Please continue to keep my dear friend and fellow breeder who lost everything in a fire along with several of her beloved pets. These were her children not just dogs. She is devastated and could use all the prayers. We’ve been praying some dogs got out and just ran away and haven’t been found yet.
Ms Dolly sunbathing. Her favorite thing besides belly rubs!!❤️. I have to keep my eyes on her 100% of the time!!
This girl is unstoppable! She is 100% back to normal! Ms Dolly is so bad🫣😂
Sorry for the late update. We’ve been quite busy this weekend with Ms Dolly. We went and picked her up on Saturday and she’s been doing great. I was afraid she wouldn’t remember me or our busy house would be too overwhelming for her after the surgery. We are having to keep her medicated otherwise she wouldn’t stop all day. She’s wanting to check every in of the house out and meet ALL the dogs but I want to make sure she’s getting the rest that she needs. The surgery ended up costing around $6000 so that was much better than the original quote. She was worth every penny.❤️ Thank you so much for those who donated to the go fund me. You’ll never know how much it means to me.
I love all of my updates but it truly brings the biggest smile on my face seeing these videos. Dolly will always hold a Special place in my heart. She was always the biggest baby and drama queen and nothing has changed. Thank you so much for the video. I needed this laugh today.
Fancy with all her sweet babies❤️. She is so precious.
Dolly is living her absolute best life catching sea foam❤️. How I love this girl.
What’s everyone doing on this 🥵 HOT Saturday!!?? Skylar is just floating in the pool cooling off!! 🌞
Another sweet video of Valerie with her little chubby dapple boy. The blue eyes melt my heart
Valerie seriously is the most precious mama. She always has me one golden egg “aka one puppy”. Lol
She’s being a surrogate mom to three other little puppies. Her little smooth, black and cream Dapple boy is the chubbiest little thing with the prettiest blue eyes.