Seaside Canine Training

Seaside Canine Training Private, fully customizable in home dog training that teaches not only the dog but the human too!

Hiii everyone! I know I am constantly apologizing for the lack of posting here but summertime is my busy time with work ...

Hiii everyone! I know I am constantly apologizing for the lack of posting here but summertime is my busy time with work and thankfully this summer I’ve been slammed🙌🏻 I promise I’m going to get back into posting and keeping you all updated with all the sweet pups I’m training!

To kick things off…sweet boy Tucker was here for the past several days for a board and train! We worked on impulse control, socialization and proper social cues with other dogs, and working through stress with healthy and appropriate coping mechanisms. In a very short amount of time Tucker was able to make huge progress! He was a good reminder for myself as a trainer to sloooowwww things down. It’s super easy to get in a rhythm of training where you are trying to do so much in the most timely manner but it was nice to have Tucker here to remind me to go at his pace not mine. Baby steps and not moving to the next skill until he was fully ready. By doing it this way, we create a more positive and successful training environment for you and the dog which is always going to be more beneficial in the long run. Tucker really impressed me with how much he challenged himself to step outside his comfort zone and trust me and my training. Go Tucker go!🙌🏻🤍🐾

Everyone please say good morning to Junie! She is a four month old Australian labradoodle who spent 4 days with me doing...

Everyone please say good morning to Junie! She is a four month old Australian labradoodle who spent 4 days with me doing a board and train in my house this past week. She impressed me with all her progress she made in such a short time with it being the first time she had done any type of formal training. We learned 12 new commands, worked on kennel training, working on manners like jumping and mouthing, and overall her confidence increased significantly around other dogs and people! Seeing a dog’s confidence improve may be one of my favorite aspects of doing board and trains. It’s so fun to watch them go from an overwhelmed, nervous dog around my dogs and Josie to a dog who is relaxed and constantly wanting to play! It makes the formal training much easier and more fun when a dog wants to be here. I can’t wait to continue to watch Junie grow, learn, and overcome all new distractions and environments of life!🐾🤍

Happy Monday Seaside fam from yours truly, Baby! Baby is a 1.5 year old corgi who initially had a rough start in life. W...

Happy Monday Seaside fam from yours truly, Baby! Baby is a 1.5 year old corgi who initially had a rough start in life. When she was just several months old, her owner passed away in their home. Her owner’s son and wife took Baby in as their own along side their two other dogs. They weren’t planning on having a third dog much less a corgi but life can be unpredictable and we (dogs and humans) have to be resilient at times. Fast forward to present day, Baby has had some issues knowing her role among their pack. She resource guards, she tends to bully her brother, and she can be quite the ✨drama queen✨ if she doesn’t get her way. Things have progressively gotten worse and her parents knew it was time to get help when they found out they are expecting a (human) baby!!🙌🏻 So we’ve been working on boundaries and new commands as well as working on Baby’s resource guarding. She has already made a ton of progress in such a short amount of time!! Go Baby go!🤍🐾

Time sure does fly! Bo did his first board and train with me when he was five months old and guess how old he is now! 3!...

Time sure does fly! Bo did his first board and train with me when he was five months old and guess how old he is now! 3!!! He has been with me the past few days to get a refresher course on manners, impulse control, and commands. Sometimes it amazes me how well dogs can retain skills even if those skills/commands aren’t being practiced a lot. It was like he walked in and remembered exactly what he is supposed to do with me at my house! I am honored at the fact my clients feel like they can still call me at in point in a dog’s life to get a little help. It’s been so fun spending time with him again and seeing how much he has grown! *I promise Bo has not lost his ears forever - he just loses them any time I pull my phone out to take a picture*😆🐾

3.5 month old, Rio, would like to say good morning to everyone! This sweet boy has started training this week and alread...

3.5 month old, Rio, would like to say good morning to everyone! This sweet boy has started training this week and already has learned so much. We will be doing 3 lessons a week, which works for him because he LOVES to learn! We will be working on basic commands, manners (no nibbling knee caps😆), and how to help him best integrate with his pack (4 other dogs) who are much older than he is. While yes I believe dogs can communicate their needs and boundaries in a pack, I believe we can help manage personalities and temperaments. Rio is going to be extremely large and strong and we don’t want to risk him physically hurting any of his siblings so stepping in now to teach boundaries both mentally and physically is helpful. This sweet boy is going to be a blast to work with and I’m excited to watch him grow and learn!🤍🐾



Local Business Shoutout: Seaside Canine Training! 🏡🐾

At Harpo Properties, we believe a happy home is one filled with love, laughter, and of course, well-trained dogs! 🐶 That's why we're excited to spotlight a fantastic local business that has made a world of difference for us, personally!

