🎬 Oxygen (2021)
Oxygen (2021), directed by Alexandre Aja and written by Christie LeBlanc, is a high-concept French science fiction thriller that captivates its audience with its intense suspense and thought-provoking exploration of survival, memory, and identity. The film is set in a confined, high-tech environment, with the protagonist facing a life-or-death struggle against time. As a result, Oxygen offers a tense, gripping narrative that combines psychological horror with a gripping survival story, all within the claustrophobic confines of a cryogenic chamber.
The film follows Elizabeth Hansen (played by Mélanie Laurent), who wakes up in a cryogenic chamber with no memory of how she got there. The chamber’s life-support system is failing, and Elizabeth has a limited amount of oxygen to survive. As she struggles to breathe and understand her situation, she discovers that the chamber's computer system, which she dubs "M.I.L.O." (short for “Memory and Intelligence Liquid Organizer”), is her only source of guidance. Throughout the film, Elizabeth must unravel the mystery of her identity, how she ended up in the chamber, and how to escape before her oxygen supply runs out. The film’s pacing is relentless, as the clock is ticking, and every decision Elizabeth makes could mean the difference between life and death.
One of the most compelling elements of Oxygen is its setting. The film takes place almost entirely within the confines of the cryogenic chamber, creating a sense of isolation and claustrophobia that heightens the tension. The high-tech, sterile environment of the chamber contrasts sharply with the life-and-death struggle that Elizabeth faces. This claustrophobic setting forces the audience to focus on the emotional and psychological toll of Elizabeth's predicament, making the film feel like a psychological thriller as much as a sci-fi horror story. The lack of physical space mirrors Elizabeth's mental confusion and growing panic as she pieces together the fragments of her past.