Brooklynn Bauer
2013 - November 21, 2024
Brooklynn came into Shawn’s life around the year 2013, he was riding a four-wheeler, and she came up to him, he loved on her, fed her and played with her, and she never left. He decided to keep her and love her as his own puppy dog.
Her favorite things to do was chew on toys, play chase, and cuddle.
Her favorite toy was a plaid reindeer her MawMaw and PopPop got her for Christmas one year, she would only chew it, she never tore it up! She was able to do a few tricks, she could sit, and catch toys and treats if thrown in the air, the best trick she could do was make everyone she came in contact with fall in love with her.
Moms’ favorite memory of her was one day when she was riding her son’s scooter, she chased her and bit her feet, Brooklynn knew mommy wasn’t supposed to be riding his scooter! Her dads’ favorite memories are of her being sassy, she would always huff and sigh if you told her no, or squished her a little too hard while cuddling or hugging her. Kaines favorite memories are of him throwing the frisbee and her catching it, and he could always lay on her anytime, and she didn’t huff about it.
Brooklynn loved to be outside laying in the sun, in the summer it was difficult to get her to come inside, she loved car rides, walks, and cuddles. She was so spoiled, and she got treated like a princess, she always had to have a blanket or a bed to lay on in her kennel, if she didn’t have one you can bet your life on it that she was not going to lay down! She didn’t like baths too much, but every time the water would run over her face, she would drink the water as fast as she could, and it made the best glop glop glop sound!
Brooklynn crossed the Rainbow Bridge on November 21, 2024 at the High Rock Animal Hospital in Rawlings, MD. She is survived by her mom, Cheyanne; Dad, Shawn; little brother, Kaine; 2 little dog sisters, 2 little cat sisters, 2 little guinea pig brothers, and a special cuddle partner, Hunter.
We sure will miss seeing her white and red fur on the floor, furniture, and our black socks! Brooklynn’s fur glitter was everywhere! Kaine will definitely miss cleaning up the toy stuffing laying around, and the squeakers he would collect from all the toys she destroyed!