One time when Mike Bridges was teaching pretty regular in Europe he brought back the idea of a “Honey Bit” from a friend of his at the SRS. Rusty McCullogh built it and I supplied the science lab. The idea was to put dehydrated honey inside a mouthpiece with holes in it and hang it on some very mute horse. The heat from the horses mouth melted the honey, the honey dropped into the horses mouth and activated the jaw to mobilize. This particular bit has a candy cane in it.
Same mute Dutch horse. Different bridle bit. Trying to rummage around and get this guy to mobilize his tongue, swallow and loosen his jaw.
Mute Dutch Horse. If I can get him to turn loose in his jaw I might have a better shot at getting him to turn loose of the earth
I do this on horses that grind their teeth with a snaffle or are mute. Mostly WarmBloods now. But I've been doing it a long time, even before the first WarmBlood got off the plane. This has a Salinas mouthpiece so the cricket lays right on the tongue and is noisy. Actually, it seldom does much good at all, but when it does I'm glad I tried it. The racket annoys the help. It can take me several tries before I find the right height for each horse.