I am thankful for the families who have asked about me. I am thankful for the families who see my photos and videos and hit like. I am thankful for the guardian family I'm with who is training me to learn cool things like 'sit', 'come', and 'leave it.' I'm thankful to be like a fine wine or cheese, aged well and worth it. What are you thankful for?
Did you know we offer a Training Program? Ollie's a bit advanced now, but he started with the foundations - 'come', 'sit', 'leave it', leash, crate, and potty training. Check out our Puppy Training Program page for more info!
Oops! Almost forgot our video! Double the pup, double the fun!
Look who's retiring! Staci is looking for her own forever home.
Shem, Sherman, Scooters, Seth, and Sprout are males looking for their forever home. Check out our website to see pictures, litter lists, and how to reserve a puppy.
We've said it before and we'll say it again (OK, Charles Schultz said it): Happiness is a warm puppy. These little guys are looking for their forever homes. Is it you?
Snippets from our vet check last week. Got questions? Our vet's got answers! Don't worry, we'll plug her clinic on the podcast. :-)
More from our puppy vet check day last week! Still a few puppies remaining from 8 - 16 weeks; everyone is looking for their forever home.
Saturday was puppy pickout day and it was wonderful watching all the families see their future puppies in person and in video. We were thrilled so many puppies found homes! But have you ever wondered what happens a few days before? Introducing our vet. Just videos for now. But she's agreed to podcasts! Woof! Woof!
Nash and Naaman are enjoying the sunshine.
Celebrating all our puppies today! Golden Cavaliers. Golden Cavadoodles. And our newest mama, Marcy, just to name a few. Help us celebrate by sending pics of your grown up pups and/or puppies.