2024 momma and babies! 4 mommas.. 20 babies born in nursery.:. Sisters sharing nursing duties… babies hiding .. sick babies and the loss of our precious Cheeto Puff… a lot of late nights.. round the clock feedings and trips to emergency rooms… this is the first year I fostered and of course I was just sponsoring one mother cat, the first mama cat had eight babies, and that was so much work! I obviously would not do that again!! My law office smelled like p**p I had kittens running around. I had a mother cat climb up to a potential client leaking milk on her paperwork …that client, of course, hired my office! 
2025 starts off with four week old kittens, and deciding on what color to paint the nursery! As the babies have been born, we’ve been working around the babies and mommas… contractors have even taken feeding and loving shifts while I traveled!!! I personally support the costs of the care of each momma and babies that come to Cheetos nursery…from formula to vet bills to the enormous amount of litter.. oh the scooping… I bought the Litter Robot which has cut down the scoop/smell/litter!!
People offer to give me money/supplies… please send any thoughtful donations to Ahimsa Haven as they need the donations to help support the shelter and other foster homes.
What I could use your help with is deciding on what color to paint Cheeto puffs nursery?! I mean, do we need to do a pale orange and honor him more?!