Show some love to Caroline and Seaside Canine Training for their amazing work and give them a follow on IG for more info:

As a team, we not only help you find your dream home, we also support the furry friends that make it complete. Our passion and love of dogs doesn't stop there! With every home we sell, we sponsor a dog in a shelter through our "Get a Home, Give a Home" sponsorship program to honor Harpo's Legacy.

Goood morning Seaside! I’ve been so busy this summer already with new doggies, past clients, and a lottttt of board and ...

Goood morning Seaside! I’ve been so busy this summer already with new doggies, past clients, and a lottttt of board and trains!🙌🏻 I am here to introduce Allie to the family. She is an 11 month old Shih Tzu and this is her first time going through formal training. We will be working on introducing basic commands, leash handling skills, confidence and impulse control. Allie was very hesitant and nervous with me our first lesson. She wasn’t sure what I was trying to get her to do, why I had her on a leash, and why I wouldn’t give her the treat for free😂 Our first lesson we got through 3 commands (which is totally ok!!) because I wanted her to trust me. My style with training dogs and humans is not about force but about trust and respect. When we start to force things, things start to break down in ways we don’t want (communication, motivation, consistency, etc). So that first lesson we went slow and steady. Yesterday was our second lesson and we got through 6 new commands and she was a rockstar y’all! We will continue to learn new commands as we start progressing into impulse control and neutrality training in the next few weeks. I’m excited to watch this sweet girl’s improvements!🙌🏻🐾

Happy Monday to the Seaside Fam! This morning, Cooper, would like to say hi as well!😍 Cooper is a golden retriever/berne...

Happy Monday to the Seaside Fam! This morning, Cooper, would like to say hi as well!😍 Cooper is a golden retriever/bernese mountain dog mix that his mama rescued a few months ago. Y’all let me tell you…Cooper is so wicked smart! He LOVES learning new skills and blew me out of the water with how fast he picks up commands verbally. We’ve been working on his de-escalation skills as a result of his drive for physical and mental stimulation. He reminds me of my friends who tell me they struggle with doing nothing…y’all I don’t know about you but I can sit and read/knit for hours and not feel one ounce of guilt🤪😆 Cooper is the same of my friends…his body can be so tired and he lays down to sleep but then pops right back up and has to move around. FOMO (fear of missing out) can also play a big factor into these behaviors. It’s important we teach our dogs to be chill and know how to lay down and sleep. Just like humans, it takes practice and skills to be able to turn your brain and body off especially when we start adding distractions in the mix. As dog parents, we aim to find the perfect balance of physical AND mental stimulation to get good sleep for our dogs. If we don’t intervene and teach high drive dogs these skills, you’re essentially creating a dog who is constantly needing “more” and has the endurance of a marathoner😅. Cooper is still so young we help reinforce these skills by using the kennel and the leash inside! This sweet boy will be a relaxed, chill with his mom taking him to all the fun places in no time🐾🤍

They say “three is a paw-tay!🐾🎉” or something like that!🤪 Everyone please say hello to Rue (left), Gracie (middle), and ...

They say “three is a paw-tay!🐾🎉” or something like that!🤪 Everyone please say hello to Rue (left), Gracie (middle), and Porter (left). These three are the most fun to work with because all three of them have such big personalities which strongly defer from one another. I’ve been working with them now for several months as their moms moved in together and wanted a smooth transition. Their moms have been challenged as dog parents to learn each other their strengths and weaknesses to best communicate with each dog. It’s not always an easy task being able to switch parenting styles on the spot. The whole family has come SO far with their training and expectations for what success looks like. That also includes giving yourself (yes you the human) some grace!! Life throws some tough curve balls at us and I’m here to remind you that your dog isn’t holding a grudge, they will always love you unconditionally, and they are WAY more adaptable than we give them credit for. So on this Thursday morning let’s all remind ourselves to shake off any guilt we feel with our dogs and know we are doing our best for the season of life we are in! YOUR DOG LOVES YOU NO MATTER WHAT I PROMISE!😁🤍🐾

Everyone I would like to introduce you to Ollie! He is an English cream golden retriever who loves to explore, sleep, an...

