off the calcium that the gut needs for proper contractions. Hence the need to provide free-choice minerals, especially Dynamite 2:1.

Offer free-choice hay in a slow feeder for 24/7 nibbling which helps keep the gut moving to prevent ulcers. If you see a reluctance to drink, add just a drizzle (about ½ ounce) of Dyna Spark electrolyte to the feed and make sure there’s always fresh clean water available. On particularly cold days, provide a little mash, well soaked, to get wet food into them.

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL KITTY CAT DAY!! If you are fortunate enough to have been chosen by one you know that it is such fun ...

If you are fortunate enough to have been chosen by one you know that it is such fun - ok maybe not all the time - to enjoy their presence, their character, their moods, their playfulness. Cats are great companions to those who prefer not to do walks or hikes or too much athleticism, they are very self sustaining although they do like company and attention, some more than others.
Choose wisely and according to your lifestyle and they will give you a lifetime of joy and lots of personality puzzles to solve 😁💕
Do you have an interesting kitty cat companion?

Is separation anxiety an issue for your animal companion? I know it can cause a lot of issues to you, your furniture, yo...

Is separation anxiety an issue for your animal companion? I know it can cause a lot of issues to you, your furniture, your cables, your walls, your shoes, your doors, etc.. etc..

Do you find yourself sometimes assuming that you know the answer to the reason why someone is behaving in a way that may not please you only to find out that you were wrong? the same can happen with your animal companion when they do not understand the reason for the separation and they also carry a trauma from their past like abandonment those can then manifest in misbehavior. This is why when I'm called in cases of misbehavior I like to first ask your animal companion their reasons for such behavior to make sure we get to address the root cause of the situation rather than just assuming that we already have the answer. This is communication at its best and a tool you definitely have at your disposal whenever you need it.

¿La ansiedad por separación es un problema para tu mascota? Sé que puede causarte muchos problemas a ti, a tus muebles, a tus cables, a tus paredes, a tus zapatos, a tus puertas, etc., etc.

¿Te ha pasado a veces que asumes la razón por la cual alguien se comporta de una manera que tal vez no te agrade solo para descubrir que estabas equivocado? Lo mismo puede pasar con tu mascota cuando no entiende el motivo de la separación y además carga con un trauma de su pasado como el abandono que luego puede manifestarse en un mal comportamiento. Es por eso que cuando me llaman por casos de mal comportamiento, primero me gusta preguntarle a tu mascota las razones de tal comportamiento para asegurarme de que abordamos la causa de la situación en lugar de simplemente asumir que ya tenemos la respuesta. Esta es la mejor forma de comunicación y una herramienta que definitivamente tienes a tu disposición siempre que la necesites.

Have you ever had to make "that decision" for a beloved animal companion? Enjoy this very short read knowing that you ca...

Have you ever had to make "that decision" for a beloved animal companion?
Enjoy this very short read knowing that you can ask them to help you with this decision or get their messages even after they've crossed to Rainbow Bridge!

Happy August!!  Less limitations, more communication (animal communication, that is) happier kitties!! 😁

Happy August!!
Less limitations, more communication (animal communication, that is) happier kitties!! 😁

It is so great to have fun during the Olympic Games next to your biggest fan, isn't?       Es buenisimo disfrutar de los...

It is so great to have fun during the Olympic Games next to your biggest fan, isn't?

Es buenisimo disfrutar de los Juegos Olimpicos con tu mejor jugador!! 🐶🐱🐴

HAPPY PARENTING DAY TO ALL PARENTS OF HUMAN, ANIMALS, PLANTS!!Your never ending loving work is appreciated it by all of ...

Your never ending loving work is appreciated it by all of them whether they admit it or not!!! 😆

Feliz dia de los padres y madres ya seas de humanos, animales o plantas! Tu labor amorosa es muy apreciada por todos, ya sea que lo admitan o no!! Gracias!!
# #

As you go through your Monday, remembering the speed on which your weekend went by and all the fun things you did and th...

