Stop Animal cruelty in VT join the We care campaign

Stop Animal cruelty in VT  join the We care campaign This is a page set up to inform the communities of VT on animal cruelty and how to prevent and repo


Hello everyone I have been super busy with my animal cruelty laws meetings ,etc now I am doing Fema disaster training , Also getting together with space on main for a meeting place spring is coming


Someone who is going to court for animal cruelty seems it doesn’t stop her from trying to purchase more


OCDC Legislative Breakfast Feb. 17, 2020 at Judd Hall VTCThe Orange County Democratic Committee is hosting a Legislative Breakfast at Vermont Technical College in Randolph on Monday, February 17, 2020. The meeting will take place from 7:30 to 9:00 AM in Judd Hall on the campus. The meeting will provide Orange County legislators an opportunity to meet with interested community members about the current legislative session.Legislators invited include: House Members Tim Briglin, Chip Conquest, Sarah Copeland Hanzas, Carl Demrow, Rodney Graham, Jay Hooper, Jim Masland, John O'Brien, and Peter Reed, and Senators Joe Benning, Jane Kitchel and Mark MacDonald.All interested voters are welcome and a light breakfast (baked goods, fruit, coffee/tea) will be available. The event is paid for by the Orange County Democratic Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Linda Weiss. OCDC Treasurer, 513 Roundhouse Rd. Corinth, VT 05039.

Mel Robbins

He’s my hero

Now that's a great way to celebrate a Super Bowl win!


At the state capitol tomorrow from 12-6pm if anyone interested in joining me

Brandon Police Department

Brandon Police Department

Brandon Police Department
Press Release
Below is a press release issued on February 2, 2020

Date: January 31, 2020 thru February 1, 2020
Location: 671 Kimball Rd. Brandon VT. 05733
Subject: Search Warrant

Available Information:

On January 31, 2020 Officers of the Brandon Police Department, assisted by the Rutland County Sheriff’s Department and Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife executed a search warrant at 671 Kimball Rd. in Brandon VT.
As a result of the search, 120 farm and domestic animals were seized and removed from the property.

Law enforcement was assisted by numerous agencies to include the Rutland County State’s Attorney’s Office, Humane Society of the United States, Rutland County Humane Society, RADART, Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Brandon Animal Control Officer, Vermont Veterinary Medical Association, and many others.

William M. Hegarty, 54 of Brandon VT was cited to appear in Rutland County Superior Court, Criminal Division on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 12:30 to answer a charge of 2 counts of animal cruelty.

The investigation is ongoing and additional charges may be filed as the investigation continues.

This press release is for informational purposes only. Brandon Police will not provide further information. Further information may be available when court records are made public, after arraignment.

Over 100 animals removed from Brandon farm

I happen to have some insight on this case this is the 3rd time they have seized animals why is vermont allowing this nonesense

VUpwards of 120 farm and domestic animals were removed from a property in Brandon Friday and police have charged the owner with animal cruelty.


Monday, Apr. 27 State vs. Wright, Heidi
9:00 AM 228-6-19 Oecr/Criminal
Court Room 1 Jury Drawing
Plaintiff, State (William J. Porter)
Defendant, Heidi Wright (Michael Shane)


he second year of 2019-20 legislative biennium is in full swing. Already there have been several hearings on priority bills and growing support for our top issues from legislators. For example, the House Committee on Agriculture has held multiple hearings on a bill to improve the sheltering standards for livestock and equines, a productive hearing was held to discuss the most recent report from the Animal Cruelty Investigations Advisory Board that calls for improving animal cruelty enforcement policies and properly regulating animal shelters and rescues, and the Wanton Waste Working Group (of which HSUS is a member) met to work towards a consensus proposal. As your Vermont State Director, I am at the statehouse nearly every day, monitoring Committee activities, cultivating support for our priority issues, and talking to legislators about the importance of animal protection policies.

This year we are focusing on the following bills and issues most likely to be advanced by the relevant legislative committees:

End the sale of products that contribute to poaching of iconic wildlife species (S.29/H.99)
Provide protections for community cats and abandoned animals (H.158)
Expand the use of ownership restrictions to prevent animal cruelty recidivism (H.283)
Improve livestock shelter standards (H.254)
Establish a law against the wanton waste of Vermont wildlife (H.357)
Advance stronger oversight standards for animal shelters and rescues
Reform management policies and provide greater protections for Vermont's wildlife

It is going to be an action-packed few months ahead with lots of opportunities to make improvements for Vermont's animals. Please stay tuned for action alerts on specific bills over the coming weeks.

