This is Xena, my little warrior princess. Last remaining baby out of a litter of 6. Mom didn't go thru delivery well and stopped eating. The babies were not nursed regularly and at 2 weeks, with 4 remaining, mom decided to jump out of her cage and break her leg. Now she wasn't nursing at all. I supplemented the best I could with kitten formula, dandelions, plantain and Timothy grass. Down to 3. Contacted Zach Sauer for ideas and pumpkin was presented and accepted by 2. Now with 2 left and faring pretty well, I put momma out of her misery. Then one got wryneck. I treated for 2 weeks without improvement, so made the choice to put baby down as well. Xena is left. Brought back from skin and bones more than once, she seems to be thriving. At 11 weeks, she is still under 2 pounds but eating pellets as well as her Timothy and pumpkin. Little warrior, hang in there!!