As you go through your Monday, remembering the speed on which your weekend went by and all the fun things you did and the friends and family you enjoyed them with I like to express my gratitude for your support whether in person or online through the very successful Awaken Center for Human Evolution Expo event!!! I had lots of curious visitors to my talk: Secrets behind Animal Communication and I am very grateful!!

Ddi you know about my Client Appreciation Sale going on until July 31st? There is so much that can be done with a session NOW or a Gift Certificate for you or a loved one later!!

Mientras observas tu lunes, recordando la velocidad con la que pasó tu fin de semana y todas las cosas divertidas que hiciste y los amigos y familiares con los que las disfrutaste, me gustaría expresar mi gratitud por tu apoyo, ya sea en persona o en línea durante el evento, que fue muy exitoso ¡¡¡Awaken Expo!!! Tuve muchos visitantes curiosos a mi charla: Secretos detrás de la Comunicación con Animales y estoy muy agradecida!!

¿Sabias que mi venta especial de agradecimiento al cliente estará vigente hasta el 31 de julio? ¡¡Hay tanto que se puede hacer con una sesión de comunicacion con tu mascota HOY o un Certificado de Regalo para ti o un ser querido más adelante!!

You would love to know what your dear animal companion would like to know, would you?  Visit the Awaken Center for Human...

You would love to know what your dear animal companion would like to know, would you?
Visit the Awaken Center for Human Evolution Holistic Expo this weekend! 🙌🏼

Ever wish your pets could speak to you? They do!
Join Lina Chero - Animal Communicator and Energy Healer this Sunday, FREE @ 12:30pm (45Min) to learn the Secrets Behind Animal Communication.

I know you're wondering what messages does your loving animal companions have for you whether they're still here with yo...

I know you're wondering what messages does your loving animal companions have for you whether they're still here with you or have crossed over to Rainbow Bridge. They always have messages for you! and you would love to know, wouldn't you?
Now you can! it is only a visit away to the mall this weekend! 🙂
By now you've realized how much is in store for you at the Awaken Center for Human Evolution Holistic Expo. There will be many amazing professionals waiting for your visit, interesting products and amazing talks. My talk is on Sunday, July 21st at 12:30pm.

And there is always the option to schedule a reading and/or energy healing session via phone or zoom as well at

De seguro te preguntaras qué mensajes tienen para ti tus queridas mascotas, ya sea que todavía estén aquí contigo o en espiritu. ¡Ellos siempre tienen mensajes para ti! y te encantaría saberlo, ¿no?
¡Y ahora puedes! ¡con una visita al centro comercial este fin de semana! 🙂
A estas alturas ya te habrás dado cuenta de todo lo que te espera en la Exposición Holística de Awaken Center for Human Evolution. Habrá muchos profesionales increíbles esperando tu visita, productos interesantes y charlas increíbles. Mi charla es el domingo 21 de julio a las 12:30 hs.

Y siempre existe la opción de programar una sesion de comunicacion o sanacion energética por teléfono o zoom cualquier otro dia

Life is richer and more joyful when we live in harmony with our beloved animal companions. 🌟 Our companions bring so muc...

Life is richer and more joyful when we live in harmony with our beloved animal companions. 🌟 Our companions bring so much love, comfort, and happiness into our lives, and it’s up to us to ensure they feel the same way.

"Animals are such agreeable friends—they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms." - George Eliot

How are you enhancing your relationship with your animal companion?
Feel free to share a picture of their happy faces and how do they make your day!!

La vida es más alegre cuando vivimos en armonía con nuestras queridas mascotas 🌟 Nuestros compañeros aportan mucho amor, consuelo y felicidad a nuestras vidas, y depende de nosotros asegurarnos de que ellos sientan lo mismo.

"Los animales son amigos muy agradables: no hacen preguntas ni critican". -George Eliot

¿Cómo estás mejorando tu relación con tu mascota?
¡Comparte una foto de sus caras felices y cómo te alegran el día!

Happy Chocolate day!!  although not for your animal companion! Have you had a situation where your loving animal swallow...

Happy Chocolate day!! although not for your animal companion!