Now, however, is the time for you to take action! Contact your legislators and let them know that you expect action on these animal welfare priorities this year. Please take a few minutes to do that now. Along with a brief message explaining your support for animal protection polices, please copy and paste the above list of bills into you email so that legislators know which specific bills need their support.

Click here to lookup your Representatives and Senators and send them an email or give them a call. Also, take a few moments to read their individual bios. This is a great way to identify common experiences (such as growing up in the same town, attending the same school, participating in similar recreational activities, etc.) to include in your message to establish a personal connection.



Stop Wildlife Trafficking - Support S.29/H.99

Wildlife trafficking, the fourth largest illegal trade in the world, is an escalating $20 billion a year global crisis. The heinous poaching and trade of body parts is pushing many iconic animals, such as elephants, rhinos and giraffes, to the brink of extinction. While federal law attempts to limit the international trade of these animals, it does nothing to regulate sales once the animals parts have been smuggled into the U.S. Vermonters say NO MORE. There is still time to save the remaining wild animals and help them recover, but we need to act NOW! We must pass legislation in Vermont to restrict the sale of products and parts from imperiled wildlife species, joining the now 10 other states that have already enacted similar laws.

Act Now! – Please email all relevant Committee Members and your own Vermont legislators in support of S.29/H.99! Follow this link to take action:

After you have contacted the Committee members and your legislators, please share this post with your friends and family in Vermont and ask them to take action too!

The Mind Unleashed

The Mind Unleashed

“Never Declaw a Cat. It’s an Amputation, Not a Manicure.”


Love your horse

• What does a noseband do?

• Do riders know WHY they use them?

• More importantly, is the desired outcome truely being achieved by the action of using them?

I have found all cases of horses nashing, opening the mouth, being inconsistent or heavy in the contact, head tilting, hollowing, etc, is about having the correct bit that the horse finds comfortable. It is also about the riders hands & the way they use them to communicate via the horses mouth. These are the two things that need correction/attention & NOT the addition of a noseband.

So to correct a horses ‘mouth’ you shouldn't try to ‘stop’ an undesirable trait with restriction (i.e.: tighten the noseband, or worse still, tighten a secondary strap below the bit) - this would cause further discomfort & resistance for something the horse is already expressing is not comfortable, therefore it cannot accept it with a quiet mouth.

And a quiet mouth is NOT a ‘shut mouth’. No living mammal on earth goes around with it’s jaw closed & teeth together - it must remain relaxed & open. Optimum performance cannot happen any other way.

Therefore the conclusion is simple - the noseband really should be a fashion piece, treated like a browband - it serves no purpose/benefit to be ‘used’ to do anything, as any tightness or restriction from a noseband simply makes peak performance impossible. Any horses ‘winning’ with this gear…. imagine how amazing they would truely be WITH A LOOSE NOSEBAND! & here is why:

Did you know:

– On an equine dissection (yes, like an autopsy) any pressure applied in the horses mouth or to the jaw (which causes the hyoid bone at the base of the tongue to move up and/or back in the jaw) renders the hind legs restricted (difficult to move by a human) with effects also evident in the hips, yet the leg can be freely moved when the jaw is released (when the hyoid bone is allow to sit lower & forward in the jaw/mouth). This is fact.

– The job of the jaw is to act like a pendulum to give the horse correct balance & allows the horse to have awareness of limb placement. This relies on the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) of the jaw to be pain & pressure free.

– The jaw of the horse is a reflection of the pelvis. If the jaw is stuck, the horses pelvis will be too. This is seen in the obvious evasion of head tilting to allow the pelvis to move if the jaw cannot.

– closing the mouth & closing the gullet (over-bent) when riding causes the hyoid bone of the tongue to become blocked, which is directly connected to & tightens the muscles at the base of the neck through to the chest. This also makes it hard for the horse to swallow - causing excessive saliva/foam to pour from the horses mouth.

So in light of these facts - here is the positive side of having a loose, caveson noseband (or none at all!):

+ The horses mouth becomes a reflection of it’s acceptance of the reins aids & how much they understand the communication of their rider

+ The horse has nothing to resist against - as there is no restriction.

+ A calm yet mobile mouth means they are light on the reins & relaxed through the neck so they can easily swallow

+ Freedom to the jaw will allow freedom in the pelvis & hind legs

+ Your horse has 100% chance of giving you it’s best performance!

