No papers is no Sugarbush!
We hear this phrase a lot: "You can't ride papers!" And it's true! Papers don't determine a horse's conformation, temperament or ability. But, registration papers are still a very important thing for a horse to have if they are qualified to get them! Let's break down the importance of papers in the equine industry:
1: They provide Heritage. One piece of paper will tell you quite a bit of history. Unless the horse is hardship registered, you'll know where they were born, their age, their breeder, their parents/ancestors and more! This is very important information to have, for both a buyer AND a seller. If you get in a bind and must sell or rehome your registered horse, having papers can sometimes mean the difference between a safe landing and an uncertain future.
2: They offer more Opportunity! Most horse associations, ASHDA included, offer all sorts of activities for registered horses to take part of! Showing, logging hours, ambassador recognition, spotlighting and more! Even if competition isn't your thing, breed associations are communities that can offer all sorts of connections, friendships and more that you otherwise would not have access to.
3: They are Proof of Ownership. Believe it or not, that piece of paper listing you as the owner will hold up in court! If your horse is registered with an incorporated breed registry, that can sway things in your favour in legal disputes over your horses! Going through divorce, business dissolutions, evictions and other messy situations can put your equine partner's future at risk if you don't have proof that they belong to you! A set of registration papers listing you as the owner are definitely an ace you'll need up your sleeve! This counts for transfers too, if you buy a registered horse, make sure you complete their transfer into your name in a timely manner!
4: They add Value. For many people, horses are a hobby. But, for quite a few of us, horses are a business. Whether you are a breeder, trainer, reseller or whatever else, a horse that has papers almost always has more value than a similar one who doesn't! Buyers like to know what they are getting into, and a set of papers can clear up a lot of questions they might have about a potential buy. In the case of ASHDA, papers won't just tell them the horse's Heritage, but also their registry designation and genetic testing. This is very valuable information for buyers looking to fit a specific need, whether within the breed or as a first time buyer!
And, always remember, if you are buying a registered horse, ask to see their papers as proof! Some registries are worth more than others, so do your research. There are incorporated registries, like ASHDA, and then there are private businesses masquerading as legitimate breed associations just out to make a quick buck. Always double check to see if a horse has papers with a real registry, and not a shady money grabber.
As always, in the case of the Sugarbush Harlequin Draft, if it's not ASHDA, it's probably not the real thing!