Check out WHISPER N MY EAR, another one of our YEARLINGS, selling in the Solo Select Sale, Sunday, October 13, 2024.
She’s by Smooth Talkin Style, out of our mare, Absolutely Oh Cay, who has LTE of $54,000, and produce earings of $33,000 with her first foal. Her grand dam is Oh Cay Shorty, who has produced 2 NCHA OPEN FUTURITY champions. Not many mares can make that statement!
She has the pedigree, and the moves to have a big future! She’s #116 in the sale. 7 panel negative.
All bidding is done online, and you'll have every piece of information at your fingertips—photos, videos, radiographs, heights, weights, and much more.
Browse Horses: slktxt.io/113vZ/824408560
Questions? Give us a call!
Melanie 940-733-8581
Ty 405-317-9363
Office 903-436-7021
It's going to be an exciting weekend at Solo Select!