It’s time we all stopped just using items of gear, because that’s what they sell in the shops ~ but really think about how we are trying to train our horses to understand us & give them the best chance of producing what we really want ~ HARMONY

© Love Your Horse

Valley News

Vermont is a joke

The bill, which was introduced this month by state Rep. Rebecca White, D-Hartford, would allow drivers to choose one of six emoji to put on their license plates.


I am looking for a location for our animal cruelty meeting must have internet and located in the upper valley


There are many laws we are lacking in the State of VT animal Cruelty its really sad that our neighbor in NH got 2020 most improved for animal cruelty laws . We do not have a specific law for animals in a hot car ? Would like to have a Forum to go over the statistics in the animal defense league what we need to improve what we need to email montpeiler and our representatives and be ahead of the vt humane federation


The House Agriculture Committee is considering H.254, beginning with a hearing later today. The bill would clarify and improve certain standards of care for livestock and equines. The bill is virtually identical to versions that were introduced previously by Rep. Buxton in 2015-16 session and by Rep. Ainsworth in the 2017-18 session. It is the result of discussions several years ago by the Equine Welfare Committee of VHF and is a modest attempt to clarify some standards so that it is easier for humane investigators to enforce standards and convey more clearly the expected standards to livestock owners. Attached is an overview fact sheet for the bill and the current bill draft.

If you are interested in providing written or verbal testimony, please contact the House Ag Cmte Chair Carolyn Partridge ([email protected]) and the Cmte assistant Linda Leehman ([email protected]). I anticipate the Cmte will hold additional hearings after today and they can work with you to either appear in person or by phone if making it to Montpelier is difficult. Also, if you know of other individuals who would have relevant information to share in support of this bill, please forward them this info and have them reach out to the Chair and Cmte assistant.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need help working with the Cmte to share your thoughts on this bill.

***I have provided a written Tesitmony this is only in the committee its only 3rd process to get the bill passed ! Vermont is slow and why this got rejected before baffles me but this is vermont now the vt humane federation is suddenly pushing it but when your state funded you got to show your doing your job you havent done in years


The Animal Cruelty Investigations Advisory Board will meet at the Williston State Police Barracks from 10am-12pm on the following dates this year on January 28,

Tell the NFL to Drop Dog Killer Vick!

We have not even begin to tackle the federal government on laws sorry for the graphic content but this loser should still be in prison

Despite worldwide outrage, the National Football League (NFL) has chosen to promote convicted dog fighter, abuser, and killer, Michael Vick, by naming him a captain at the upcoming 2020 Pro Bowl.

East Coast Animal Control Academy

East Coast Animal Control Academy

The animal enforcement version of "swatting" apparently can have consequences. $10K bond on criminal charge.


Animal Cruelty discussions will be starting in the first week of Febuary Anyone that is interested please let me know this will be a series of educational classes

Advocates: Animal cruelty investigators need training, better guidelines

I have so many things to say about this article !!! One why has it took this long ??? It’s really sad the state an humane society are look out for themselves

The head of a state advisory board said Vermont’s existing animal cruelty statute leaves many situations open to interpretation and doesn’t provide guidelines to follow.

Current Courses | Criminal Justice Training Council

The dates for the day-long animal cruelty trainings have not been determined yet. I expect they will once again be held during the month of September. Once they have been set, the classes will be listed on the VCJTC website,

Entrance Exam Testing dates Follow the links to be read the training descriptions. ALICE: Active Shooter Responce Training Instructor Course April 21-22 2020 at Mount Abraham Union High School 220 Airport Dr. Bristol, VT 05443 Register online at Animal Cruelty Investiga...


The Animal Cruelty Investigations Advisory Board will meet at the Williston State Police Barracks from 10am-12pm on the following dates this year on January 28, March 24, May 19, July 28, Sept 22, and November 17.

Please let me know who would like to go with me



The House Agriculture Committee is considering H.254, beginning with a hearing later today. The bill would clarify and improve certain standards of care for livestock and equines. The bill is virtually identical to versions that were introduced previously by Rep. Buxton in 2015-16 session and by Rep. Ainsworth in the 2017-18 session. It is the result of discussions several years ago by the Equine Welfare Committee of VHF and is a modest attempt to clarify some standards so that it is easier for humane investigators to enforce standards and convey more clearly the expected standards to livestock owners. Attached is an overview fact sheet for the bill and the current bill draft.

