Please pray for Cheyanne and Mystique!!!
These past three days have been whirlwind of medical care, seizures, and hospital stays.
After donating blood to the Red Cross on Thursday I passed out and fell head first onto concrete flooring, causing a tonic-clonic seizure. Unfortunately I hit the floor directly on my temporal lobe which is where my epilepsy originates, leaving me suspect for increased seizures during my recovery period.
This led to an ER trip to the Chelsea hospital where I had another seizure while waiting in the ER. Imaging and tests showed I have a brain bleed, a concussion, and more deficits.
I was transferred to St. Joe’s in Ann Arbor to be seen under the care of a neurology team, a neurosurgeon, a trauma specialist, and more. My memory, speech, balance, and other features are impaired and delayed as a result.
Days of close monitoring with many more tests have thankfully led to me not needing neurosurgery at this time, but following specific medical instructions and having follow ups with a neurosurgeon once I’m able to leave here.
My next step is planning to get discharged safely soon!