Everyone I would like to introduce you to Ollie! He is an English cream golden retriever who loves to explore, sleep, and learn😍 Ollie and I have been working during a few lessons on manners, basic obedience, and confidence skills. It’s so interesting learning every puppy’s personality and temperament. Ollie here is pretttty confident with people but not super confident when it comes to other dogs. Sometimes that’s super confusing for the human because we think it should be all the same but in reality in a dog’s world human vs dog components can be 1000% different than the other. We (as humans) have to be the ones who are flexible and adaptable to work with our dogs to increase or decrease confidence in whatever areas of their life as we try and aim for that perfect balance. We will be working with Ollie on building his outside environment confidence as well as dog socialization confidence by doing many different skills. The biggest reminder is to take it slooowwww! Don’t rush the confidence training process especially at such a young age because you’re more than likely to condition a negative association that could last the entirety of the dog’s life. Ollie already has made huge improvements in such a short time!!🐾🤍

Another chocolate baby in the Seaside family!! Everyone please meet Wolf😍 (Jamey I tried the formal spelling but I’m goi...

Another chocolate baby in the Seaside family!! Everyone please meet Wolf😍 (Jamey I tried the formal spelling but I’m going to let you type it below because I couldn’t figure out all the squiggles for the letters😂🙈). Wolf is Odinn’s little brother who I trained in the past. He was here for several days to work on his confidence, social cues from other dogs, basic commands, and manners. This sweet boy improved so much in a short amount of time due to being around other dogs besides his brother. Odinn certainly is teaching him a lot but sometimes it’s good for our dogs to be around other dogs to help reinforce manners and confidence. There was a night and day difference in Wolf’s confidence from the time he got here to the time he left. We will continue to do board and trains throughout his first year of life to help conquer these behaviors while he is in vulnerable development periods. Wolf is a big sweetie who loves kisses and cuddles, so I am definitely not complaining knowing I will be seeing him a lot!🤍🐾

She has been patiently waiting her turn to be in the spotlight! The cutest, sweetest, most tiniest pug puppy…everyone pl...

She has been patiently waiting her turn to be in the spotlight! The cutest, sweetest, most tiniest pug puppy…everyone please meet Stella! Stella is Phoebe’s little sister who I also train and the two of them could not be sweeter together. Stella begins her training with confidence boosting skills, restraint training, manners, potty training, kennel training, basic commands, and much much more! She is so intelligent and taking on her new world with kisses and cuddles. Stella, Phoebe, (plus Luna) and their parents have grown to be such special friends to my family and I couldn’t be more thrilled that I get to be apart of helping train another pup for them!🤍

Reese would like to say hello to everyone this evening! This sweet girl is a 5 month chocolate lab who has a fun and spu...

Reese would like to say hello to everyone this evening! This sweet girl is a 5 month chocolate lab who has a fun and spunky personality. She LOVES to learn and absolutely crushed her first lesson. She is learning her basic commands, manners, and starting to build the foundation of impulse control. Her mama has done an amazing job thus far with all her training! I am really excited to see how far Reese can take her skills because I know she is set for greatness!🤍🐾

Can you guess this breed?! Darcy is a Sussex Spaniel. One may go through their entire life never seeing a Sussex Spaniel...

Can you guess this breed?! Darcy is a Sussex Spaniel. One may go through their entire life never seeing a Sussex Spaniel because they are a rare breed, but I have the privilege to help train one. I’ve been working with Darcy since January on basic puppy training and now she has done a 3 day board and train to refine a few behaviors. She has a fun, sweet personality that has made training so much fun! If you ever see Darcy out and about in town make sure you stop and say hi!🤍🐾

This morning it is my pleasure to introduce Hattie! This sweet girl is a full blooded Black Mouth Cur😍 She started train...

This morning it is my pleasure to introduce Hattie! This sweet girl is a full blooded Black Mouth Cur😍 She started training with me several weeks ago and has made so much progress! Her parents wanted help refining her impulse control (barking at the front gate/people at the door), have more consistent control when they are visiting their kids, and maintain obedience as they travel back and forth between their beach home and mountain home. Leash walking in the downtown area (helloooo big distractions) is something we are also working on. Hattie is a big dog who has a loud bark, but after seeing her around unfamiliar distractions we’ve found that her confidence is lacking in those moments. This nervousness often times results in our dogs “over compensating” and making big emotional decisions like jumping/lunging, barking, planting, and more especially on a leash. We want to help them feel safe and secure while on a leash so they don’t have to constantly live in the fight or flight mindset😮‍💨. Hattie will also start ecollar training to help her parents consistency, accountability, and control. The ecollar will also help decrease Hattie’s nerves, give her more freedom, and encourage better stress coping skills. I am excited to continue to be apart of Hattie’s success and see everything she has and will learn in this process!🤍🐾

Cutie patootie Koda would like to introduce herself! She is a nine year old American Bulldog who lives a perfect princes...

