Lil' Talkers Alaskan Klee Kai

Lil' Talkers  Alaskan Klee Kai Focusing on the training and proper care of your Alaskan Klee Kai. Helping homes to find their AKK's full potential, and building lasting bonds.

Breeding for temperament, solid structures, appearances, loving dogs for conformation, sports, and pet homes.


Can we talk for a moment regarding AKC registration for Dog Sports and how to get you and your dog involved?

A bit ago I posted regarding “Why Title A Dog” Did you read that and have a whole new understanding or outlook on why this is a great idea? But do the AKC Sport registration choices leave you confused and frustrated? Do you wish you could register your dog with AKC but think it is impossible because you have a "custom breed" (aka mixed breed/mutt)? You have options! If you are looking to get the most out of the work you have put in, if you want your dog to be recognized for the super athlete he/she is, or if you want the title recognition to show what an amazing team you are... YOU CAN REGISTER YOUR DOG THROUGH THE AKC!!!!!! There are different programs available for you!!!! I will post a little about each listing and a link to where you can find them on the AKC site to learn more about them, they are as follows.

A Breed Fully Recognized by the AKC.
No surprises here, it is just what you would think it is! All the dogs that have been bred from dogs that are already registered and documented through the AKC. These dogs have not only both parent dogs registered, but their litters as well…. So think of it as a “heads Up” to the AKC that these pups should be registering under this type of registration so be on the “look-out” for them. If you can prove the lineage of your dog to be pure and from a breeding pair already registered with the AKC, and their litter has been registered with the AKC, then this is the option for you!

BUT…. Wait! What if you cannot prove any of the above, or what if you have a custom breed? After reading my post regarding “Why Title Your Dog”, you may realize the benefits of titling and want that for your companion dog too! So, what are the options for you? Are there options for you?

YES!!!!! The AKC has 2 other options that will allow you to compete and be recognized for excellence in your sport in most cases! Here are what they are, a little something to explain each…. And a link to the AKC webpages describing and giving more info on each.

1) The Purebred Alternative Listing, or PALS for short. This registration program is used when “There are various reasons why a purebred dog might not be eligible for registration. The dog may be the product of an unregistered litter, or have unregistered parents. The dog’s papers may have been withheld by its breeder or lost by its owner. Sometimes, it is the dog itself that was “lost.” There are dogs enrolled in the PAL program after they have been rescued by new owners from shelters or purebred rescue groups. The PAL program allows the dog and owner a second chance at discovering the rewards of participating in AKC events.” More on this registration can be found using the following link to the AKC page that discusses this registration at:

2) The AKC Canine Partners™ Program. “While only purebreds can join the traditional AKC Purebred Registry or the AKC Purebred Alternative Listing (PAL) programs, the AKC Canine Partners™ Program allows all mixed and hybrid breed dogs of any age (and their humans!) to celebrate, and strengthen, the bond you share. When you enroll your dog, you’ll gain access to a wide range of activities you can take part in together, including most AKC-recognized titles and dog sports”! To find out more about this AKC registration program, please refer to the following link:

Regardless of which AKC program is correct for you and your dog…. They all give an amazing abundance of sports that you and your dog may participate in (see the above links for specific sports information). What a perfect way to create and strengthen the bond between you and your dog while learning some amazing sports and allowing your dog an outlet for all that energy that comes so naturally for them. You can even swipe a few ribbons/awards along the way to show your commitment and the abilities you and your dog have worked so hard to achieve.

I hope this helps take some of the confusion out of these programs for you.

Happy Training,

Kimberly Mix
Lil Talkers Alaskan Klee Kai

The AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health and training information for dogs.


Do the AKC registration choices leave you befuddled? Do you wish you could understand what the different classes are or mean? Were you even aware that there are Classes? Or that only 1 class is truly registerable as an "AKC recognized breed"? (the other 2 are registerable through their own class system but not truly through the AKC as we think when discussing the Fully Recognized breeds. Well, here is a little bit on each. Hopefully the following will help explain and make this just a hair less confusing. I have tried to describe as best I could in both, THIS layman’s terms, and then also added the quote discussing each directly from the AKC website. Let's look at the different classifications of AKC-recognized dogs and what they mean.

Full Recognition Registrations:
This is the typical registrations we think of when we think of the AKC. Purebred dogs, of fully recognized breeds, that come from AKC-registered parents. Examples of these breeds would be Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, Papillion, etc., basically... the breeds we all know.

