On Command Canine LLC

On Command Canine LLC Dog Training for the dog, and human! Serving Wayne County NY, and surrounding areas.

On Command Canine LLC offers in home private lessons, board & train programs, enrichment daycare, and exclusive boarding to clients in a home environment.


Shoutout to one of the hardest working teams I’ve had in a little while.
I’ve been working with Oakley and her owners for a little while now and the progress they’ve made together have been a night and day difference.
They have been doing private lessons with me, and even outside of all of the lessons, I am getting sent frequent training videos from Oakleys mom at home! She has put in the work and it shows. She is always asking questions and making sure she advocates for her dog.
This is what putting in the work gets you 😁

Hello everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve made a post. A lot of changes have been happening around here and I’m needin...

Hello everyone!
It’s been awhile since I’ve made a post. A lot of changes have been happening around here and I’m needing to do a lot of updating. Outside of boarding, I had momentarily taken a step back from training to be able to focus on other life matters. I am still not 100% back just yet. I am only taking on a couple of training clients at a time. So I thank those of you who have been patient ❤️
Clients will be receiving an email shortly regarding other updates and new policies.


Private lesson client, Oakley, walking beautifully with her owner !
Oakley has some dog reactivity and is pretty anxious when out and about. Constantly scanning the neighborhood for dogs and other little critters to chase.
Teaching Oakley to walk on a loose leash by itself has brought down those anxiety levels to a much more manageable and workable state of mind. 😊

Private lesson Freyja taking a cool down in the pool ❤️Learning to recall is hard work

Private lesson Freyja taking a cool down in the pool ❤️
Learning to recall is hard work

After lesson grass wiggles ❤️Oakley’s owners are amazingly committed to working with her dog reactivity and other behavi...

After lesson grass wiggles ❤️
Oakley’s owners are amazingly committed to working with her dog reactivity and other behavioral issues- this little girl will be all squared away in no time

Happy 3rd birthday to one of our enrichment daycare dog’s, Jetta! Jetta got to hang with her 2 best girlfriends. Tally o...

Happy 3rd birthday to one of our enrichment daycare dog’s, Jetta!
Jetta got to hang with her 2 best girlfriends. Tally on the far left and Lucy in the middle.
Happy birthday pretty girl ❤️

Look at this scruffy little man! Djora getting a good old scrubbing in to clean that dirt away after playing so much. Dj...

Look at this scruffy little man!
Djora getting a good old scrubbing in to clean that dirt away after playing so much.
Djora is spending most of the summer with us while his mom is away🌞🌞
So thankful for all of you entrusting your best friends with me

Welcome newest Daycare puppy- Kiah ❤️

Welcome newest Daycare puppy- Kiah ❤️

Private Lesson client Bindi learning how to do ✨nothing✨All too often we owners get caught up in keeping our dogs busy a...

Private Lesson client Bindi learning how to do ✨nothing✨
All too often we owners get caught up in keeping our dogs busy all of the time. We are constantly trying to tire them out, keep them busy to keep them out of our hair.
While mental and physical exercise IS important, it’s also important for a dog to learn how to do nothing.
If we are constantly keeping our dogs busy, they’re constantly going to be looking for something to do. Imagine your brain constantly on the go. It is not very fun long term.
Your dog/puppy needs to learn not only how to do nothing, but be ok with it!

⭐️Daycare dog owners⭐️With it being nice and hot- some of the dogs utilize the pool to cool off and for some enrichment ...

⭐️Daycare dog owners⭐️
With it being nice and hot- some of the dogs utilize the pool to cool off and for some enrichment activities. While I will do my best to dry them off before they return home…it is not a bad idea to bring an extra towel for pick up!
Unless you don’t mind a wet dog in the car 🤪

Just a few of the boarding faces from this past busy weekend ❤️

Just a few of the boarding faces from this past busy weekend ❤️

Fergus and Pheobe are a couple of super sweet dogs ❤️ ones rough and tumble and the other is sweet as pie 🥧They’re both ...

Fergus and Pheobe are a couple of super sweet dogs ❤️ ones rough and tumble and the other is sweet as pie 🥧
They’re both boarding this weekend

Just a reminder that Boarding is for training clients only 😁With summer coming up, I’ve had a few people reach out about...

