Building the puppy go-home bags!
Mornings at our zoo with only 4 pups left to go home!
The welcoming committee! 🐾 🐾
Had these goofballs out for well over a hour. They came, they saw & they tore the hell out of my house. I put them back in their pen for relax time…… I’m thinking it was a little premature .
Fireworks this morning! 💥
A little more desensitization this morning with door knocking & doorbells!
Pups first field trip outdoors!
Breakfast at the Jones house
Maggie got some play time with her 15 week old baby Blue tonight! Can you believe how big he is?!?!
This so what I’ve been doing all day..... Fun way to start the year! I’ll take it!
I think Maggie feels bad that Louie’s litter mates are all gone. How sweet is she?!?!
The pups have been getting some time in the yard lately. Today was a cold one, but they had some fun anyway!
Still just as messy in here, somehow!
The pups are enjoying playtime with Maggie!