Miscellaneous Breed Class Registration:
Did you know that not all breeds on the AKC's radar are "fully recognized"? Like much of anything today... there is a process to getting a breed "fully recognized" by the AKC. The process is long and a tedious one, but one that many breeds struggle to get through in hopes of one day, having the fully recognized status. This... the Miscellaneous designation is offered for those breeds who have not only proven their purebred standings, but have gone through the Foundation Stock portion of their journey and are just 1 step (albeit a large step) from the AKC "Full Recognition" level. This group of registries has proven their commitment, not only to their breed, but to the AKC as well through, what sometimes is equal to YEARS, of hard work. Some breeds never make it out of this group as it takes a true commitment and many obstacles to overcome! The AKC defines/explains this class as: "The breeds currently eligible to participate in the Miscellaneous Class are still enrolled in the AKC Foundation Stock Service®. FSS® enrollment is maintained until the AKC Board of Directors accepts the breed for regular status. Authorities acknowledge that throughout the world there are several hundred distinct breeds of purebred dogs, not all of which are AKC-recognized breeds. Those officially recognized for AKC registration appear in the Stud Book of the American Kennel Club. The AKC provides for a regular path of development for a new breed, which may result in that breed’s full recognition and appearance in the official Stud Book as an AKC-recognized breed." Examples of these breeds would include such breeds as: the Yakutian Laika, The Dutch Shepherd, The German Spitz, or the Czechoslovakian Vlcak for example. Breeds we may have heard of, but still have not gained full AKC recognition.

Foundation Stock Service Class Recognition: This is the level that the magic (and the work) in getting AKC fully recognized begins for a breed. This is the class that the AKC has said... You are on our radar, but we are going to continue to watch you to determine your commitment to your breed. The level where the Clubs, their members, as well as the breeders and supporters, all need to come together to make magic occur. Education, club memberships, conformation rings, performance sports.... just everything all meticulously documented and submitted for approval. I call this the "w**d them out" class. Where you find out, do you have the strength and commitment, or are ya just one of the "in" crowd? However, the write-up by the AKC regarding this classification reads: "The AKC provides this service to allow these purebred breeds to continue to develop while providing them with the security of a reliable and reputable avenue to maintain their records. FSS® breeds are not eligible for AKC registration. Most of the FSS breeds are approved to compete in AKC Companion Events. Contact information is available for a majority of the Foundation Stock Service® breeds.

So, there you have them in a nutshell.... both directly from the AKC website and from this layman's viewpoint. Hope this makes things a tad clearer as to what each classification means. (I know, now it is clear as mud, right?! 🤣🤣)

Happy Training,

Kimberly Mix
Lil' Talkers Alaskan Klee Kai

Some will notice some changes being made to this page. There have been some amazing announcements on my Lil Talkers Grou...

Some will notice some changes being made to this page. There have been some amazing announcements on my Lil Talkers Group page, not the least of which being.... I have entered into a mentored breeding program. 🥳🥳🥳 I am sooooo excited as I take the next step in my journey!

What does it mean for this page? You will continue to find the same, loving, force free training advice/instruction as well as the ability to evaluate and certify your puppy/dog thru the AKC Home Programs... but with a twist as in the coming years as I will also be sharing bits and pieces of my journey until.... the perfect pups for your home will be offered to approved, highly checked out, pet homes. Yes, only homes perfect for that pup, would be considered. It is, after all, all about the dogs and what they need. But that is quite a ways away, first there is sooooo much learning for me to do! A new adventure awaits. Until then, I encourage you to follow us thru the training advice, thru working with those amazing dogs you may already have so that, when the time comes, you too are prepared for that most amazing dog!

I have carefully considered and aligned myself with so many of the most ethical and responsible breeders, I am in my glory that they have agreed to mentor me! My end goal is to not only be able to bring you the best dogs, but to make these amazing mentors, as well as you, proud of what I accomplish. It truly is a going to be an adventure, and I am so happy to have you all along for the ride. Remember, sometimes it takes a village to raise a responsible, ethical and moral breeder....

Kimberly Mix


I have started the "Lil' Talkers" facebook group! Invites will be going out shortly. It is a "Private" group.... so for the latest and greatest on what is going on with the kennel, keep your eye out for an invite! (Also, website is still under construction but being worked on)


Can we talk the benefits of creating a GREAT bond between you and your dog for a moment? How do we get that amazing bond that lasts a lifetime while building drive to work for you as well as confidence for the dog individually? What are some things you have tried to get that amazing bond? (*hint... it does not always come on its own, it does have to be worked at)

Congratulations Meria on your SPOT-ON Title!!!! This "Lil' Talker" has come so far out of her shell over the last 6 mont...

