Shannon's "Safe At Home" Petsitting

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  • Shannon's "Safe At Home" Petsitting

Shannon's "Safe At Home" Petsitting I care for all breeds/ages/sizes of cats and dogs. I was a pet handler (volunteer) with KHS for several years.

I specialize in seniors, special needs/amputees, pets with seizures, medical issues and blind/deaf pets, administering oral and injectible meds.


I just wrapped up a 12-day session with these four kitties. This was my first visit ever with them so I was really surprised that they all met me at the door!

I had a great time getting to know each of them better and learning all their different personalities and mannerisms.
[email protected]

Stella, Lucy and Nash. I spent quite a bit of time with these 3 pretty kids over the weekend. Stella (the black and whit...

Stella, Lucy and Nash. I spent quite a bit of time with these 3 pretty kids over the weekend.

Stella (the black and white dog) was one of my very first clients and then my clients adopted Lucy earlier this year. Nash is a grandpup to my clients so he hangs out with Stella and Lucy every now and then. Stella loves to do yoga with me. 🧘
[email protected]

Here's the smoke/fire story from this week. I truly believe that the outcome would have been devastating to my clients h...

Here's the smoke/fire story from this week. I truly believe that the outcome would have been devastating to my clients had I not forgotten their garage door opener.

With cats, I have the flexibility to visit at any time during the day that works best for me. On this particular day, I had planned to visit this 4-cat house in the morning. I pulled up in the driveway Friday morning and realized I didn't have the garage door opener. I had a few other homes to visit so I decided to just go back at lunch.

When I opened the garage door at lunch, there was a fairly strong smoke smell. I didn't feel any heat at all, just the smoke and a heavy burning smell. The entry door to the house wasn't hot, so I went ahead and opened it slowly. As soon as I got in, I could tell that the stove had been turned on and a towel that was on the stove was burning.

I turned the heat element off immediately. Fortunately, the stove is electric so no open flame. My first priority was to make sure that the stove WAS cooling down and nothing was going to set on fire and then to make sure all the cats were OK. *One of the cats turned on the stove. You have to push in the k***s to turn them so we're not exactly sure how it happened.

The house was smoky so my biggest concern for the cats was smoke inhalation. I found three cats immediately and then the fourth after about an hour of searching. All the cats appeared to be fine.

I called the clients once I was able to assess the situation. Even though the cats appeared to be fine, I asked the client to call their vet to see if we needed to get them checked for smoke inhalation. The vet asked that the clients and I keep a close eye on the cats over the weekend and that everything will probably be fine.

Fortunately, the clients have several kitty cams in the home so I worked with the clients to get the cams adjusted differently so they could monitor the cats better. I also suggested doing an extra visit in the early evening that day just to make sure that everything was still OK.

At the evening visit, I couldn't find one of the cats and the owners were concerned. The clients and I decided that it would be best for me to go back at bedtime to rearrange the cameras a bit more and search again for the cat. Fortunately, I found the cat in the basement and he's perfectly fine. He did win my hide and seek award for the day. 😉

Now, the crazy part is that if I HAD the garage door opener and was able to check on them at the morning visit, I wouldn't have been back to the home until around 10:30 the next day; almost 24 hours after the stove was turned on.😳

Even if a fire hadn't started by then, the cats would have most definitely been GREATLY affected by smoke inhalation. Their stove top and countertop are burned pretty bad and the towel on the stove was total ash.

Sometimes we don't know why things work out the way they do, but I know that I'm very glad that I forgot the garage door opener. ❤️
[email protected]

Fire and water. Both in one week. Whew! I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that these last few days have been the most c...

Fire and water. Both in one week. Whew!

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that these last few days have been the most challenging and interesting since I've been in business. It's a good thing I do a lot of yoga and meditation and work hard on staying level headed. My name is on the business and I try to do everything I can to take care of my clients, doing it as safely as possible.

Here's my water story. I'll post the fire/smoke story later this week once the client returns home.

