We'd like to thank Midwest Pet Feed for their generosity in helping us fill our donation table! For every bag of dry food purchased (until 10/15) at Midwest Pet Feed they will donate a can of wet food for the animals at HAWS! We can not thank them enough for their continued support and kindness 🩷🐾
Golden Age Pet Parlor is collecting donations for HAWS (Humane Animal Welfare Society of Waukesha).
Several Wisconsin Animal Shelters have been taking in and helping out with displaced pets due to these Hurricanes.
Starting this Thursday, October 10th. A table will be set up in Golden Age Pet Parlors lobby for quick and easy item and donation drop offs.
The items of highest priority needed by HAWS currently:
-Canned Cat Food
-Distilled Water
-Kong Dog Toys
-Large Bath Towels
-Soft Dog Treats
-KMR (Kitten Formula)