Have you had a situation where your loving animal swallow something they weren't supposed to? I'm willing to say most of us went through a situation like that.

when my ex coworker Watson (Bernese Mountain), was a puppy, he grabbed my human coworker's earring while she was holding him, thankfully she acted quickly and he didn't have time to swallow, she turned him upside down and made him (yes fingers in mouth) release it!! No doubt he ate chocolate and other things he wasn't supposed to throughout his life and paid the price later!! fortunately not too high of a price!
What stories do you have to tell? better yet, what stories does your animal companion have to tell?

¡¡Feliz día del chocolate!! ¡aunque no para tu mascota!

¿Has tenido una situación en la que tu querida mascota se ha tragado algo no debía? Estoy segura que la mayoría de nosotros pasamos por una situación como esa.

Cuando mi ex compañero de trabajo Watson (Bernese Mountain), era un cachorro, agarró el arete de mi compañera de trabajo (humana) mientras ella lo cargaba, afortunadamente ella actuó rápido y él no tuvo tiempo de tragar, lo puso boca abajo y lo obligo (si con los dedos en la boca) a soltarlo!!

¿Qué historias tienes que contar? mejor aún, ¿qué historias tiene para contar tu mascota?

Happy 4th of July for you and your family - this of course includes your animal companions!! Is the 4th and enjoyable da...

Happy 4th of July for you and your family - this of course includes your animal companions!!

Is the 4th and enjoyable day for you or a bit stressed out if you happen to have a not so happy animal companion with fireworks?
If you do, here are some tips to help make the day easier for you and them!

1. Release some of their energy by exercising throughout the day;
2. Find a room where there are no windows or the curtains are closed (I used the laundry room) and it is less noisy;
3. Turn the tv on or a laptop with soothing music to keep them calm. You tube has plenty of videos. Search for: Calming music for dogs (animals); 532Hz frequencies relaxing themes;
4. Provided your animal is able, get good quality CBD through a reputable source. Lavender essential oil is good to apply on their necks, top of the head, tip of their ears and on their bedding or blanket you may have for them at the moment.
5. Massages on the neck, between the eyes, between their shoulder blades, backend right before their tail begins. Chest rubbing from chest to shoulders.
These are the calming acupressure points.

It has been reported that the holidays with fireworks are the ones where more animals are lost. Please make sure your animal companion is safely inside and also that he/she is properly microchipped or have their tags on just in case.

I wish you and your companions a peaceful and joyful holiday!!

Happy International Joke Day 2024!! From one of my cute jokester client who knew exactly how to properly use a slice of ...

Happy International Joke Day 2024!!

From one of my cute jokester client who knew exactly how to properly use a slice of white bread!



Feliz dia international del humor 2024!

De uno de mis lindos clientes payasitos quien supo muy bien como usar un pedazo de pan!!


Do you have the best dog/cat/horse/chicken/fill in the blank? I am willing to say that you do!!!  Would you love to know...

Do you have the best dog/cat/horse/chicken/fill in the blank?

I am willing to say that you do!!!
Would you love to know what they're thinking? how are they feeling? what do they think about that special someone? how are those meds affecting them? why has their behavior change? are they ready for that move or that trip?

Our dear animal companions have a lot to say!! are you ready to listen?

Las vacaciones son los momentos que seguro esperas, tal vez durante todo el año, pero ¿qué pasara con tu querida mascota...