West Wichita experienced flash flooding early Tuesday morning, including the street I live on. My street floods easily with heavy rain so I jumped out of bed when I woke up to heavy rain hitting the windows. I got around as quickly as possible and left the house at 5 AM to get out of my neighborhood before it got too deep for me to be safe. I had three homes to visit that morning.

However, one of my client's homes is also in an area with high water that was already getting pretty deep so I parked a few blocks away from their home where there was no water in the street, put my knee high boots on and walked to the home mostly walking through the yards where the water was lower.

By the time I got to the client's home, I was soaked since it was still raining (I had my rain coat). I was able to get somewhat dried off at my clients house. The dogs looked at me like I was nuts when I opened their door.

Side note-I won't put myself in danger and am very familiar with the Wichita flood areas since I've lived here my entire life. I am very aware of where the flooding tends to occur and plan my trips accordingly.

It took me until noon to get completely dry and warm.

Our Gia is healed and feeling great! Her stitches came out yesterday and the collar cone is gone.It's very obvious that ...

Our Gia is healed and feeling great! Her stitches came out yesterday and the collar cone is gone.

It's very obvious that she's feeling great. She's much more active and restful. Thank you all for the prayers these last few weeks.

Meet "The Girl" . She's A Russian Blue and is sister to Jenny Craig.She and Jenny (and their brother, aptly named The Bo...

Meet "The Girl" . She's A Russian Blue and is sister to Jenny Craig.

She and Jenny (and their brother, aptly named The Boy, who has now passed away) 😢 became clients last fall and I've watched them several times since then.

It has taken many months for The Girl to come out while I'm in the house. But, at each visit with her these last few sessions, she came out and let me pet her and brush her.

These are the things that make me smile.

Our girl Gia is healing very well and is acting like a totally different girl! There's such a difference in her manneris...

Our girl Gia is healing very well and is acting like a totally different girl! There's such a difference in her mannerisms and even the bounce in her step! There's no doubt that she had been in pain, or at least discomfort, the ten months since we adopted her and that pain is all gone now.

As difficult a decision it was to have her eye removed, it was definitely the right one. She goes to the vet Friday to get her stitches taken out and get freed from the cone.

Thank you everyone for the prayers. This was a much better turnout than we could have imagined. ♥️

Our sweet Gia had surgery to remove her left eyeball today. She had some previous trauma to that eye before we adopted h...

Our sweet Gia had surgery to remove her left eyeball today. She had some previous trauma to that eye before we adopted her last fall so it was already bulgy and unhealthy. She had lost total vision in that eye over time and I noticed a few weeks ago that it had an ulcer on it. She just turned 14 so we wanted to take care of it while she was still a good candidate for surgery.

The pic doesn't show a clear view of it but it's pretty rough. It looks like she lost a fight. The first pic in the comments is a full view of it if you'd like to see.

We go back in two weeks to get the stitches taken out.

Just chilling on a Sunday afternoon between lunch visits and a meet and greet later today. The white dog at the end of m...

Just chilling on a Sunday afternoon between lunch visits and a meet and greet later today.

The white dog at the end of my legs is Kasper, the terrier in my lap is Daisy and the white dog to my side of Gia. My cat, Sawyer, was up here with us but she left as soon as James went to take the pic.

Taking a well deserved break. With my daughter at the Melissa Etheridge and Jewel concert in Kansas City.

Taking a well deserved break. With my daughter at the Melissa Etheridge and Jewel concert in Kansas City.

Feedback from a client. Pepper is a daddy's girl so I thought the "bearable" part was cute. ❤️

Feedback from a client.

Pepper is a daddy's girl so I thought the "bearable" part was cute. ❤️

A few weeks ago, I noticed an ulcer on Gia's eye. Gia is my own babe. We adopted her last October, she's 14. When we ado...

A few weeks ago, I noticed an ulcer on Gia's eye. Gia is my own babe. We adopted her last October, she's 14.

When we adopted her, we knew she had an previous untreated injury to her left eye that had caused her eye to bulge out quite a bit.

The vet set us up at that time for the expectation of surgery at some point to remove the eye.