Just a reminder that Boarding is for training clients only 😁
With summer coming up, I’ve had a few people reach out about boarding with me. And this is just a reminder that boarding is only available to those who have trained with me OR are a referral from another facility.
I have thought about opening it up a little more but have decided against it as the reasons why i had it set up this way initially, are still very important to me. I have a laundry list of reasons for why that is but the biggest and most important ones

⚫️I know your dog and your dog knows me (comfortability)

⚫️Your dog has manners, I have control over them day to day (safety! Not only for me, but the other dogs your dog may be around)

⚫️You, the owner, know me and how I run things, we already have a relationship so there is less overall stress when it comes to boarding and communicating about your dog (again, comfortability)

Ease and safety have always been my top priority. I do not want to jeopardize that by having unfamiliar, and untrained dogs into my home. If someone needs a recommendation for a boarding facility- I gladly can send some their way!

Comment below your water loving pups 🐶🐶💦

Comment below your water loving pups 🐶🐶💦

Received an update from a previous board and train that I had almost 2 years ago!Jack was with me for 4 weeks for off le...

Received an update from a previous board and train that I had almost 2 years ago!
Jack was with me for 4 weeks for off leash training. He was such a fun guy who gets to visit me now once or twice a year when his mom goes away on trips 🐶
Board and trains aren’t a complete “fix.” It’s up to you, the owner, to maintain the work once your dog goes home… but when you do… the results are phenomenal ❤️
To Jack and his amazing owner.. Keep being awesome 🐾

Enrichment daycare dog Jetta was the first one to enter and claim the pool 🤣❤️

Enrichment daycare dog Jetta was the first one to enter and claim the pool 🤣❤️

My dogs are not your dog’s friends.--Grab your attention?Every now and again someone will ask if your dog has met my dog...

My dogs are not your dog’s friends.
Grab your attention?
Every now and again someone will ask if your dog has met my dogs, or someone will comment and imply my dogs must be out there with everyone else’s dogs playing…the short answer is, no. 98% of the time..no.
You see, my German shepherds are quite literally, Jerks. They are bullies. They ENJOY bullying other dogs. They love chasing down other dogs and intimidating them. They are a herding breed and herding breeds in general are mostly the same way (yes of course there are exceptions. There are those anomalies). This is apart of their genetic make up, this strong type of personality. This is who they are. This is not something that can be changed, only strictly managed. And I’m 100% okay with that!! I did not get these two because I wanted dogs I could “take to the dog park” (also do not recommend dog parks but that’s a different story for a different day). In fact, that is partly why I got the small one up front. Tally is a “dog park dog.” She wants to be your dogs friend. And play. And wrestle. And be all cute running around together.
My German Shepherds are not that. Yes they are 100% safe being AROUND other dogs (leashed!) They do not want to eat anyone. But let them free and do as they do.. they will choose to herd and be a bully to your dog.
Understand the breed that you own.
Understand their genetic makeup.
Understand and accept that (as an example) your bulldog is not a lab. Your lab is not a bulldog. You can’t fit a square peg into a round hole.
My German Shepherds will not greet you at the door like your Golden Retreiver. And vice versa.
Don’t force your dog to be something it is not.

I was reviewing my summer boarding schedule last night and WOW I didn’t realize how filled up I am all the way into Augu...

I was reviewing my summer boarding schedule last night and WOW I didn’t realize how filled up I am all the way into August! 😳
I mostly only have a couple of openings and then some scattered days throughout the summer months… so get your dates sent in to me so I can get your pup in!

Some of the daycare crew doing obedience drills this lovely afternoon. We are all about maintaining those commands and p...

Some of the daycare crew doing obedience drills this lovely afternoon. We are all about maintaining those commands and proofing them the best we can over here. Training never stops.. it is for your dog’s whole lifetime.
Picture featuring:
Lucy, Woody, and Jetta

Safety Safety Safety!I’m very ‘on it!’ when it comes to preventing easily preventable and very common accidents. 1) no c...

Safety Safety Safety!
I’m very ‘on it!’ when it comes to preventing easily preventable and very common accidents.

1) no collars on while in a crate, ESPECIALLY with any sort of tag dangling.
I’ve heard of many horror stories of dogs getting their collars caught on the bars of their crate- resulting in the dog panicking, flailing and ultimately strangling themselves. Whether your dog is in there for an hour or even 2 mins, it’s enough time to get caught and choke.

2) No collars on while playing with another dog. Whether it’s their “sibling” you have at home or a friend’s dog…, dogs are constantly mouthing around each others necks. Typical play. Again… it is VERY easy for a dogs mouth to become trapped in another dogs collar. This also results in accidental strangling. Now you will have two dogs flailing and panicking making a bad situation, much worse.

Both scenarios I see owners and other dog facilities doing constantly. It makes me cringe when I see it. It is something so easily preventable, it’s almost careless to not do (this mainly goes for the dog facilities).

So save your pups life (or someone else’s) by either getting a breakaway dog collar or take those collars off!!