Las vacaciones son los momentos que seguro esperas, tal vez durante todo el año, pero ¿qué pasara con tu querida mascota? ¿Tienes algún familiar o amigo que venga voluntariamente a cuidarlos? ¿Tendrías que buscar un lugar seguro y divertido para que te extrañen un poco menos y tengas tranquilidad? Es cierto que te extrañarán a ti como tambien a su sofá, a sus juguetes, a sus galleticas, a todo y a todos. Quizás si tu querida mascota no es exactamente tan sociable como te gustaria que fuera, eso hace que las cosas sean aún más complicadas. Aqui te doy unos consejitos:
1. Toma el tiempo para encontrar la mejor persona o lugar, presentales a tu mascota, muestrale el lugar y dale algo de tiempo para explorar y familiarizarse un poco;
2. Asegúrate de que la persona o el lugar sean conscientes de su timidez y de lo que preferiríes que se haga para su entretenimiento o compañía;
3. Si es posible, déjales una de tus camisas o prendas de vestir sin lavar para que tengan un poco tu olor mientras no estás. Otra opción es tener uno de sus juguetes favoritos cerca de ti mientras estás en casa para que tu aroma se pegue a él y luego dejárselo;
4. La lavanda es un excelente aceite calmante que se aplica en un difusor o simplemente se aplica sobre la cama para calmarlos;
5. Mientras estás fuera, en lugar de preocuparte por ellos, envíales pensamientos amorosos y diles que volverás enseguida y que todo estará bien;
6. Pónte en contacto con tu comunicador animal favorito para confirmar que tu mascota esta bien o informarle sobre cualquier nuevo cambio que se avecine en tu vida. 😁


Vacations are the times you sure look forward to, perhaps throughout the whole year, so now, what would happen with your...

Vacations are the times you sure look forward to, perhaps throughout the whole year, so now, what would happen with your loving animal companion? do you have the relative or friend who willingly come in and take care of them? would you have to look for a safe, fun place so that they miss you a little less and you have peace of mind? It is true that they will miss you and their sofa, and their toys and treats and everything and everyone else. Perhaps if your dear animal companion is not exactly the social butterfly you would want them to be, that makes things even trickier. Here are some tips:
1. Take the time to find the best person or place, introduce them, allow some time for them to explore and get a bit familiar;
2. Make sure the person or place are aware of their shyness and what you would prefer them to have as entertainment or companionship;
3. If possible, leave one of your unwashed shirts or piece of clothing with them so that they can sniff a bit of your smell while you're gone. Another option is to have one of their favorite toys close to you while you're home so that your scent sticks to it and then leave it with them;
4. Lavender is a great calming oil on a diffuser or simply applied on their bedding to sooth them while you're away;
5. Also, while you're away, rather than worrying about them send them loving thoughts and tell them in your mind that you will be right back and that all is good;
6. Get in touch with your favorite animal communicator to check on them or to let them know of any new changes coming up in your life. 😁


Happy Fathers day to all the great fathers!Especially my sweet huband Francisco who has always always given his absolute...

Happy Fathers day to all the great fathers!
Especially my sweet huband Francisco who has always always given his absolute best for our amazing kidos Miguel and Karina. We love you and apprecciatte all of your daily efforts and love displays. Continue being just as amazing as you are despite the yelling at the TV during soccer games 😊😘

Feliz dia del padre a todos los padres magnificos! Especialmente a mi querido esposo Francisco quien todos los dias nos ofrece su cariño y buen humor y les brinda lo mejor de si a nuestros hijos espectaculares, Karina y Miguel. Te queremos mucho y apreciamos todos tus esfuerzos. Sigue siendo el mejor aunque eso incluya los gritos al TV en los partidos de futbol! 😁😘

A weekend full of good boys and good girls... and their humans 😁 It is so lovely to see that our animal companions are b...

A weekend full of good boys and good girls... and their humans 😁 It is so lovely to see that our animal companions are becoming more and more part of the family outings and fun! Hooray to more access to animal companions and their humans!! Thanks to

It is a beautiful day to enhance your relationship with your animal companion(s) now! In person,  phone or video www.lin...

It is a beautiful day to enhance your relationship with your animal companion(s) now!
In person, phone or video

Es un dia perfecto para harmonizar tu relacion con tus mascotas. En persona, video o telefono!

This weekend!!! Would you meet me? Friday, May 31st from 4:30 to 7:30pm.  Saturday, June 1, 2024 from 12 - 3pm  Sunday, ...

This weekend!!! Would you meet me?
Friday, May 31st from 4:30 to 7:30pm.
Saturday, June 1, 2024 from 12 - 3pm
Sunday, June 2, 2024 from 11am to 3:00pm at Bucks Arts & Barks Expo at the Warminster Park!


Warminster, PA


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