Well, that day has come. Surgery is scheduled for less than two weeks. She's been a bit anxious at night trying to go to sleep, which the vet thinks could be due to a dull pain in that eye, making it hard for her to get comfy. So, we're keeping her comfortable with gabapentin and kisses.

On a good note, they did a presurgery chest xray (due to her minor heart murmur) and full blood work and everything came back looking wonderful. Her eye is the only problem she has so we're hoping to have her to love for quite a while longer.

She has been low vision for quite a while and we've noticed her vision diminishing lately so I don't think the loss of her eye will make a difference in her vision.

We'd appreciate any positive thoughts and prayers you may have for our girl!

Archie's family made it home safely from the east coast yesterday! After 8 full days (Archie's longest time ever without...

Archie's family made it home safely from the east coast yesterday! After 8 full days (Archie's longest time ever without his family), he was playful, rested and ready to love on his little boys when they walked through the door last night.

Archie did such a great job all week and I'm so proud of him! I'm so excited that the family now has unlimited confidence and trust to be able to take long trips with the boys and not worry about Archie at all.

Up until they met me, they hadn't had the ability to travel and go have fun as a young family.
[email protected]

Here's Archie and I, discussing how good of a boy he's been all week while his family is on the east coast.He has two li...

Here's Archie and I, discussing how good of a boy he's been all week while his family is on the east coast.

He has two little boys (and mom and dad, of course!) that are missing him fiercely. I told Archie to be ready to hear all about their fun they had this week on the beach!
[email protected]

Feedback from another happy client. She's a fairly new client but has hired me for a few week-long sessions recently. Sh...

Feedback from another happy client. She's a fairly new client but has hired me for a few week-long sessions recently.

She has two senior dachshunds, one has special needs.

I love hearing that the pets are relaxed when their parents arrive home, even after 10+ days of being in my care.
[email protected]

Due to the global service outage, I have clients who are at airports on both the west and east coasts and can't get home...

Due to the global service outage, I have clients who are at airports on both the west and east coasts and can't get home. Both were set to be home by this afternoon. Their first flights home are now tomorrow evening and both have layovers so they may not be home until Sunday.

So, my schedule for this evening and the weekend will adjust quite a bit. I have assured my clients that their pets will be in good hands with me until they get home. They need to be focused on getting home safely, knowing that everything here at home is perfectly fine. Both families have small children so there are definitely other things they need to be worrying about.

If you're an existing client of mine, this is why I stress the importance of being flexible with visit times, even if you are not the one being directly affected by whatever the issue is.

I appreciate all my clients for understanding that things don't always go as planned and things need to be adjusted sometimes. Every home will get serviced tonight and throughout the weekend as planned. The times may be slightly askew at I work to fit everyone.

More feedback from a happy client. I watch her two cats frequently. Her boys are young, energetic and I never know what ...

More feedback from a happy client. I watch her two cats frequently.

Her boys are young, energetic and I never know what I'm getting when I walk in the door, which keeps it fun and exciting!
[email protected]

The best thing about my job is all the stories I have. Each pet has their own behaviors, mannerisms and even their own s...

The best thing about my job is all the stories I have. Each pet has their own behaviors, mannerisms and even their own story. Each visit with any pet is like a choose your own adventure book.

This is Bandit. He's a big, old boy who loves to bring me his favorite toy when I walk in the door.

This is what I got at my lunch visit with him earlier this week, just hanging around his nose... 😍
[email protected]

This client has hired me many times over the last several months. She and her family needed to make an emergency trip la...

This client has hired me many times over the last several months.

She and her family needed to make an emergency trip last week out of state. Her stress was high with trying to book flights and take care of business before leaving for several days.

I love hearing that she knows that her pets are in good hands with me and it's one less thing she doesn't have to worry about.
[email protected]

Starting my day with Zoey, the pit bull. She is such a sweet girl. She'll pout until I let her give me a kiss each time ...

Starting my day with Zoey, the pit bull. She is such a sweet girl.

She'll pout until I let her give me a kiss each time I walk in the door. She also loves to lay in front of the door so that I have to give her a kiss before she'll let me leave.

She and Tank were a few of my very first clients so I have had a lot of time to bond with them.

