Hi everyone. It's been a while since I've posted so I thought I would give you all an update. I'm going to be 8 years old in a couple of months and for middle age (with FeLV), I think I'm doing pretty well. I make my rounds all the time making sure nobody moved anything in the house, I watch the lizards and birds on the deck, and chase the occasional bug in the house or tree frog on the outside of the windows. I'm not sure what happened to the "no fear" thing that I had when I was younger but I am now afraid of EVERYTHING! That lady here seems to think my eyesight is getting worse. I have one eye that won't dilate and hasn't for years and she seems to think the other one isn't working right either. I jump and hit at things that she says aren't there, I have really, really bad dreams and wake up so frightened I either bite my own tail till it hurts or run as fast as I can and hide. Besides that, I'm eating well, watching my weight and I'm happy to say I can still fit into my teenage harness I used to wear when we went outside for walks. I almost forgot I'm really proud that my reflexes are still at top-notch, I managed to scratch all the vets and vet assistants during my last visit for my shots (they only got 1 in me, hehehe). I hope everyone is doing well. I'd love to hear from you all!