Congratulations Meria on your SPOT-ON Title!!!! This "Lil' Talker" has come so far out of her shell over the last 6 months! Showing just "part" of what she can achieve! This truly makes my heart sing!


CONGRATS to Kay Kretzschmar and Tikanni for winning "Best Veteran in Specialty" at the UKC Premier Dog Show on Wednesday (06/12/2024)!!!! I don't have the photos yet... but you gals did amazing! I am so proud of you both!

How many have been thinking about getting their "Fit Dog" programs going? Now is the time! Especially for our double coa...

How many have been thinking about getting their "Fit Dog" programs going? Now is the time! Especially for our double coated dogs, before the summer swelter sets in! Reach out to me if you would like a program to join... I can help with this!


If anyone is looking to do "Virtual" category B or C walks for AKC FitDog titles thru an evaluator, let me know... I can put you in touch with someone! ;)


Please remember, this is a "Public Page"... so please keep that in mind when posting photo's... especially my AKK peeps. For me, personally, I am working with someone to create a watermark for all photo's I post. It is not full proof but.... is a good deterrent if the idea of your photos being swiped bothers you.


WARNING: This is a brand new page with the purposes outlined below. It is growing and while public.... the majority of those invited at this point (you chosen few) are mostly Pet Homes within my community as it were. You will get to see the growing pains of the group as it develops (eventually there is also going to be a "group" page and a website as well).... but for now... just a great sharing place as well as a place to share achievements and maybe, just maybe, pick up a few achievements along the way.

Do you know where the term "Positive Reinforcement" actually comes from? Are you confused when running into people like ...

Do you know where the term "Positive Reinforcement" actually comes from? Are you confused when running into people like me that say they are not a 100% positive reinforcement trainer and want to RUN the opposite direction?! LOL
While, yes, I do most of my training in a positive reinforcement manor, it is not all that I use... and probably not all you use either. Positive Reinforcement is part of the theories brought out by B. F. Skinner of "Operant Conditioning" There are actually 4 parts to this. Positive Reinforcement (which most people are used to the term but do not realize they use other parts as well) Negative Reinforcement, Positive Punishment, and Negative punishment. WOW! Punishment sounds AWFUL doesn't it?! Well, it really is not. You see, Reinforcement only means you "ENCOURAGING" a behavior, and thus "punishment" is the term used for "STOPING" a behavior. There is no good or bad in it... just wanting to make the behavior continue or stop... depending on the behavior. And positive vs negative is simply if you are "giving" something to the animal or "negative" which would be to take something away from the animal.
These terms can get confusing to some. I mean the idea of "Positive Punishment"?! How can a punishment be positive?! It just means you are "giving" something to "Stop" a behavior. So, for example.... training collars... regardless if on shock or vibrate mode, would be an example of positive punishment. If you are using an E-collar for something like... I dunno... to stop a bad barking habits let's say....You are "giving" something... (in this case a vibration or small shock to "Stop" or "deter" a behavior).... make a little more sense now?
And thus... here is your PSA for the day...LOL

Join us for this unique international collaboration between Barking Brains and Agility University, as we explore the intersection of sports, behavior, and neuroscience in a working team camp. Registrationis now open! Join us at For Your K9 (Elmhurst, IL) on July 19-20-21, 2024! By having a deeper un...


PLEASE feel free to share the accomplishments of your dog! Seeing what others can do is sometimes helpful to those that may be contemplating, but need that confidence boost. And learning, showing, and celebrating those accomplishments is FUN! Feel free to share your own experiences! And do not forget to share the page!


Why the name: Tristan's Kennels?

As many know, my name is NOT My name is Kimberly. So where does the name come from, and why am I using it in my kennel name?
Tristan, some may know, was a character in the movie "Legends of the Fall". He was a "free Spirit", he lived as he saw fit. It was not always a perfect life but he held true to himself and what he believed in, and always did what he believed to be right regardless of the thoughts of others. He was unapologetic and accepted consequences when he earned them. For those who know me... does this not sound "familiar"? Known for his blunt and straightforward way of doing things, he became endeared by many. I believe MY storyline has run parallel to this character, and I show the same strengths. The classification part of my Kennel name is quite obvious to anyone who has one of these amazing Alaskan Klee Kai dogs. True to the Alaskan Husky heritage, most are little talkers! For those that do not know.... Huskies tend to howl, and talk (aroooorooorooo), this smaller, related breed also exhibits this behavior. They can be very vocal! And finally, since I wanted to start a kennel, what better name for it? Figured I had better "scoop" up the name while it had yet to be played on! And thus, Tristan's Kennels: Home of the "Lil' Talkers" Alaskan Klee Kai" was born.


Oak Creek



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