Happy 4th everyone!! Ivy is here to answer the most popular question my clients ask me around this time of year …FIREWORKS.
“How do we comfort our dogs so they don’t get scared”
Answer very simply put… you don’t! Babying them, coddling them, telling them it’s ok in a super sweet voice does not help them. You are basically telling them it’s ok to be shaky and shivery when I know that’s not what you’re actually trying to tell them. Best results I’ve had with clients and our family dogs is to crate them and turn the lights off in that room. It will create a safe environment as their crate is already their little home.
If a crate is not available, try shutting the door to a room and leaving them in there(if they won’t destroy it). Now I’m not a trainer or dog whisperer by any means, but again please please please do not baby them, coddle them or hold them. It will lead to more shivering and shaking behavior, which could have long term affects. They may never like fireworks, most of them don’t… but at least this way you can help them get through the night.
Also please remember to bring your babies inside. You don’t want them running away trying to get away from the noise.