If you are interested in providing written or verbal testimony, please contact the House Ag Cmte Chair Carolyn Partridge ([email protected]) and the Cmte assistant Linda Leehman ([email protected]). I anticipate the Cmte will hold additional hearings after today and they can work with you to either appear in person or by phone if making it to Montpelier is difficult. Also, if you know of other individuals who would have relevant information to share in support of this bill, please forward them this info and have them reach out to the Chair and Cmte assistant.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need help working with the Cmte to share your thoughts on this bill.

All the best,

Barry Londeree
Vermont State Director, State Affairs



I received a request from a constituent who was concerned about what animal trainers do when training dogs. As we know, there is the potential for harm. I’m introducing a short form bill that will require dog trainers to disclose what they propose to do. However - and please not - Vermont does not require that dog trainers be registered; so, there is no mechanism to track dog trainer activities. Thus my bill is a first step that might result in registration for dog trainers. Should that come to pass, further regulation could follow.

I recognize that my little bill does not address your larger concern. My bill has been drafted to address a constituent concern.



We Love Our Pets



Back to Nature

All life matters ...


Per usual the state has not contacted me



Good Afternoon,
I have written several times with no response. It a real concern to me and several of people that follow my campaign to stop animal cruelty in VT that for one no feedback is given and two nothing is being done ! you have spend countless time working with the VT humane Federation and nothing has been implemented into law . We have no system , no one has been properly trained.The VSP ,sheriff depts do not follow through. Case in point williamstown vt lady has 79 dogs some are in crates that are to small and some needed medical attention. According to law this is a automatic cruelty case where the women should be brought to court for animal cruelty. The animals should not have to endure mental and physicalsuffering because of our negligence. I have contacted several media outlets to bring these issues more to the public.eye The lack of laws for animal cruelty in vt and how we are so far behind other states its pathetic. The fact representatives are to represent peoples concerns and that you have not addressed a thing. I think we need some new people in montpeiler to represent us and the mental health crisis we have in this state. As a medical professional I clearly see the link of mental illness related to animal cruelty. I also see a system very broken and a easy fix ! Humane society has 9 facilities in this state an does not take big animals but take 600-700,000 dollars a year in donations (per facility) leaving our rescues suffering. they take in much more complex animals. New Horizons is gearing up to take in seized animals and will be doing educations pieces to educate the public on animal welfare (starting in schools) To educate the public on laws that we need. I have talked with several people that use to help but no longer will because the frustration with the system lack cooperation. I have several people willing to have a rally ! We want change because "WE CARE"


lots to do if you have not heard about Heidi's Haven dog rescue with 79 dogs hoarded up in a house needing medical attention and some were in crate to small were filthy. Here is where our wonderful state and VSP do not follow the law . In our animal cruelty act laws overcrowding ,neglect of medical treatment and not enough living space puts these animals at immediate Jeopardy those animals should of been seized (american humane society gets enough funds to take them over one million plus ) why are they not fining and taking this women to jail ? Dont tell me she has a mental disorder let a court decide that . she has been already kicked out of another town because of this our representative and Barry Londree should be dismissed from there jobs I would love to hear feedback

Controversial dog rescue raises concerns in new location

when does this become a hoarding issue dog rescues adopt out !!!!! I am sending another note

A Williamstown public health officer has stepped down after town officials failed to support his efforts to regulate a dog rescue operation that was run out of Ferrisburgh last year after concerns from local officials.

Otter Creek Wildlife Rescue

Otter Creek Wildlife Rescue

Vermont needs protections for coyotes. The persecution and cruelty aimed at these beautiful animals is hideous and undeserved, and will only be curtailed by legislation, as the ignorance and arrogance among the coyote "hunters" is insanely deep rooted and largely impervious to information or conscience. If you don't already know about Vermont Coyote Coexistence Coalition please check us out! Help protect our song dogs and their family units...


Miniature Horse Farms Directory



West Fairlee, VT





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Because I care

My Name is Lucinda Austin I am founder and CEO of New Horizons animal Sanctuary of VT, I am an animal activist ,Animal Investigator ,Nurse and a mother . I have been involved rescuing animals for over 15 years .Found my passion and calling in life was to be an activist ,humanitarian ,To serve the public through advocacy . Because I care campaign was brought on more through increase in animal cruelty in VT and the lack of justice its receiving . By Joining this page I hope to have you support my mission and raise awareness through education, media advocacy and word of mouth . Plus raise money to continue the efforts on change in our laws provide teaching and scholarships to those who want to continue a education in animal law and health . In this world we should be compassioniate,spread love and prevent animal cruelty

Lucinda Austin

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