Wilson, Fairfield’s big brother, is hard at work trying to leave a scent trail for training purposes. Meanwhile Wilson wants you to know he will be starting his own version of a Go Fund Me but calling it Go Feed Me because he is so over worked and this walking thing works up quite an appetite 🤣
Here kitty, kitty…. Searching in Harpswell ❤️
People ask me about the effectiveness of using a lost animal’s collar when searching. So we decided to do some training with a dog collar from a dog not known to Fairfield. He did great!!! ❤️💕 his Newfoundland brothers LOVE training time because they supervise and get a treat whenever Fairfield does even though he does all the work 🤣😂 smart boys ❤️
It was soooo cold and windy this afternoon while training. The wind was what I call “swirly” wind. I hid the small piece of fabric with the scent on top off deck. There were so many things working against him - the swirly wind, I had only tossed the scent so no dragging if it, his brothers were going outside and he loves to herd and play with them so they were potential distractions, the scent was new as I had done several scents, one at a time in this training block, so it was not a repeat and the scent was not out in the back yard as is per usual.
I love watching him - when he stops on the stone stairs and abruptly turns because he catches the scent, the way he puts his nose way up in the air instead of just ground sniffing, and how he problem solves to get where the scent is! I’m so proud of him!!!
And the deck is being replaced in spring so please disregard the mess 😂🤣
I tried to leave video in comments but no luck. Here’s his first run tonight - too fast :)
Doing a practice live search - he did amazing!!! My daughter’s fiancé had their husky and hid and moved around quite a bit making the search more challenging. He found him in under 10 minutes 🙂 My daughter’s narration while filming is so entertaining 😂🤣 great work Fairfield ❤️
Starting new scent - cat 🐈
And a quick one - ❤️💕 looks like he may have caught a little of the scent before he went off the deck just before he ran down the stairs
Got up early this morning to train before work and take advantage of the wild rain and wind so Fairfield can get used to all sorts of conditions when searching. We did quite a few runs and he did excellent in all of them in spite of the conditions. We are both soaked but he is so much fun to work with❤️💕
Fairfield meets the ferret behind the scent of his training - he’s not so sure of this creature
No detective training today but Fairfield is really enjoying a good sniff at the local feed store. ❤️❤️
Searching for ferret scent in the yard of my mother’s house. He hadn’t been in her yard prior and there were tons of deer tracks. He did really well in spite of the distractions. ❤️💕 love how he stays with the found scent until he gets his treat.
Fairfield loves to train. He is pictured here searching for ferret scent (and he’s the cutest boy ever doing it!)