The Sugarbush Hitch Company

The Sugarbush Hitch Company The Official Sugarbush Hitch Company Page. The Sugarbush Hitch Company was founded by Everett and Shirley Smith, creating the Sugarbush Harlequin Draft.

A descendant of Harley Quinne!

A descendant of Harley Quinne!

All descendants of the Sugarbush Hitch Co!

All descendants of the Sugarbush Hitch Co!

Ben and Jake and I. A day in my memory.

Ben and Jake and I. A day in my memory.

A calendar from a few years ago from a friend.This pretty much describes this old farm.

A calendar from a few years ago from a friend.This pretty much describes this old farm.


We’ve had a nice steady growth of newcomers to the American Sugarbush Harlequin Draft Horse Association registry page over the last few weeks. We at ASHDA would like to welcome those of you who are just learning about this unique and rare breed! This page is where the registry shares news and updates on the breed, its members and the horses. ASHDA also delves into the history, not only of the breed itself, but the breeds behind of it’s foundation.
Founding line (E-Designation) horses, and a few others in the registry, can trace back to some well known horses, of Appaloosa, Stonewall Sporthorse and Percheron lineage.
Here's a bit of information to share with our fans on one such horse, Percheron stallion, Riverbend Monkoncarlaet. (Pictured)

Riverbend Monkoncarlaet Percheron stallion #18432, Champion Winter Fair 1947. His pedigree traces unbroken to Brilliant, imported from France in 1876.
Riverbend Monkoncarlaet was the sire of Justamere Showtime, a renowned Percheron stallion and multiple champion sire himself. It is the quality of horses like this that make our American Sugarbush Harlequin Drafts what they are today.
He is directly behind the Percherons used by Everett Smith and some of his descendants today registered with ASHDA which include, Stonewall Rascal, Sugarbush Harley Quinne, Sugarbush Harley's Classic O, He'za Big O Texas Star, Versailles, HexenBiest and so many more of the wonderful horses who are a part of ASHDA.

We invite newcomers to our breed and page to scroll through and enjoy the photos and information on this incredibly wonderful and unique draft breed.
You can also visit the ASHDA website at, for more details about the breed and its history.

Angel is descended from both Rose and Harley. An asset for anyone that loves these bloodlines.

Angel is descended from both Rose and Harley. An asset for anyone that loves these bloodlines.

No papers is no Sugarbush!

No papers is no Sugarbush!

We hear this phrase a lot: "You can't ride papers!" And it's true! Papers don't determine a horse's conformation, temperament or ability. But, registration papers are still a very important thing for a horse to have if they are qualified to get them! Let's break down the importance of papers in the equine industry:

1: They provide Heritage. One piece of paper will tell you quite a bit of history. Unless the horse is hardship registered, you'll know where they were born, their age, their breeder, their parents/ancestors and more! This is very important information to have, for both a buyer AND a seller. If you get in a bind and must sell or rehome your registered horse, having papers can sometimes mean the difference between a safe landing and an uncertain future.

2: They offer more Opportunity! Most horse associations, ASHDA included, offer all sorts of activities for registered horses to take part of! Showing, logging hours, ambassador recognition, spotlighting and more! Even if competition isn't your thing, breed associations are communities that can offer all sorts of connections, friendships and more that you otherwise would not have access to.

3: They are Proof of Ownership. Believe it or not, that piece of paper listing you as the owner will hold up in court! If your horse is registered with an incorporated breed registry, that can sway things in your favour in legal disputes over your horses! Going through divorce, business dissolutions, evictions and other messy situations can put your equine partner's future at risk if you don't have proof that they belong to you! A set of registration papers listing you as the owner are definitely an ace you'll need up your sleeve! This counts for transfers too, if you buy a registered horse, make sure you complete their transfer into your name in a timely manner!

4: They add Value. For many people, horses are a hobby. But, for quite a few of us, horses are a business. Whether you are a breeder, trainer, reseller or whatever else, a horse that has papers almost always has more value than a similar one who doesn't! Buyers like to know what they are getting into, and a set of papers can clear up a lot of questions they might have about a potential buy. In the case of ASHDA, papers won't just tell them the horse's Heritage, but also their registry designation and genetic testing. This is very valuable information for buyers looking to fit a specific need, whether within the breed or as a first time buyer!

And, always remember, if you are buying a registered horse, ask to see their papers as proof! Some registries are worth more than others, so do your research. There are incorporated registries, like ASHDA, and then there are private businesses masquerading as legitimate breed associations just out to make a quick buck. Always double check to see if a horse has papers with a real registry, and not a shady money grabber.

As always, in the case of the Sugarbush Harlequin Draft, if it's not ASHDA, it's probably not the real thing!

Swann is a Harley Quinne descendant, and Diamond is sired by a Hall of Fame stallion not bred by SHC.