Cutie patootie Koda would like to introduce herself! She is a nine year old American Bulldog who lives a perfect princess life (as she should!) in town. Her mom acquired her later in Koda’s life and has been a great companion for her. The main issue we are working on with Koda is her leash walking skills. She has pulled over her mom a couple times on walks because she is so incredible strong and determined even at nine years old. We’ve had two lessons already working on leash handling skills and getting Koda sized properly for the right equipment. We have already seen such a change in Koda’s behavior now by having more control and better communication through the leash. Koda and her mom will be walking like professionals very soon!😍🐾🤍

Bean would like to say good morning to everyone on this rainy, cold day! She is a one year old Jack Russel who hasn’t ha...

Bean would like to say good morning to everyone on this rainy, cold day! She is a one year old Jack Russel who hasn’t had any formal training prior to meeting me. She lives on a beautiful property out in Kelly, NC (hence the invisible fence collar) and loves running, chasing, and exploring scents of the critters in her yard. Bean has started training to work mostly on her manners. She gets super excited and full of adrenaline but she doesn’t know how to properly handle those big emotions in appropriate ways. We are going to be teaching her some basic commands, working on impulse control, learning better coping mechanisms all while keeping her fun loving personality! Sweet Bean will be rocking her training and her parents will be seeing progress in no time!🐾🤍

These two besties!😍 Let me tell you all the ways Josie is a training tool for your dog while they stay for a board and t...

These two besties!😍 Let me tell you all the ways Josie is a training tool for your dog while they stay for a board and train…her fast (running) movements, her squealing, her princess dresses with poofy skirts, her poofy hair (🙃🫠), her trying to walk them on a leash, her trying to have a tea party with them, the snacks and left over peanut butter on her face, and the fact she loves and hugs on every single dog that comes through the house telling me that they are “her doggie”. I am forever thankful for dogs who welcome new dogs every week in and out of our home, but I’m even more thankful for a daughter who loves every single client dog as well!😍❤️

A golden puppy and a day celebrating love, what could be better?!😍❤️ I would like to formally introduce Lucas to the tra...

A golden puppy and a day celebrating love, what could be better?!😍❤️ I would like to formally introduce Lucas to the training family. Lucas has begun his assistance dog certification journey this week kicking it off with a board and train. It is important to start service dog’s training as early as possible. Luckily Lucas has a phenomenal breeder, , who started his training literally on the first day he was born. Lucas is here this week to get potty training, kennel training, desensitization, basic commands, and sensory exposure intervention rocking and rolling pretty consistently. I will be working with his family very closely and consistently over the next year to train Lucas for disability tasks, public access training, and one day pass final certification. After day 3, Lucas is already off to a great start!🐾🤍🙌🏻

Up next is Seamus!😍 This sweet springer spaniel has started training with me in the last week. He has had formal trainin...

Up next is Seamus!😍 This sweet springer spaniel has started training with me in the last week. He has had formal training prior to working with me but has had some trouble applying his skills to his own home life environment as well as advancing his basic skills and applying impulse control. We will be working specifically on his greetings, stress coping mechanisms, holding out commands longer, and building confidence! He is so intelligent and eager to learn more. Seamus and his mom will be showing off to all their friends and neighbors very shortly!😆🤍🐾

It’s only February and I’m already behind on posting dogs🙈 I have been so so busy with business and I couldn’t do this w...

It’s only February and I’m already behind on posting dogs🙈 I have been so so busy with business and I couldn’t do this without yall! Thank you for all the reviews, referrals, and engagement on social media!

Tess said “ok now it’s my turn to talk!”😍 This is Tess, a four month Irish Setter. She has joined the seaside family to learn her basic commands, manners, kennel training, and potty training. She has a fun, spunky personality who loves to be challenged mentally and she lovesss to play! Her mom and I will be working to make sure Tess is minding her manners around people of all ages and make sure she isn’t eating anything she isn’t supposed to. She girl is excited for her training and becoming the best pup she can be!🤍🐾

Meet Athena (left) and Nausicaa (right) who both have started their training! They are 7 month old Pomeranian sisters wh...

Meet Athena (left) and Nausicaa (right) who both have started their training! They are 7 month old Pomeranian sisters who are going to be learning manners, boundary control, and potty training. They live with two older siblings who are also Pomeranians so it will be important for them to learn appropriate “pack cues” and manners. Although they are sisters, they each have such fun, unique personalities that will be cater our training to. Fun fact: they know French commands because both of their parents are from France and fluent in the language! Also fun fact: they will be bilingual because I cannot pronounce any of their French commands so they will be learning some English commands as well!🤪😆🐾

Mila is ready to make her debut here to all the puppy loving people!! This sweet girl is almost two years old and is a s...

