Please call 911 to report animal related issues dog bites, animal cruelty, aggressive animals. Please call Animal Protective Services Center for all other animal related issues. If your animal is missing, please contact the animal shelter to file a report at 910-641-3945. Animal Viewing Hours:
Monday through Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am- 2:00 pm
Animal Adoption Fees:
1st redemption by owner $50.00 + Boarding Fee + Civil Penalty
2nd redemption by owner $75.00 + Boarding Fee + Civil Penalty
3rd redemption by owner $100.00 + Boarding Fee + Civil Penalty
4th and subsequent redemption $150.00 + Boarding Fee + Civil Penalty
- After 5 day hold is complete
- $135.00 (spay/neuter voucher included if not already spayed/neutered)
501c3 RESCUES:
-$45.00 Spayed/Neutered
- $25.00 Intact
- Adoptable cats
- $25.00 Spayed/Neutered
- $75.00 Intact Females (spay/neuter voucher included)
- $55.00 Intact Males (spay/neuter voucher included)
- 501c3 RESCUES
- $10.00 each
If you would like to make a donation to Animal Protective Services you may hand-deliver or mail your donation to Columbus County Animal Shelter at 288 legion Drive Whiteville, NC 28472.