Ohhh, the luvins!
#FosterTinyPaws #SparkleCatRescue #OrangeBoy
#FosterTinyPaws #TNR #TNRWorks #CommunityCats
Morning belly rubs.
#FosterTinyPaws #SparkleCatRescue #OrangeBoy
I'm volunteering at @shopandsupportsparklecatrescue this morning till noon. Come on in & do some shopping, buy a raffle ticket for the quilt bundle, get yourself some tripple chocolate cake, apple brownies, sour dough bread and... drop off some food & litter if you are able to. Sparkle Cat has over 100 cats in care & is always in need of food & litter.
Come get you some "breakfast".
I'm volunteering at the Shop and Support Sparkle Cat Rescue till noon today.
#SparkleCatRescue #BakeSale
It's time for BREAKIE! And coffee.
#FosterTinyPaws #TNR #TNRWorks #CommunityCats
Come on in to the Sparkle Shop! Open today 9 am - 4 pm.
Do some holiday shopping and/or drop off some food & litter. With over 100 cats in care, Sparkle is always in need of food & litter.
Spend $10 enter to win a gift basket o' goodies.
Raffle tickets available for the Quilt Bundle! $2/ticket. Want more info on this? Head over to Sparkle Cat Rescue page and look for the Quilt Raffle post.
Yep. Help yourself.
#FosterTinyPaws #SparkleCatRescue #OrangeBoy
Happy Cat Saturday from @sparklecatrescue
Saturday hours are 9 am - 4 pm. Come on by and do some SHOPPING - 100% of sales from donated items support Sparkle's rescues. Guest artists graciously donate a portion of their proceeds to Sparkle's rescues.
GOT DONATIONS? Swing by the Shop and drop off DONATIONS of litter & food. With over 100 cats in the program, Sparkle is ALWAYS in need.
Thank you!
#SparkleCatRescue #ShopAndSupportSparkleCatRescue #GiftsThatGiveBack #WishList
I absolutely love it when he gives me a head nod - all I hear is Joey from Friends: "Hey... how you doin'?"
#FosterTinyPaws #SparkleCatRescue #OrangeBoy