With the weather getting nicer I’m having a lot of people coming in to ride. Which is great news! However this leads to some scheduling conflicts. So moving forward I need everyone to give me a days notice and a general idea of how long you’ll be at the arena so I can let other riders know. You can still do day of texts but if someone is in there at the time you are wanting they get first dibs. If you are okay to share the arena, please let me know. Ropers I understand it’s a little tougher to share so I will let you know if ropers are in there and when they are done. When you do give me a time, or if I give you a time of when you need to be done, I expect you to be done by that time so others can get in. I will let you know moving forward if someone is coming in after you and what time.
I am back to work full time, so a heads up will be helpful as I’ll be working with patients all day. You will have to bear with me during working hours (8-4) to give me a minute to get to my phone.
Thanks for your understanding and let’s keep this arena useful for everyone! It’s been great to have the turnout we’ve had.
If you have any questions, concerns, recommendations . Please feel free to reach out.