Day Train pup Beasley learning to go to a ‘place.’Beasley has a tendency to resource guard objects that aren’t necessari...

Day Train pup Beasley learning to go to a ‘place.’
Beasley has a tendency to resource guard objects that aren’t necessarily his. Teaching him to go away to a place will help his owners at home when managing that behavioral issue. 🙂

Just a few muddy and happy daycare dogs❤️❤️

Just a few muddy and happy daycare dogs❤️❤️

🚨Kennel Cough Season🚨Hey everyone.. it is now the season for Kennel cough🤢. For those who don’t know what Kennel cough i...

🚨Kennel Cough Season🚨

Hey everyone.. it is now the season for Kennel cough🤢. For those who don’t know what Kennel cough is- it is a HIGHLY contagious respiratory infection that is passed around in dogs.
This infection not only can be picked up by your dog through direct contact with an infected dog.. but can also be passed by the clothing we are wearing and different types of surfaces that have been touched by an infected dog. While this infection is typically not a serious condition, it can be nasty and difficult to get rid of.
Your dog may take days to show the symptoms and kennel cough can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks before recovered.
Symptoms to look for:
-non-productive & persistent dry cough
-runny nose

With that being said.. please be mindful of where you’re going with your dogs.. if you notice ANY of these symptoms, please keep your pup at home until they recover.
I am proud to say I’ve never had this infection enter the kennel.. and I’d like to keep it that way❤️

🔔I will be closed & unavailable this weekend🔔Tally has her first dog show, so we will be traveling and focused on showin...

🔔I will be closed & unavailable this weekend🔔

Tally has her first dog show, so we will be traveling and focused on showing.
If I have time, I will respond to messages but if not, will be back on Monday ❤️


I still feel confused at times as to why there is still such a pushback to using food to train your dog.
“When will I not have to use it anymore?”
“Will I always have to have food on me?”
“Won’t he then become obsessed with all food?”
“I want him to do it because he loves me, not because I have food”
“Using food is cheating”
“Using food means you’re bribing not training”
“Using food will make my dog fat”
“I never had to use food with my last dog.”

These are all just some of the insane things I’ve heard and still hear. And it makes me crazy because I can’t imagine saying these things to my employees.
“When will I not have to pay you anymore?”
“If I pay you are you going to just become obsessed with money?”
“I really want you to work for me because you love me, not because I pay you”

Food is a tool. It is a TOOL. And just like any tool it can be used well or used poorly, but it’s one of the only tools in dog training that I hear more myths about than any other. And that’s unfortunate because when used properly it does so many good things -

Food is a primary reinforcer and for most dogs it’s the most valuable thing they can get. This makes it enormously powerful when trying to teach them how to do something new and/or complicated. That doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate a pet on the head, but they’d rather have the food and there’s NOTHING wrong with that. Just like you’d rather be paid in dollars rather than chocolate bars.

Food is fast. It’s easy to deliver, portable, and also variable in value (kibble vs cheese) so it’s very flexible also depending on your level and stage of training.

Food can help create powerful positive associations for dogs as well as counter condition negative associations they already have because of its value to them. Using food in the presence of other dogs, people and environments helps your dog have a positive association with them and this in and of itself is incredibly powerful. That’s something I don’t think we consider nearly enough when training our dogs even when they’ve past the learning phase.

Food does not have to make your dog a beggar, fat, or totally dependent on it. The context in which you deliver it, the way you ration out the food - treats vs meals and healthy choices - and also the way you cue the dog when training all help alleviate these issues.

I pay my dogs regularly and have no shame in that. As they get better at skills I ask them to work harder or longer for the pay just like as adults we have to work a full week or two before we get our paychecks. I use higher value for harder things - just like you like to get paid time and a half when you work Christmas, and lower value for easy stuff. I watch to make sure my dogs hope for the reward but don’t expect it and don’t take it personally when they’d rather come back to me for cheese instead of a pet. I focus on the fact that they came back.

Getting paid at work is a big reinforcer for us but it’s also not the only reason we go is it? The relationships you have with your coworkers, the pride you have in your job etc are all intricate parts of your motivation, but that takes TIME to build, and at first it’s usually just for the pay. Same with training your dog. At first, yes, it’s for the food, but as you continue and do it right it becomes more about the teamwork, the fun and the relationship, not just the pay. And THAT’S what I wish more people understood. Over time your dog will work often without food for you because he truly enjoys it now, and he’s been reinforced by the relationship and countless reinforcements over time. But you have to put that time and patience in first to get there. And it’s worth it. I promise.
-Helen St. Pierre


Williamson, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm


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