Meet Georgia. She's a senior aged Dachshund who loves to snarl and give me kisses at the same time. She's quite complex ...

Meet Georgia. She's a senior aged Dachshund who loves to snarl and give me kisses at the same time. She's quite complex and silly!

The snarling is habit, not her being mean but it's kinda funny. It makes me smile.

Georgia is blind in one eye. Her favorite thing to do is chew her mommy's spinach plants in the garden.

I just wrapped up an 11 day session with Georgia and her canine brother Heinrich while their owners were out of the country. I really enjoyed getting to know them both better.
[email protected]

Meet Puppy. He's a senior-aged chihuahua. He's super sweet and loves to give me kisses.He's a new client that I've gotte...

Meet Puppy. He's a senior-aged chihuahua. He's super sweet and loves to give me kisses.

He's a new client that I've gotten to know these last few weeks. He loves it when I lay on the floor with him and just stroke his back.

I love my senior clients. They make me feel right at home, like they've just been waiting for me to come over.
[email protected]

Meet Russ.No, he's not in trouble. He's just pouting because he wanted me to stay longer. He usually sits on my feet so ...

Meet Russ.

No, he's not in trouble. He's just pouting because he wanted me to stay longer. He usually sits on my feet so I can't leave. 🐶♥️

I stopped by his house today at lunch to let him and his sister Yidhra go potty. What a way to spend my lunch!
[email protected]

Holy smokes! Monday kicks off my third year of business! Thank you to all my clients who trust me with their home and th...

Holy smokes! Monday kicks off my third year of business! Thank you to all my clients who trust me with their home and their precious pets!

Here's a breakdown of my business currently. I have 81 homes that I service throughout the year. Some of those are weekly or monthly visits while others are as needed for vacation travel.

That's 189 pets, 1/3 of which are seniors, amputees or other special needs. One is a certified service dog. My most popular client breed is the Pit Bull, followed by the Dachshund.

My biggest client is Austin, a 150 lb mastiff. My smallest client is Georgia, a four month old kitten.

I have 62 five-star reviews.

I have worked my butt off but can't imagine a more rewarding way to spend my time. I truly love what I do and I'm fortunate to have both pet and human clients that I love and that value my service and appreciate me.

Thank you for all the referrals and bookings! I can't wait to see what year #3 has in store for me!

Thanks to James, Mom and Brittany for being a part of Team Shannon. I wouldn't be able to do all the things without my support team.

This big boy is turning 7 years old today!Lucifer (Lucy) is one of my newest clients and loves everyone! He was a stray ...

This big boy is turning 7 years old today!

Lucifer (Lucy) is one of my newest clients and loves everyone! He was a stray until he found his forever home and he's living the best life now!
[email protected]

Roxy is a senior aged mini poodle who is as spoiled as she is cute. I say that with all the love I could ever have for h...

Roxy is a senior aged mini poodle who is as spoiled as she is cute. I say that with all the love I could ever have for her.

She and I have a special relationship. She acts really cute and I give her treats. That's our relationship... If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
[email protected]

I took care of these 3 sweet girls for a week. Samara is the Rottweiler. Kairi is the Shepherd and Emma is the golden wi...

I took care of these 3 sweet girls for a week.

Samara is the Rottweiler. Kairi is the Shepherd and Emma is the golden with the pink donut.

I love caring for all dogs, big and small, but since I only have small dogs (and a petite cat) at my house, I LOVE spending time with the big kids. I grew up with a Great Dane and Shepherds and I do miss having a big dog at times.

These girls were so much fun. So full of personality. This was my first booking with them so it was fun to get to know them and bond with them.
[email protected]

Today is National Dachshund Day! Today is the longest day of the year, so it's very fitting to celebrate them on this da...

Today is National Dachshund Day!

Today is the longest day of the year, so it's very fitting to celebrate them on this day, since Doxies have the longest body relative to their size.

Here are a few of my Dachshund clients.

Starting my morning with this big guy.

Starting my morning with this big guy.



Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday 06:00 - 21:00
Friday 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday 06:00 - 21:00
Sunday 06:00 - 21:00




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