Mila is ready to make her debut here to all the puppy loving people!! This sweet girl is almost two years old and is a standard poodle (even if she is a little small!). Her mom has already started a great foundation of basic commands so we will be working on impulse control, confidence building skills, and leash walking. Mila tends to get pretty overstimulated when she is near distractions and prefers to be in the comfort of her own home with her own people. Her mom would love to be able to take her to dog friendly places where Mila is actually enjoying herself not anxiously waiting to leave. This is where I will remind everyone that not every dog LOVES public places and guess what…that’s okay!!! Yes you can work on building those skills and mindset for your dog but I do fully believe every dog has their threshold for what they can handle. Just because you want your dog to go places with you does not mean your dog wants to go places with you😱 *Please re-read that sentence one more time for good measure* We will be working with Mila in a non distracting environment first and we will move at her pace and success to when we start SLOWLY adding in more and more distractions. I can tell her mama will put in the work and stick to the training plan to find the results she wants to see! I’m excited to watch them both grow and learn so much throughout this process!🐾🤍

Enzo wants to tell everyone “happy Friday!!”😍 Enzo has a great temperament and personality at 13 weeks old. He loves att...

Enzo wants to tell everyone “happy Friday!!”😍 Enzo has a great temperament and personality at 13 weeks old. He loves attention and getting to play with friends. We’ve introduced several commands, started to communicate expectations, and started working on the puppy manner. He is crushing it! He is still warming up to the idea of school…he prefers to try and take a nap instead😆 I am so excited to watch Enzo grow and learn! He has such an incredible family who is going to making him into the best dog he can be!🤍🐾

First introduction of the new year…everyone please say hi to Britches! This sweet boy is staying with me for eleven days...

First introduction of the new year…everyone please say hi to Britches! This sweet boy is staying with me for eleven days to learn all the fun puppy essentials! We are working on potty training, basic commands, manners, impulse control and more. He has already settled in so nicely with my crowd and loves having a four year old human to chase and play with. I’ve seen his confidence grow so much in one day so I am excited to see how he will be by the end of this training time. Let’s go Britches!!!🙌🏻🙌🏻🤍🤍🐾

Bauer would like to show off how cute she is to everyone!😍 This sweet girl already has a great foundation of obedience b...

Bauer would like to show off how cute she is to everyone!😍 This sweet girl already has a great foundation of obedience but her mama reached out to me to help refine some behaviors in the home. Bauer is another great example of the struggle of generalization in dogs. She did fantastic with her training inside a training facility but when it came to applying that information at home she struggled. With a little mix of what I call “performance training”, where the dog only does what is told because you’re holding a treat and the dog gets to show up, and inconsistent boundaries we will be pushing her to the next level in training. The follow through is the most important part of the process! To make sure your dog can do what is told to him/her whenever, wherever, and however is the top tier of training! I always encourage my clients to not become lazy and stop in an earlier phase (think about luring, targeting, and verbal stages) because somewhere down the road you will of wished you had gone all the way through the process from the beginning. You can do it! Bauer will be soon enough!🤍

The way all three of them are smiling😍🤍

The way all three of them are smiling😍🤍

This little sweet girl is Bunny and she has started her training with Seaside Canine! She is a baby Yorkie working on ma...

This little sweet girl is Bunny and she has started her training with Seaside Canine! She is a baby Yorkie working on manners, basic commands, potty training, desensitization training and much more! She is sassy, sweet, so stinking smart and loves to use her nose anywhere and everywhere she can. Bunny has already learned so much in the short few weeks we’ve been working together and I’m excited to be along side of her as she continues to learn more!🤍🐾

Simba (left) and Happy (right) are both officially members of the Seaside Canine family!🤍 We’ve been doing training toge...

Simba (left) and Happy (right) are both officially members of the Seaside Canine family!🤍 We’ve been doing training together for several weeks now and it’s been so fun watching them make so much progress. It’s always fun working with two dogs in a family because a lot of the time the two dogs couldn’t be more opposite in temperament, motivation, sensitivity levels, and more. It takes time to learn each dog’s personality and determine what training style will work best for each specific dog. These two are so different yet they are bonded and blended so well in their family. We’ve been working on basic commands, manners, leash walking and we have started dipping our toes into impulse control skills now as well! They are learning so much every week! The two sweetest boys you’ll meet that’s for sure🐾🙌🏻😍


Wilmington, NC


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