Clean up time!
After we extract honey from the frames we set the boxes out in our yard for the bees to lick clean before we put them away for storage. Enjoy a little bee action!
Easiest swarm catch to date!
Another batch of creamed honey started! Now that we have our process down, a batch of creamed honey takes 2 weeks to make. We’re looking forward to having cinnamon creamed honey next week and unflavored creamed honey starting in two weeks!
Alert to the comb honey lovers out there!
Our first ever batch of raw chunk honey comb in jar is ready! These jars include a 6-8oz chunk of honey comb straight from the hives bathed in liquid honey. 🍯 😋 Free delivery to New Town and Charlestowne! Front porch honey stand as well. Message us for details!
🍯 Available now! 🍯
All jar prices include a $2 store credit for each glass jar w/ band returned
5oz honey jar - $5
1lb quilted honey jars - $11
22oz chunk honey comb jar - $16
3lb (quart) honey jar - $25
6oz honey dispenser- $10
6in honey dipper - $2
#rawhoney #saintcharles #newtown #shoplocal #reuserevolution #localhoney #honey
Hey Everyone!
I decided to make a video of how we take honey supers from our hives. In short when taking honey from hives we:
1. Determine how much capped honey there is in the hives, something I did before making this video.
2. Get the bees out of the honey supers.
3. Take the honey home for extractions!
#rawhoney #saintcharles #newtown #shoplocal #reuserevolution #localhoney
Slow motion of a honey bee getting nectar from a dandelion!
Warm day to forage! I love the failed landing at the beginning!