Swann is a Harley Quinne descendant, and Diamond is sired by a Hall of Fame stallion not bred by SHC.

A double dose of Sugarbush sweetness to start off your week. ASHDA Main Book mare, RTD’s SweetAddiction (Diamond) and 2023 ASHDA E-Designation filly, Sugarbush Classic Star (Swann), both owned by Five Oaks Sweet Spot Drafts, sharing a sweet moment together during a mutual grooming session.

Photo credit to Five Oaks Sweet Spot Drafts.


ASHDA TBT. 2006 E-Designation gelding, SHC Charlie D, when he was an adorable little c**t.
Charlie D was bred by breed founder Everett Smith. He is sired by the iconic ASHDA Hall of Fame stallion, the late Sugarbush Harley Quinne, and out of ASHDA Hall of Fame mare, the late Sugarbush O Rosamunde. Charlie D is now owned by Katherine Marie and is her much loved riding partner.

Photo credits to Sugarbush Hitch Company.

Roo is a Harley Quinne descendant

Roo is a Harley Quinne descendant

Who’s happy it’s Friday? Pictured today is ASHDA E-Designation stallion, He'za Big O Texas Star aka Roo, who is certainly feeling exuberant about life. Roo is quite the athletic and agile guy and has no problems with getting some serious air time despite his size.
ASHDA horses are well known for being athletic and performing well in various disciplines that many consider better suited for lighter breeds. Be it in the show ring, on the trails, ranch work, or any other variety of jobs that horses can do, the American Sugarbush
Harlequin Draft is the breed up for the task.
We wish everyone a fantastic Friday and a safe and wonderful weekend!
Photo credit to Texas Dotted Drafts.

Since I am introducing myself I will let you know that I had a few other interests. This is a 1/3 scale car that I built...

Since I am introducing myself I will let you know that I had a few other interests. This is a 1/3 scale car that I built for my Great Grandson. You'll notice the body is a wheelbarrow tub.

I awoke this morning and realized I was 88 years old today. The truth hit me kinda hard.

I awoke this morning and realized I was 88 years old today. The truth hit me kinda hard.

A young pair of full brother geldings of mine. I was breaking them. There was not a white hair between them.

A young pair of full brother geldings of mine. I was breaking them. There was not a white hair between them.

On May the fifteenth 1937 little Shirley Lawson was born in Jay County Indiana. This was the bill what a difference a li...

On May the fifteenth 1937 little Shirley Lawson was born in Jay County Indiana. This was the bill what a difference a lifetime can make. She was my wife for 69 years. Then and now!

Roo is a descendant of Harley Quinne and is currently the highest draft% founding line stallion in the breed.

Roo is a descendant of Harley Quinne and is currently the highest draft% founding line stallion in the breed.


One of the questions we are frequently asked is what makes a breed? Sounds like a simple question, but it's really not simple to answer. The first thing that makes a breed is a bunch of like minded people creating a registry. This is usually done with a definite type in mind as well as purpose. Once the registry is created then breed rules are applied and foundation stock bred forward to produce the desired type. As breeds grow in numbers, and age, they often close the books or limit outcrossing, in order to maintain type. There are pure breeds, such as Arabian and Thoroughbred, and composite breeds such as the Quarter Horse, Appaloosa, Paint and American Sugarbush Harlequin Draft. Simply because a breed of horse is made up of other breeds does not mean it is not legitimate. The largest horse registry in the world, the American Quarter Horse Association is built on a composite breed. So to address the concerns about our breed validity point by point;
1) Everett Smith set out to create a breed by crossing two other known breeds, the Percheron and Appaloosa. His creation was the Sugarbush Harlequin Draft. He didn't JUST cross Appaloosas to Percherons. He bred back to draft blood to increase the draft percentage. So the first generation of Appaloosa to Percheron produced a foal, which was bred back to a Percheron and produced a foal, which was bred back to a Percheron and produced a foal and you arrive at Sugarbush Harley's Classic O, 93 percent draft with LP coloration. Is he JUST an Appaloosa to Draft cross, certainly not. He's a draft with LP markers. When you get to 93% you're pretty close to being 100%. However, due to his LP markers he's also not a Percheron. He has a distinct body type, coloration and several different traits, such as less feather, lighter muscling over the shoulder and gaskin and a conformation closer to a big riding horse than a plow horse. Is he a breed? Well if the Quarter Horse is a breed and the Appaloosa is a breed, then the Sugarbush Harlequin Draft is a breed. There are registered QHs out there today, 80 years after the registry started that are 7/8s Thoroughbred and have full AQHA breeding rights, show records, produce ETC. So if we're going to call those horses breed representatives for the Quarter Horse then a 93% LP marked draft is certainly a breed representative for the Sugarbush Harlequin Draft. We are a breed. We're small, we're allowing outcrossing at this point to increase numbers and avoid the intensive inbreeding that has caused so many problems other rare breeds and we're restrictive, we require 50%+ Draft in order for the horse to be placed in the main book. That's more than Quarter Horses or Appaloosas require to be in their registries.
2) Everett Smith created the Sugarbush Harlequin Draft Horse Registry, SHDHR. The Stonewall Sporthorse Registry was developed by Michael Muir (formerly Hanna) He was a long time Appaloosa breeder that owned and stood Appaloosa racehorses Apache Double and Ocala Flight. Due to changes within his life he decided to start crossing drafts and Appaloosas to create spotted driving horses. He was searching for a lighter more warmblood style of horses. He bred an Apache Double daughter to Charlie Degas, a Percheron stallion and Stonewall Baby Jane was born. She was half draft/half Appaloosa. She was bred back to a Percheron stallion, Stonewall Showmaster and produced Stonewall Rascal. Rascal's blood was then brought into Everett's program and he was crossed on Sugarbush Felina Del Noche to produce Sugarbush Harley Quinne. The two men worked in concert together as both had the goal of a heavier spotted horse, with the first few generations being warm blood type and the next ones being draft. Types within any registered breed are the norm not the exception. Even purebred breeds like the Arabian have types. Arabian has 5; Spanish, Russian, Polish, Crabbet and Egyptian. All distinct but all easily recognizable as Arabian. Thoroughbreds have two types, racing and field hunters. Quarter Horses have one for each discipline it seems. And therein the flaw of the by blood registration systems come to light. Because by blood they are certainly Arabs, Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses, but by type they are not cookie cutter. Unless a registry has a conformation approval system, it cannot maintain a cookie cutter type of animal. And most registries don't employ conformational approval for horses that meet bloodline standards.
3) As for the different registration designations, they are not uncommon, and anyone who has dealt with color breeds certainly knows that there are different designations within. ApHC has had over 15 different registration designations, now they use 3: #, N, CN. Their hardship horses, like ours, are non breeding animals so they go in the main book #. The nature of a registry's growth will eventually remove some designations as attrition removes the older horses from the gene pool. ApHC used to have BN (breediing stock non-characteristic) ID, PC, F, P and other designations, which are no longer being issued, but can still be found on pedigrees. We wanted to make our papers easy to read and understand. Since this is a registry reboot, more than a creation, there are no foundation horses beyond the ones bred by Everett, so in honor of him all his founding stock has an E designation, and ONLY horses descending from his stock can carry it. Horses added in (after genetic testing and conformation review) now are given an I designation, signifying they are not foundation stock, but meet the criteria to be used as breeding Improvement stock. Main book horses are # or N, they are either geldings or spayed mares brought in through hardship or foals of E or I horses. Heritage horses H* have Sugarbush blood but not enough percentage of draft, so they are not in the main book, and to produce an eligible foal they must be bred to an Approved Cross draft or a Sugarbush. AC horses are Approved Crosses, they can be used to create a foal with an E, I or Approved Cross Draft.
4) The objective of ASHDA is a high quality, versatile Draft horse with a preference for LP. It's also for a genetically tested clean animal. We require a genetic 6 panel for all AC breeding stock. Any Belgians or Suffolks used must test for JEB1 and PSSM and any other draft breeds for PSSM1. In this early stage we are approving horses conformationally by type, and color restrictions, no pintos or greys.
5) People have asked us about rare breed conservancy. I looked into this when I was on the ApHC BOD, because Appaloosa numbers have fallen off to a HUGE degree, less than 2500 horses registered a year. The rare breed conservancy takes the position that any composite breed, such as the Appaloosa, Quarter Horse, Paint, National Show Horse, Azteca etc, always has the ability to increase its gene pool through the use of the various allowed crosses. Since there are Appaloosas and draft horses abounding we don't qualify.
6) Who is ASHDA? We are an incorporated registry in the Commonwealth of Virginia, we have our tax IDS and we are a non-profit. It's not a private business. ASHDA has a board, officers, rulebook, show system, genetic testing requirements etc. We are a registry and intend to be around a long long time. We are the stewards of this breed, and through our efforts and yours the American Sugarbush Harlequin Draft will be around for a long, long, long time!

Pictured is E-Designation stallion, HexenBiest, bred and owned by Trinity Appaloosa Farm.

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

🎃👻🦇 Happy Halloween! Wishing plenty of treats for everyone today, no tricks! Have a safe and spooktacular Halloween!! 🎃👻🦇

As you know there is very little going on that is newsworthy,  but I have decided to post something from the past weekly...

As you know there is very little going on that is newsworthy, but I have decided to post something from the past weekly. Sometimes I will post something that you have seen earlier.
I will try to make it interesting.
I will start with my twin grandsons, I don't think I could have made it without them. They were but seven years old then but now have grown into two of the finest men I have known. Mason on the left and Everett on the right.


Willow Wood, OH


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